Official MMA Thread.


Well-Known Member
GSP is goin to knock that gas sniffin hawian out with a kick to his face...bcuz candains are the best fighters in the world..Take it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
FIGHT! Anybody watching tonight?
Forrest TKO Rashad (everyone will be surprised even rashad)
Wandy KO Rampage
Nog/Mir??????? Mir????

Lister is fighting tonight i saw his weigh-in pic and he is looking cut, hopefully he gets show tonight


Well-Known Member
my picks for Ultimate 2008 - (winners are in bold)

Dan Evensen vs. Pat Barry

Ryo Chonan vs. Brad Blackburn

Matt Hamill vs. Reece Andy

Antoni Hardonk vs. Mike Wessel

UPSET ALERT - Yushin Okami vs. Dean Lister

Cheick Kongo vs. Mustapha Al Turk

UPSET ALERT - Wanderlei Silva vs. Rampage Jackson

UPSET ALERT - CB Dollaway vs. Mike Massenzio

Big Nog vs. Frank Mir

UPSET ALERT - Forrest Griffin vs. Rashad Evans
here were my picks a couple weeks back...we'll see how i fare...


Well-Known Member
there werent really any good odds...

found Lister at +235...pick of the night

evans and griffin were both at -115

Mir was at +300 but i dont think Franks gonna pull it off...

my $0.02


Well-Known Member
watching on delay, let you know in 5-25 minutes, this has been a great card, can t believe Mir, wow


Well-Known Member
MIR LOOKED LIKE A BEAST woooo cant wait till he fucks up lesnar.
Forrest stopped with the leg kicks and ended up fucking himself over
he had all the length in the world, and soon as evans got inside it was over.
rampage trying to keeps his name out theyre, rampage who?


Well-Known Member
MIR LOOKED LIKE A BEAST woooo cant wait till he fucks up lesnar.
Forrest stopped with the leg kicks and ended up fucking himself over
he had all the length in the world, and soon as evans got inside it was over.
rampage trying to keeps his name out theyre, rampage who?

Damn, what a shitty way to loose and win.
Thats sweet that silva won, that dudes a brute.

Ha are you a chick? Or is that your bud maide, cause that would be aesome if that was you and you just knew your shit when it came to cagefighting... Id smoke to that.


Well-Known Member
ohh, i gotchya. ya watched the fights, Nagara must love those jabs, seems its all he does. Dude thinks hes gana jab him out or what?


Well-Known Member
I dont think Nog was expecting that kind of striking from Mir, he couldnt block the rockem sockem uppercuts


Well-Known Member
Ya Mir was on fire with those combos, but im just saying if i was Nog i would have At least whent for SOMETHING, it was frustrating watching him just dance around and take all that rockin.
But shit Rampage vs silva was a intense fight, love that shit.


Well-Known Member
what the fuck was up with forrest's ground game? that shit was fucking horrible, they were talking about him being under rated in the guard. HE GOT WORKED, i couldn't not believe, he let him get that full mount SO QUICK. So frustrated especially after forrest dominated evans in the first 2 rounds, than just stops everything he was doing right and does the complete opposite in the next 2 rounds. Mir was choosing to stand up and fight, which is really out of his own game, BUT HE LOOKED GREAT. and hes gonna have to be able to do that against lesnar. i seriously believe hes gonnna woop lesnars ass, i loved when he said next time hes gonna break it, he could of broke it the first time but the lesnar vs mir fight is definitely gonna be intense, but i do believe ufc is starting to get a little wwf on us with all the drama i think its all a script, the fights are real but the drama is begining to look like jerry springer.