yea..canadas health care is sooooo good their health minister flew to florida for heart surgery. YEA IT COVERS ALL OF THEIR PEOPLE..AND ALL OF THEM HAVE SHITTY HEALTH they are all covered.canadas health care system is a butcher shop.
Are you saying we have the best health care in the world? If so, hahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahhahahhahhahahhahgenius idea...lets destroy the best health care system in the world...
I don't think there is any question that the US has more top tier hospitals and top tier doctors and top tier technology than any other country. How many American millionaires do we see choosing to go somewhere else for advanced treatment?Are you saying we have the best health care in the world? If so, hahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahhahahhahhahahhah
I don't think there is any question that the US has more top tier hospitals and top tier doctors and top tier technology than any other country. How many American millionaires do we see choosing to go somewhere else for advanced treatment?
From somebody who's been around the world and worked in the medical field for over 20 years..................I'd say yes, we indeed have the best healthcare in the world. It's hardly a contest. Are we slipping? We are slipping on everything but our healthcare still beats everybody elses. If Obamacare passes it will be the nail in the coffin, so to speak (IMHO). It's ironic that so many people who don't like the government's intrusion in their lives want something that would obviously do so in a major way pass.Unfortunately for you - that wasn't the question duke asked...
Does America have the best health care system or not?
Cant'cha answer a simple question?
I'm not even following the health care programs very closely man, I couldn't say I'm for or against any of them. I just decided a while ago that the assholes in power are going to do what they're going to do regardless of what I have to say about it, so I'm just going to do what I was always planning on doing regardless. I can find ways to go undetected..From somebody who's been around the world and worked in the medical field for over 20 years..................I'd say yes, we indeed have the best healthcare in the world. It's hardly a contest. Are we slipping? We are slipping on everything but our healthcare still beats everybody elses. If Obamacare passes it will be the nail in the coffin, so to speak (IMHO). It's ironic that so many people who don't like the government's intrusion in their lives want something that would obviously do so in a major way pass.![]()
I agree we have a problem with the cost of healthcare in this country. And I agree something has to be done. I just don't want to see the govt. take over healthcare. FDA is a great example of what will happen once govt. takes over healthcare.I'm not even following the health care programs very closely man, I couldn't say I'm for or against any of them. I just decided a while ago that the assholes in power are going to do what they're going to do regardless of what I have to say about it, so I'm just going to do what I was always planning on doing regardless. I can find ways to go undetected..
One thing I do know though is that almost everyone agrees with health care reform and the way we do business in the medical industry is unacceptable. (not to mention the HUGE AMOUNT of hypocrisy coming from the pharmaceutical industry and DC's "official policy" - Don't do drugs! Drugs are bad! - while pumping out the worlds biggest industry of FDA sponsored drugs...)
You conveniently left out a few facts in your rant.
1. It was not Canadas health minister, it was Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams.
2. The guy owns a condo in Florida and lives there part time.
3. The procedure he had done was a new technique developed by CANADIAN DOCTORS at The University of Ottawa Heart Institute IN CANADA.
Apparently Ottawa and Toronto have somehow managed to emerge as leading centres for both the theory and practice of heart surgeryin particular, it seems, the operation Williams neededdespite the horrors of socialized medicine.
Your Right on,,,IMO, Banks and Laweyers should be on trial,,,Instead of Obama. That's why the change took place.Government does not control the economy, its the other way around, and the puppet-masters at the big banking firms have had this planned for a long time IMO. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Those that own the banks now hope that they can swoop in and buy up the nation's infrastructure for pennies on the dollar. This is how they operate. They print money based on nothing but debt at negligible cost to themselves, then charge interest on that debt, interest that is never created by the way, and then when the debt can't be repaid they end up acquiring all the real wealth that's been created. It's a brilliant scheme in its simplicity. They end up with all the real wealth and they risk nothing of any real value. The politicians will all be duped into complicity with this plan except for the very few who truly understand what is happening.[/FONT]
I agree with a "fair Tax" Ideology. I do not agree with abolishing the "government Unions" They were created for a Reson,,Unknown in Today's society IMO,,Maybe some reform. I have Silver,Gold and Guns.OK, let's forget Democrats and Republicans for a change. Let's answer a few questions. What would happen to the economy if:
1. The Capital Gains tax was repealed?
2. The Income tax was repealed and the IRS put out of business?
3. The "Death Tax" was repealed?
4. Our fiat money system was changed so that we had honest money backed by precious metals, either gold, silver, or both?
5. A simple national sales tax, or a simple flat tax was installed to replace the progressive income tax?
6. Government employee unions were abolished?
7. Term limits were instituted for all senators and congressmen, just like we did for the presidency?