I rather be a jackass than a dumbass ... you should have pointed out the story was further down the page. But you still are showing a bridge that is made mostly of concrete with steel inside ... no where near the thickness of the steel used in those skyscrapers ... and the whole bridge didn't collapse ... only a section. Like with those buildings you posted collapsing ... it's not the same. They are constructed differently than those skyscapers ...
So wait... so fire DOES or DOES not weaken steel? Did I lose the plot somewhere... or did I throw that out as evidence that in fact fire will weaken HUGE steel beams? I thought so. BTW look at my melted beams next to those men and your beams next to men. Not even a fifth the size of my beams. Quit changing the argument because you don't like being wrong. The question was will fire weaken steel beams.
Obviously the answer is yes.
It took out that section, because the fire was only underneath that section. WTC fires were spread throughout the whole of several floors. That was a SINGLE VEHICLE ACCIDENT.
Congratulations jackass... you are a dumbass.
Folks this is the typical bushwhack response when ever they can't refute the evidence ... they claim the source isn't "credible" or "recognized" ... he can't say why they are not "credible" or "recognized" other than claiming that their some "basements blogging" ... notice since he has no way to refute Mr. Gage ... or any of those high ranking officials I posted that don't buy the "official story" he has to resort to ridicule ... notice the pretty picture? The best argument he can give is to show a guy with a tin hat ... now isn't that special?
I am pretty sure that I clearly demostrated that Mr. Gage is either lying or misleading by stating that the building came down in less than 10 seconds... while trying to suggest that time/rate of descent PROVED that the building fell faster than gravity and must have been demolished.
That IS discrediting sir.
Your hero is either incompetent, or a liar. I mean... wtf? If I proposed something and you found such a painful and fundamental flaw, I would eat sh1t on it.
Like the burning C4 thing. You think that was fun? It is simply honest. Eat your sh1t like a fkucking man.
Nope ... I simply proved that you said what you said ... nothing more.
Now notice here folks how he does that bushwhack spin a round ... keeps stating I'm wrong ... but has offered nothing to prove it. That's how they operate when they can't dispute the facts ... side step ... project own short coming to others ... and the turn around spin.
Ummm... I clearly just disputed the "facts". BTW... do you think you have some sort of fan club you are addressing? In your sad and savage little mind do you imagine people looking to you for wisdom and heralding your posts with cheers of jubilation?
It comes across weird. Just thought I would let you know.
Oh no ... if a plane comes to close to a secure building like the pentagon or the WH jets are called in and in a hurry.
Check it out folks it's standard procedure ...
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Private Plane Flew Too Close To The White House[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]...and as per standard operating procedure:[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The fighters were scrambled from nearby Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland
and they intercepted the plane, escorting it out of the area, she said. [/FONT]Cessna 182 Flew Too Close To The White House[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]...and as per standard operating procedure:[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
At 8:03 p.m., controllers were told that NORAD had scrambled
the two F-16's from the 113th Air Wing at Andrews[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
What do you not understand about restricted airspace? The whitehouse is under restricted airspace... the pentagon is not because it is RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET FROM AN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT.
I don't think I can make this any simpler.
On 911 no aircraft in the United States violated restricted or prohibited airspace.
Bwaa ha ha ha ... folks this is an excellent example of when the bushwhack can't dispute the evidence with evidences of their own they simply claim the messenger is a liar! Bwaa ha ha ha ... doesn't say why they are lairs ... or what part of the 7 min video is a lie ... as you can see in my posts I've asked him several times to explain ... but instead he simply states that they are liars ... wow ... let give him a hand ladies and gentlemen for his brillant debating skills
You do realize that you have done nothing but call me a liar since I entered the thread...
Thieves think everyone steals.
I have said several times that the 10 second nonsense was EITHER a lie, or grossly incompetent. Either way... discredited.
You noticed how the bushwhack will lie ... then say ...no I didn't ... you did ... so what about the PM evidence? You still claim it to be credible? I address that in the 390 post ... the bullshit about Ashcoft was address ... the double talk about the bridge ... NORAD ... I could go on an on but all you folks have to do is check it out for yourselves if you haven't already.
What is PM evidence? I don't know what the 390 post is either. You say Ashcroft was addressed... I have yet to see anything which refutes it. There is no double talk about the bridge. You have no idea how NORAD functions... nor restricted airspace. YES when you enter RESTRICTED airspace jets come say hello. No planes entered restricted airspace on 9/11.
What have I "lied" about? Please, by all means, post a lie of mine. Not a theory, evidence... a lie and demonstrate it as such. Know what that makes you if you can't? Aint irony grand?
Here's another bushwhacked ploy folks ... since he can't dispute any of the evidence he pretends that I can't speak the language ... yeah ... that really proves the information I've provide is wrong
pretty pathetic in his spin attempt ... they follow the same MO ... if they don't have the facts ... make shit up and if that doesn't work ... project their short comings unto the opponet ... side step as much as possible ... you'd seen it in several of his posts ... "I'll answer your question when you answer mine" that sort of thing. It's like when "Bert" in the sitcom "Soap" thought he could make himself invisible and no one could see him ... that's how the bushwhack are. They snap their fingers and pretend that their bullshit is invisible ... but guys ... we can see you ... and your bullshit ... They really believe if they say it enough people will accept it as fact. They figure if corporate media and faux news can do it so can they ... but I keep telling them that don't fly here ... but they just have a problem believing that ... so I simply must keep using them as a clear example of how stupid their mindset can be.
