Oh snap! Famous people you've met thread!


Well-Known Member
So I head over to the Whole Foods to grab some food, and who do I see leaving at the same time as me? The Seattle Seahawks QB Russle Wilson. Nice guy, shook my hand. Wished him a happy holiday and good luck this weekend. I didn't wanna be a douche and ask for an autograph while he was leaving tho, oh well.Anyone here meet any famous athletes, actor/actresses? We're they nice, or an asshole to you?
dick van dikes wife when I was a kid,
bozo the clown
napoleon harris (was on raider don't know where now)
Used to take care of Rkelly's shark tank but never meet him
all of disturbed
I forget names... some dude that played for italy's Olympic team.
ah screw it. What's the point.. there just people. I was in the pool business so meet a lot of rich/famous people. Most pretty down to earth in person. Some just fucking ignorant. You can take the football player out robbins but he's still ghetto as fuck.
Oh and I met one of the Bone Thugs at hempfest a couple years back, can't remember which one tho. Dude was just sitting at a bench all alone, so me and my buddy walked up and roasted one with him.My friend got to go out and meet some Mariners when he was like ten, and Ken Griffy was a total dick.
Oh and I met one of the Bone Thugs at hempfest a couple years back, can't remember which one tho. Dude was just sitting at a bench all alone, so me and my buddy walked up and roasted one with him.My friend got to go out and meet some Mariners when he was like ten, and Ken Griffy was a total dick.
Are you sure it wasn't a random ass person at hempfest? Which bone?
Tom Selleck and that big dude that Snake Pliskin fights in the wrestling ring in the movie escape from new york. I've also seen Tommy Lee Jones in person but I didn't talk to him or anything, the guy is a major dick. He has a ranch not too far from here, I've actually seen him more than once.
She's not famous but I did meet tech n9nes daughter rain at Jewish camp a in 08.. I kicked it at techs house his wife and all three kids were there. No tech though. But there all really nice people, fed me hella good, and they considered me fam.
haha I am 19. I met him at work. Came in to speak for the candidate I was working for
She's not famous but I did meet tech n9nes daughter rain at Jewish camp a in 08.. I kicked it at techs house his wife and all three kids were there. No tech though. But there all really nice people, fed me hella good, and they considered me fam.
I saw a tech nine show once, his daughter was at the show...thought that was odd. He made out with some white bitch on stage, shit was funny as hell.It was Crazy Bone, he was there to do a performance.
I've met more bands than I can name, Sevendust, In This Moment, Flatline, Dave Mustaine, All That Remains, Dusturbed.... it's a long list. Never had any bad experiences at all, smoked down with quite a few of them, not Dave though :(..
producer Rick Rock. hes actually a fam friend. my mom used to babysit him and now she goes to bingo on wednesdays with his mom.
i was in a VIP section in the shrine night club at foxwoods casino is CT. we had a party there for my girls bestfriend. joey fatone from nsync literally tried to kick us out of the spot lol. granted the night was about over, but the dude literally walked into our section and sat down with some other people. we were like "yo nsync........wtf are you doing?" lol
I met packers old QB brett favre at a campground a use to go to with my parents he was there for a raffle or somthing and after that he got drunk with my parents lol
A local anchor when she came our middle school for sole good day Tampa Bay segment...=/My life is so exciting.