OK I'm freaking the fuck out right now. Come in here and help me.

People have some crazy ass thoughts high. I've never thought I was dying, and I've had some crazy thoughts. Chill, everything's cool. I've smoked out of a bong similar, I'm fine.
And to make matters worse, in the morning, I'm going to be so angry at myself for doing something stupid. But I figure a LOT of people make plastic bottle/pen bongs and none of them seem to be dying, so the minimal amount of plastic I may have inhaled would have been proven in those cases to not be a factor in our health.

I still am quite terrified though.

You are too funny man, just relax you'll be fine.:peace:
you'll be fine m8, wouldnt worry bout the plastic. i'd be more worried about the thc....
wat are you a tard its weed y smoke it if your worried about thc are you stupid?
Smoking plastic is fuckin poisonous y do u think it smokes black and if you have ever lit a plastifork on fire it lets off like weird smoke puffs that look like you could grab them and you cankiss-ass
As of now this is the worst marijuana experience i have ever had. I plan to quit the herb after this is over. This is scary, and I don't like it. I know that I'm just paranoid because of the pot, but I'm convinced that my brain and heart are going out of sync. I fear I may have damaged my brain badly enough to kill me by accidentally breathing plastic fumes. If I survive this, I'm done forever. The pure terror I'm currently experiencing is not what I signed on for. I never want to feel like this again.

Please continue assuring me that I'm going to be alive for my dentist appointment tomorrow.

You think you might die and the only thing you're worried about is missing your dentist appointment tomorrow? :lol: :clap:
i think he's faking.
no way could i be that fucked up and yet maintain such consistently proper spelling and grammar.
So I'm definitely ok, not gonna wake up dead tomorrow? I'm afraid to go to sleep. Would eatin some food help you think?[/QUOTE]

Eatin food would most likely lessen your high, which seems to be what you need so go for it. But how the fuck you gonna wake up dead? Don't be like this guy.

Good sirs, I do believe I was blown out of my mind last night. In fact I woke up buzzed this morning, and am still a bit loopy. While I do realize that I may have been overreacting a bit last night, I do still wonder about the effects of that plastic.

Isn't it concievable that the plastic could have released some fumes upon being heated up - not by direct contact with the flame but by the contact with the hot smoke? And would it not be possible to "overdose" on the plastic fumes? They are apparently toxic, so would it really be all that surprising if, breathed in excess, they were capable of killing you?

The fact that I still feel weird doesn't sit too well with me, but I'm going to assume, unless I die sometime soon, that it's merely an afterglow from being high as fuck last night for the first time in three weeks. At least I can walk in a straight line again. And my eyes, which were bright pink last night, have cleared up.

All in all though this has been a shitty experience and I'll be glad to see its end.

And as for those who think I was/am faking - incorrect. I realize I have no way of proving it but I was most certainly higher than I've ever been last night, and it wasn't fun.
Good sirs, I do believe I was blown out of my mind last night. In fact I woke up buzzed this morning, and am still a bit loopy. While I do realize that I may have been overreacting a bit last night, I do still wonder about the effects of that plastic.

Isn't it concievable that the plastic could have released some fumes upon being heated up - not by direct contact with the flame but by the contact with the hot smoke? And would it not be possible to "overdose" on the plastic fumes? They are apparently toxic, so would it really be all that surprising if, breathed in excess, they were capable of killing you?

The fact that I still feel weird doesn't sit too well with me, but I'm going to assume, unless I die sometime soon, that it's merely an afterglow from being high as fuck last night for the first time in three weeks. At least I can walk in a straight line again. And my eyes, which were bright pink last night, have cleared up.

All in all though this has been a shitty experience and I'll be glad to see its end.

And as for those who think I was/am faking - incorrect. I realize I have no way of proving it but I was most certainly higher than I've ever been last night, and it wasn't fun.

That's cause you fuckin wasted it! :shock::peace::joint:
Quit tripping about the fucking plastic...Dont smoke out of plastic any more... dont even have it around an open flame when you're smoking bud. It's not going to kill you to inhale the amount of plastic you did, and you will not deal with any consequences from inhaling the plastic you DID inhale - so chill out, get a glass piece, and be done with this embarassing moment that I can't believe you jogged back up :lol:
Quit tripping about the fucking plastic...Dont smoke out of plastic any more... dont even have it around an open flame when you're smoking bud. It's not going to kill you to inhale the amount of plastic you did, and you will not deal with any consequences from inhaling the plastic you DID inhale - so chill out, get a glass piece, and be done with this embarassing moment that I can't believe you jogged back up :lol:
Agreed. I've smoked out of plastic a couple times. I'm sure there are thousands of fucking teeny boppers that do it every day of the year, and unfortunately they are still alive.