Official MMA Thread.


Well-Known Member
rofl, hes alot better of a fighter than moussasi, hes definetly up theyre in the best bjj "practitioners" i just recognize a good fighter when i see one, doods got talent. bj penn, jacare, and aoki are my favorite fighters.
ummm Moussasi is 24-2-1...with wins over Jacare, Kang (who's beaten Marvin Eastman, Gono, Ninja Rua, Mark Weir, & Semenov) Manhoef (who's beaten Sakuraba, Fabio Silva, & Crosley Gracie) & Cyborg

Jacare is only 10-2 with his biggest win over Jason Miller (who beat Robbie Lawlor & Dennis Kang) (a fight he stuggled to finish...and Mayhem, as experienced as he is, isnt a top level fighter)

like i said before...Jacare is good, and he's only gonna get better training at Xtreme Couture but he's a looooooong way from being considered anywhere near the top of the sport


Well-Known Member
did i not say rising earlier?
he was pretty damn dominant against mousassi i must say
before that fluke of a kick, if he didnt land that kick
mousassi was about to get dealt


Well-Known Member
and your naming fighters who he beat and who they beat, and last time i checked miller beat lawler... but he isnt up theyre?


Well-Known Member
but between aoki and bj

Aoki shouldn't be better because he got a mounted gogoplata, he should be better because of his consistent ability to QUICKLY submit opponents with solid defense. Very easily. The one exception is JZ, but Aoki nevertheless completely neutralized his top game (JZ hardly threw a punch) en route to a solid decision.

BJ Penn, while probably better at BJJ, has not shown such a dominant submission ability. Fighters like Pulver and GSP have been able to completely neutralize his submissions from the guard.

Overall BJJ: Penn > Aoki
Submissions: Aoki > Penn
im sorry...but aoki is very over-rated and cant deal with anyone with decent standup as you saw in his fight against Hanson (Eddie Alvarez would have killed him even worse) and that stoppage because of the elbow against JZ was bullshit (the elbow hit the shoulder not the back of the head)

Pulver was in no way able to stop BJs ground game or standup...BJ toyed with him and let the triangle go on purpose in the first round (i ran that event [TUF 5 Finale] and ive spoken to both BJ and his trainer Rudy Valentino about this) so he could punish Jens even more (a fact that even Jens admits...i give him a hard time while we play COD on PC)...GSP & Hughes (the 2nd fight) fought an out of shape (and on a cocaine binge) Penn

BJ would make really quick work of Aoki...really quick


Well-Known Member
Cocaine+Penn= a dissapointed face in decission even after he whooped jsp in the first fight everyone knows that.

The fact of the matter u dont see many fights in mma go decission for the up and comer or better name at the time. This fight almost made me lose all respect for ufc on the whole. Any true fan should feel the same way.

If i smashed ur face in for endless minutes but u were able to take me down in defense a few times does that mean u won the fight.

People should lead and not be lead.


Well-Known Member
yeah...i agree that Penn deserved the win in the first fight...but at the same time, thats why you should never leave it up to the judges...and he put himself in that situation by not training 100% for the fight

...and thats also why we offer such big incentive bonuses to fighters for KOs/Subs/& FOTN


Well-Known Member
Thanks funk thats all i really wanted to hear. Also, would like to know who the lady in wreckeds av is still its really quite perplexing. If anything + reps to wrecked for knowing such a pimpstress that handles the bowl so nice yet with a snide smurk all at the same time.


Well-Known Member
lol, if she were on the account right now, she would probally have something really fucked up to say to you


Well-Known Member
How do you guys figure that Penn won the first fight against GSP? The only part of that fight that he won was the first round, he was then dominated for the rest of the fight.

I think that Penn is going to lose this second fight as well. He is to slow as a fighter and likes to get punched in the head too much.

What do you guys think about Fedor and Arlovski in January?


Well-Known Member
what's your guys' favorite weight class to watch?

I generally enjoy lightweight and welterweight fights.


Well-Known Member
i want arlovski to win cause i believe he kinda fell off and id like to see him redeem his name, but in all honesty i think fedor is gonna destroy him


Well-Known Member
The key sule to remember sir is everything in moderation. bwahahaha

Yea on the penn gsp 1 thing. Even st pierre realizes he lost that one. gotta love the name tho right.

That was pimp wrecked.


Well-Known Member
waiiitttt. BJ is a feine? no wonder hes so damn good. not misquote me please...BJ had a spell where he had troubles dealing with substance abuse (coke) but all has been well for quite some time...the last time he fought Hughes was the turning point where he quit the bullshit and got back on his A-Game...he started training heavily with Rudy Valentino on his standup, went back to Cesar Gracie (where he started...i got great footage of Nick & Nate Diaz talking shit about BJ for stealing their techniques) for the BJJ, and started his strength and conditioning training with Tony Aponte (currently working with Heath Herring...while Heath did get worked against Brock, he was still in the best shape of his life thanks to Tony)

this really isnt uncommon...Chuck Liddell fought the same battle against coke (he was hella successful while he was using though)...James Irvin is addicted to pain pills and oxycontin (caught after his fight against Anderson Silva) as is Paulo Fihlo (checked into rehab which stalled his first rematch against Sonnen)...