You cannot form a coherent sentence... you have continually made ignorant and incorrect assumptions. I have corrected you on each, and you just keep blasting ahead.
See ... even though the proof is there in the posts ... they pretend it's not ... even though we've all seen it ... they pretend we did not ...
Here again he can't address the facts ... even in one 7 min. video ... he can't do that ... so since he can't he comes back to me and how I can "barely post" ... repeats again how he has address everything even though he hasn't ... then he attacks the messengers as "wing-nuts" ... never tells us why they are or what they said to make them that way ... only that they are ... see how they work folks when they don't have the facts to back them? Just spin, deny, and attack the messengers ... that really all they have ...notice that their leaders do that to on corporate media ...
Deja vu.
For the record... I don't watch tv. You keep trying to bait me into this insulting game... you have been insulting to me since I got here... and yes I eventually called you a jackass... not for your theories... er... other peoples theories that you paste... but because you are acting like a jackass. So let's try this. You try and address the facts, and NOT me, my intellect, or my character and I will do the same. I wonder if you are capable.
Here again folks his focus is on me ... not Gage or the information he presented ... now he believes he can read my mind ... isn't is neat how they do the side stepping ... you know that's what they are going to do ... yet they continue to do it ... Bwaa, ha ha ha ... I love this guy!
I am rather fond of you too. Like a 3 legged dog. I feel both sorry for it and amazed that it can accomplish so much being so severely handicapped.
See back to me again. I'm a "wackjob" ... I have an "attitude and problems with authority" ... that how the bushwhack and their leader operate folks. If you can't dispute the facts ... spin, attack the mesenger, and pretend they won the debate.
deja vu.
I would think it would distress you to have someone young kick your ass with facts and evidence. Perhaps you enjoy things like that ...
You have presented evidence. The "Facts" you have been providing are all incorrect. For instance.
Bullshit ... if any plane ... and I mean any plane deviates from it course jets are scramble in minutes ... never in the history before or after 911 have jet not been scramble when a plane leaves it's fight path.
1. Jets are not called in when a plane goes "off course". Generally nobody on the ground has any idea if anybody is "off course".
Here is a brief explanation. A pilot files a flight plan with the FAA. The plane, as it travels, is not tracked by any single entity. As the plane enters a new "controlled airspace" the pilot changes the frequency on the radio to the new one. The new tower picks up a dot on the radar and squaks it (identifies self and asks for ID in return). That tower has no earthly idea where that plane has come from, what their flight plan is, or where it is supposed to end up. The towers (the only controllers in the entire trip) exist to keep planes from hitting each other, and assign runways if they are landing and taking off. This is not battlestar galactica. There is no dradus. MOST airspace is not picked up on ground. Only airspace surrounding large airports. The effective range of this radar is between 20 and 100 nautical miles.
IF they are unable to raise the pilot, they switch to the bordering frequencies in case the pilot switched over early/late. If that doesn't work they contact the airline to get details and see if they can raise the pilots on navcom. If the plane continues to be unresponsive, unless it threatens other aircraft, they leave it be and schedule traffic around it. If it then begins to behave oddly they FINALLY call NORAD. ATC does not control flight plans... they keep planes from bumping into each other.
That's it. Clear? Great.
Gonna stop saying that crap? Prolly not.
2. Fire weakens steel beams. Period.
3. Cell phones work on planes. They drop a LOT but work.
4. The planes were not at 35,000 ft.
5. House fires vaporize bone.
6. The terrorists names were on the flight manifests.
I have provided documents, links, images, books for all of this except the cell phone thing... but I am tired of doing research you do not read. I give you links and you say "you should have told me to look further down". What is the point of even debating you? It isn't a debate. You throw out BS in 8 mile long posts, you don't read the evidence against your borrowed theories, you are obnoxiously insulting simply because I have a different opinion than you, and you do not recognize when you have been corrected.
Seriously... what is the point?
Ladies and gentlemen it's the famous bushwhack talking point "I can't prove a negative" ... let give the boy another hand 
Prove there are no unicorns. TY.
We have shown you proof ... back on page 19 ... and I believe page 34 I have pictures of the steel beams from the tower with precision cuts ... it's not our problem that you can't comprehend the obvious ...
I thought your wife told you to leave us alone ... bwaa ha ha ha!
Uncle Mike will be on the air soon so I'm going to grab some chow watch a great musical ... "Kiss Me Kate" ... then check out the rest of Uncle Mike on line.
Have a good one people ... some em' if you got em' 
Nothing on 19. Want to know how to shear a 2 ft beam? Drop 500,000,000 pounds of concrete and steel on it against another 500,000,000 pounds of it trying to withstand the impact. Ever seen sheet metal cut? Same thing only bigger.
I will take that last bit of advice... and wish you the same