Oh snap! Famous people you've met thread!

the sham rock elite team, ufc, california kid, edwin, team cadilac, anthony bartinellie brought the belt back from tie land, cadilak held king of the kage heavy wieght for a while also a grower out of sandiego california, diesle, and a few others, i forgoten thier names deigo sanchez, i want to post pics but they took my privlages away i cant post pics anymore i dont know why i havent posted anything bad latley..
I parked Fred Quinns (Herman Munster) car when I was a valet at a fancy restaurant in Connecticut in the 80's. Nice guy and he gave me a 5 dollar tip.
When I was a baby, I was at Lake Tahoe in aRestaurant with my parents. I'm told Nat King Cole was there. My parents talked to him and apparently I was on Nats lap. When I was seven or so, again at Lake Tahoe Ina restaurant, Dan Blocker from Bonanza was there....the Ponderosa ranch was in the area where they filmed. I walked over and got his autograph. I remember him standing up, and the whole restaurant was looking because he was one big motherfucker! Also met the group Fifth Dimension when I was a kid at a concert.
what makes someone famous. Ive met matt from in the midst of lions to me thats something to someone else it wouldnt be fame. still id never count having met some actor or something. they are all void of souls imo
When I was playing football for the university of alabama I was named to the all american team and got to meet president John F kennedy at the white house. Later on after I came back from vietnam I met president Lyndon B. Johnson. I showed him the shrapnel in my butt.
When I was playing football for the university of alabama I was named to the all american team and got to meet president John F kennedy at the white house. Later on after I came back from vietnam I met president Lyndon B. Johnson. I showed him the shrapnel in my butt.
Run Forest Run!!
I've hung out with George Clooney's parents who were very nice people. Nick Clooney is the man.Only other famous person was miss america 2000. Heather Rene french, she was cool, I would run into her at the Town buffet on occasion. My grandfather worked as a piano player in California in the 80's and he met a bunch of famous people. He knew personally Marlon Brando. He also said he had once done lines with Lou Ferregno.
I met Franco from greenhouse seeds. I really like the strain hunter videos so to me he is famous. I was on a plane from Amsterdam to Switzerland and he was sitting across the aisle from me all flight. I really wasn't sure it was him, but finally I asked if he was Franco, and sure enough it was him. I chatted with him a little, got a photo, and then went on my way. He said he was honored to have any fans and was really cool guy.

I also played poker with Don Cheadle in Vegas. I only played about a half an hour with him, and he really didn't say much.
the 2008 minnesota vikings. got daunte culpeppers and randy moss' autograph moss is my favorite player and he didnt seem like a dick but we didnt get to talk at all they were just getting off the plane. george w bush came to my elementary school before his first term he shook the kid next to mes hand, it had to be cause im half black lmao. my mom is friends with nick barnett, got to meet him at a dmx concert in like 6th grade that was awesome.
So I head over to the Whole Foods to grab some food, and who do I see leaving at the same time as me? The Seattle Seahawks QB Russle Wilson. Nice guy, shook my hand. Wished him a happy holiday and good luck this weekend. I didn't wanna be a douche and ask for an autograph while he was leaving tho, oh well.Anyone here meet any famous athletes, actor/actresses? We're they nice, or an asshole to you?
Nice dude. Not sure how famous he is though :DDD Parents were into the real estate gig on the big island in hawaii, and i got to meet one of the ZZ top guys at a house warming party.
I met Paul Newman years ago at a racetrack in Georgia..I do mean a long time ago. He was a super nice guy :D a friend of mine met Rob Zombie, even got invited to the movie preview of Halloween H2O