You should look for more knowledge than just watching edited clips.
Biden starts his time at 2:18:30.
I actually have to thank you
@Padawanbater2 if it wasn't for your 30 second edited clip with attached Bernie ad at the end I wouldn't have watched the entire speech Biden gave. And I would not have realized how smart he is. So thank you.
Not only did you mischaracterize what his stance was (the Amendment at the time of that video he opposed). Like how he was in support of a balanced budget, but wasn't of this amendment for many reasons, one of which was that it would hurt programs he cared about. He even made a point of how a PTA group asking for funding vs a industry with a lot of money to donate would be very unfair, same with mental health care, etc.
But then he actually went on to describe how important it is for congress to keep the power of the purse, and how a rouge President in the future could just reappropriate funding and tax money to their pet projects, and how devistating that would be. I wonder why the Republicans tried to insert that into the bill? They have been playing the long game since the 80's and it is a good thing we had people like Biden pushing back on it.
Joe Biden totally predicted what a future President like Trump would try to pull off, imagine if the Republicans would have passed that Amendment, Trump would have the ability to do anything he wanted. On the border and any state he wanted to punish he could have moved funding unchecked if that version of the bill passed.
You should watch/listen to the entire speech he gave and draw your own conclusions and not just act like a baby bird swallowing whatever people chew up and spit in your mouth.