The sad thing is, we'll probably never know the truth. We still don't know for sure about the Kennedy assasination. The Warren report was a fixed up job if ever there were.
If a damn commie sniper miraculously shot JFK with an antique rifle from an opposite direction from where JFK was shot...why is our Gov, who would never lie for Geo-political gain, be still withholding information regarding this heinous act of damn commies trying to take away our freedoms because they hate our way of life?????
Kennedy Assassination records scheduled for release in 2017
"In addition, according to Section 5(g)(2)(D) of the Act, all records in the Kennedy Collection will be opened by 2017 unless certified as justifiably closed by the President of the United States."
And again for those who actually know what happened...these are the people who accuse those who question the official report of KNOWING what happened when they are simply QUESTIONING the official story. By claiming to have disproved or "crushed" the very people who do not claim to KNOW but are again simply QUESTIONING...these folks ARE claiming to KNOW what happened...or I guess they are simply buying hook, line and sinker, the very report that the author's admit is inadequate...So why don't you disprove the maker of the film who is offering $1000 dollars?
I know that this is chump change to the weed barons, but why not? It would be at least entertaining...I am sure that they would not pay anyway, but then you could have more ammo other than the cheap ass incomplete 9/11 commission...Which was shorter and cheaper than the "Wham-Bam,Thank you Ma'am which almost got Clinton canned...but for real...our country has never been in more danger...than those few seconds that Bill's eyes were rolled back and his chubby little distraction dribbled on her dress