Well-Known Member
If you mean the now debunked 911 debunk site that TOL put up ... I saw it ... I figure you would rely on something that I showed was debunked back in post 832 ... pretty typical denier bull ... using shit that has already been debunked.I see you ignored post 983. Isn't that typical??
Notice here again folks he comes back with the same bullshit ... telling us what he can do ... but not doing it ... why? Because he's got nothing other than shooting his mouth off. Nothing new here ... move along.I can c/p your conspiracy away easily as well.
Who said it was ... other than you?By the way, not everything has a hidden meaning.
That's right and with the evidence presented 911 appears to be an inside job. At least for those that are willing to see the facts.Some things are just what they appear to be.
... and I have looked at BOTH sides as well and have come down on the side of the obvious. 911 was an inside job. I prefer to follow the evidence and let it lead me to the truth ... that's always worked best for me. Still does.i have looked at BOTH sides and have come down on the side of simplicity.....Occam's razor at work. It's one of the few tried and true ways to garner truth.
No thanks ... I prefer to keep my head out of the sand.You ought to try it sometime....
Oh did I upset the pussyboy? I sorryim not gonna try to convince these radicals anymore. it's like trying to talk to a brick wall.

WTF do you think it is?Does he think he's on TV?
See folks?
WTF is that?
What? ... you don't think folks at home come here to see me make a fool of you? Well they do get use to it.Delusions of grandeur or what?
I understand what you are saying and I'm sure the elite love that we fight ... makes them feel secure ... but 911 change this nation for the worst and all because of some greedy elitists. We would be a traitor to this great country if we did not stand up to defend her against these evil people. It is extremely important that the truth about what happen on 911 comes out. The elite don't what that and as you can see are doing all they can to stop any kind of real investigation. So I feel those that can fight back against this evil must. This is my way ... by presenting the facts about 911 for all to see. Most of the people that are given the facts see the truth and that's a good thing.I was just trying to point out the hate that is generated to pit us against each other. Why feed into it? Words are just words.
Sticks and stones..

Okay folks back to the 911 news ... I have a couple of new video to post ... check it. proof of WTC 7 lie
Some of the deniers are post shit about the paint that was use to coat the steel was what the scientist found that they claim was nano thermite ... here is the rebuttal to that.
More About That Exploding Paint