Well-Known Member
While it's entirely possible that you inhaled some fumes released by heated plastic, DON'T WORRY!! Don't make a habit of smoking out of plastic, but don't stress yourself out. You definitely didn't inhale enough to cause yourself any permanent damage, and if you think about it you inhale way more toxic stuff driving on the highway or sitting in city traffic.Good sirs, I do believe I was blown out of my mind last night. In fact I woke up buzzed this morning, and am still a bit loopy. While I do realize that I may have been overreacting a bit last night, I do still wonder about the effects of that plastic.
Isn't it concievable that the plastic could have released some fumes upon being heated up - not by direct contact with the flame but by the contact with the hot smoke? And would it not be possible to "overdose" on the plastic fumes? They are apparently toxic, so would it really be all that surprising if, breathed in excess, they were capable of killing you?
The fact that I still feel weird doesn't sit too well with me, but I'm going to assume, unless I die sometime soon, that it's merely an afterglow from being high as fuck last night for the first time in three weeks. At least I can walk in a straight line again. And my eyes, which were bright pink last night, have cleared up.
All in all though this has been a shitty experience and I'll be glad to see its end.
And as for those who think I was/am faking - incorrect. I realize I have no way of proving it but I was most certainly higher than I've ever been last night, and it wasn't fun.
Smoking pot makes you paranoid, and I've seen plenty of people stoned out of their minds convinced they were dying of something or another. When there's even the tiniest bit of legitimacy in this concern (OMG! I totally licked brownie batter with RAW EGGS in it off my finger! My stomach doesn't feel so good! I'm dying!) it seriously compounds the paranoia. Anxiety attacks brought on by smoking pot with a high THC content that's also low in CBD (the cannabinoid that mitigates the feelings of paranoia and anxiety) aren't that uncommon.
I once spent an entire night convinced that the skin was slowly melting off my body. I tried to go to sleep, but when I'd lay down I could feel my skin puddling in the bed around me. I think I probably got up out of bed to go look in the mirror about ten thousand times that night.
I watched a friend of mine pace the floor for what seemed like a solid hour. He later said that he was afraid if he stopped walking, he would stop breathing and his heart would stop.
True stories.