So far I have only been able to find the question ... when I have the time I'll investigate further ...if nothing can be found this question will have to be retracted.
Oh the list are readily available ... yet you didn't "blindly" copy and paste something readily available to back your bullshit ... I wonder why? Put up or stfu on this one
And what about this?
At Least 7 of the 9/11
Hijackers are Still Alive
So... it is your contention that our intelligence is too stupid to kill the people who are supposed to have died in this phony attack? Seriously? That makes sense to you? Kill 3000+ citizens and ruin our economy... but let the scapegoats run free in morocco or wherever... You really are awesome.
Ok... but this is the last time I do your research for you. Now quit regurgitating the lies you KNOW are false. It is intellectually dishonest. THIS is what a flight manifest looks like.
I have a problem with this question ... I would think people would want to call loved ones ... put the problem is it's impossible to use a cell phone So the big question is if they did make these phone calls how were they able to do so at 35000 feet?
Once again, you have no idea what you are talking about. It is damned near impossible to stay connected for more than a couple of minutes because you pass the towers faster than the service can switch... but they work just fine until the drop. Also, the planes were nowhere near 35k feet. They were flying low in order to obfuscate radar.
Your knowledge? And what evidence do you have to back your knowledge? Of course the flight plan changed! When they deviated to those buildings! Get real

A fligh plan is what pilots file with the FAA before takeoff. The flight plan was not changed mid flight, they simply deviated from the course. Attah didn't radio in a flight plan change.
Shoes ... engine ... purses ... source?
You weren't watching the news live that day I guess.
What complete and total bullshit ... the average house fire is between 800 and 1200 degrees and it takes 1600 degrees to vaporize bone ...
Great... glad we are all on the same page now.
Again you're blowing it out your ass ... those buildings according the Richard Gage and other architects like him state those building were design to withstand what happen. "delicate but heavy object" Bwaa ha ha ha ... bwaa ha ha ha .. The melting point for steel is 2700 degrees! So those fires weren't nearly hot enough ... so much for your bullshit.
For I believe the 3rd time now... the steel does not have to melt, to weaken/bend. When you say steel melts at 2700, you are unaware that you are referring to the melting point of steel... the point when it becomes liquid.
Duh ... it doesn't take much temperature to make someone want to get away from it in a hurry ...
Total bullshit and defies the laws of physics and how those buildings were design.
No you are babbling and blowing it out your ass ...
Yeah ... right ...
Wrong again ... the building only burn from 8:45 to 10:28 according to the
"Official"911 Time linebefore it collapse in it's own footprint in less than 15 sec. which is impossible without help. Skyscrapers like them have burn longer in the pass that still stand and are used today ... go back to around page 17 ... I have a list of buildings that are still standing that burned way longer than those towers. How the hell do you explain that?
Burned ignited by Jet A after suffering the impact of tons?
It's called construction work ... ever seen it? Workers come in do there thing under the guise of "construction work" ... plant the thermanite ... no one is the wiser ... "I wasn't expecting it to fall like that"? ... no ... the law of physics wasn't expecting it to fall like that.
You are pretty stupid with all the facts of the evidence presented to post such ridiculous and stupid comments.
What law would that be? Just curious.
Bwaa ha ha ... steel structures melt everyday? Bullshit! Steel structures are sprayed with fireproofing material! Wrong again ... I have video posted in this thread ... around page 19 or so ... of firemen stating that they heard explosions right before the building collapes ...
So you explain that bridge how? I mean... cmon... I gave you a well documented case. How much twisted melty steel do I have to find before you accept that you have no understanding whatsoever of physics, metalergy, or thermodynamics.
Once again total bullshit ... it has already been established that these building do not collapse in 15 sec with out help ... what part of that can't YOU rap you head ... if you have one ... around the obvious.
The only thing "outlandish" is your bullshit explainations.
So... these buildings fall slower? Sweet. Got a link to a video of one?
oh... thats right... THEY ARE THE ONLY TWO IN HISTORY.
9\11 WTC Demolition - Investigate
Come back when you are better educated so you don't look so stupid. Don't think for one mintue you can come to this thread blowing shit out your ass without being challeged ... and slapped down on many statement ... the neocons may be able to get away with the lies on corporate news ... but you won't be able to here ... that's for damn sure 
I am here to challenge the shit blowing... not the other way around.
Keep skipping the things you cant answer and move on to new ones...
I am still waiting for a rational logistical solution. I notice you skipped that.
Ps... You can be civil. Just because I dont agree with you, and frankly think you are a loon, doesn't mean you have to be nasty.
Like I said. I will try nice as long as it works. Then I am going to hurt your feelings and you will be sad... so try being civil.