ok so far??


Well-Known Member
Ok folks, i was wondering how my south india x skunk is doin so far?!?!?
She popped up 10 days ago and this is its progress so far..
She's under 3 daylight cfl's with the usual 6500k rating on an 18/6 schedule, in tomato grow bag compost, watered sparingly when the top 1.5" of the soil is dry.... thinking about giving it a 70/30 mix of water and miracle gro or similar in the next wk, gradually building the dose.

Any advice??

How big should i let her get before i repot??

Go steady..



Well-Known Member
looks good i repot when i feel roots when i stick myfinger in the soil to check moisture look at my gallery


Well-Known Member
Here's a couple of more recent pix, there's a whole bunch of new leaves on top of the main stem,grows approx 10cm per day and its really starting to fill out at the sides too..I'm gonna try giving it a real weak solution of sulphate of ammonia to boost the nitrogen levels a bit..I have also added a warm white 2500k cfl to the mix which has seemed to make a difference..Still on 18/6, although i have been considering goin back to 24/0... what do you guys think, leave it or will it benefit from the extra hours???



Active Member
Also, i know it needs repotting sometime soon, will that increase its upward growth??
Hey man, beautifal plant, good size for only 10 days. And regarding upward growth, the leaves look pretty wide, it's probably an indica, and from what I know they don't grow upwards at a high rate, like to stay bushy. But I would think that with more roots that growth should get better.


Active Member
Also, if you didn't know, the plant may go into shock halting growth for a few days after repotting.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i had read that it'll shock it when its replanted, i wanna try n leave the transplant as late as poss, so its established a bit more..


Well-Known Member
wow. that looks big for 10 days. you're gonna have a monster there.
Lol.. not too big i hope.figure on flowering it at around 20" jst hope it doesnt 3x its size, which these apparently can do.
gonna try LST on it, the two main branches are already leaning away from each other so i figured it'd be good to satrt in a week or so..or maybe when its been transplanted into a 6" x 12" pot?? Your thoughts please.


Active Member
Well I would say after you transfer. Just make sure not to wait too long, because if the stems get too thick, they could snap when you are in the process of bending 'em. And as for its size, I didn't think mine would get to much bigger into flowering...boy was I wrong. Went from like 10" to like 2'8".


Well-Known Member
Ha ha yeah i know i could end up with something out of Day of the Triffids, if i leave it too long and although size wouldnt be too much of a problem, i know that lighting certainly will be if it gets too big.


Well-Known Member
yeah i have thought of using hps and i do have a reflector n ballast setup, just no bulb, but i figured i'd give cfl a whirl.. the way i see it is if i eventually use 6x 20w cfls i still get a rough equivalent to 600w, whilst only using an actual 120w, gotta try n keep those electrickery bills low if poss..also growth speed isnt too important to me.
i figure on using 2 in my reflector at the canopy,and distributing the other around the main body of the plant, thus Hopefully giving a consistent light level to the whole plant.
which,fingers x'd will be successful.


Active Member
Well, sounds like a good set-up. And I thought say an 250watt HPS only cost like 12 bucks a month to run?


Well-Known Member
Well, sounds like a good set-up. And I thought say an 250watt HPS only cost like 12 bucks a month to run?
Ha Ha Are you trying to say i'm CHEAP!!!! lol. you'd prolly be right, just ask my missus..
its also a matter of heat n venting etc, which i dont really have to worry about with the current setup. Like i say this is just fooling around n seein what works for me.


Active Member
lol, nah, just didnt want to find out i was paying alot more then I thought I was each month. Well I grew stuff with flourescents and I have to agree, its much simpler as you said regarding heat, space, etc... You should try starting a grow journal if you are bored. If you start one private message me a link, I gotta be hitting the bed.


Well-Known Member
ok, so here there's the kerala, now transplanted into a much larger pot..
It doesnt seem to have been hassled by the transplant, no signs of shock other than droopy leaves for a coupla hours and then it was fine,and has infact grown its regular 10cm ish each day.....
Altho i have noticed 2 leaves have yellowed edged, one is a new growth and the other is around 4 days old, but all other leaves are perfect.. you can see it on marked on the last pic..

Locked nutes???? or maybe in need of some nitrogen???

Your advice please


Well-Known Member
ok folks, so heres the latest..
its Now day 20/21, the repotting went without a hitch or so it seems. i also gave it a shot of epsom salts and some Sulphate of ammonia to boost the magnesium and nitrogen levels.
Here's a coupla pics of the recent growth.
Its generally lookin alot bushier,and is still growing quite vigorously.
There's also a shot of the recent yellow leaf problem..I am still suprised it was contained to only 2 leaves on the same grouping..but anyhoo, there's no more so its all cool.

