***Official Maduro Support Therad***

Leftists voted in a socialist paradise, but now the food is running out and they want capitalists to rescue themselves from themselves. They wanted Maduro let them have him.

Although over-simplifying the issue, that's pretty accurate.

A great many Bernie supporters are the same way: they base their beliefs off of what SOUNDS good to them, not what is actually feasible. Then, inevitably, when they get a guy that sounds good to them into a position of power and he/she either does nothing at all but keep talking or things get worse, they blame everybody else for being 'out to get them'.

I mean, Bernie Sanders has been in the senate since 2007. What does he have to show for it?

Jack Shit.

But he talks a whole hell of a lot as though he's actually done anything while there. Let's review his bills, shall we?

That's it. That's the entire sum of his career in politics. He's renamed a couple of post offices, named a state holiday, recognized women in the armed forces but not done a fucking thing for them, and that's about it.

And yet some people think he's the second coming of Christ.

It's fucking laughable, just like the situation in Venezuela.
Although over-simplifying the issue, that's pretty accurate.

A great many Bernie supporters are the same way: they base their beliefs off of what SOUNDS good to them, not what is actually feasible. Then, inevitably, when they get a guy that sounds good to them into a position of power and he/she either does nothing at all but keep talking or things get worse, they blame everybody else for being 'out to get them'.

I mean, Bernie Sanders has been in the senate since 2007. What does he have to show for it?

Jack Shit.

But he talks a whole hell of a lot as though he's actually done anything while there. Let's review his bills, shall we?

That's it. That's the entire sum of his career in politics. He's renamed a couple of post offices, named a state holiday, recognized women in the armed forces but not done a fucking thing for them, and that's about it.

And yet some people think he's the second coming of Christ.

It's fucking laughable, just like the situation in Venezuela.
I wouldn't say that Chavez created anything like a socialist state. The guy had more in common with an authoritarian game show host.
I'm watching a documentary about the exploitation of Yemen from the Saudis over the years. It appears that countries with resources are exploited by the wealthy. Nothing new. Lithium is in great supply in some central America high altitude lakes. Whether Africa and diamonds or Venezuela and oil not much difference. Some types of government may Force companies to give 50% to the oil owning country like Venezuela won in the early 90's. The Saudis have the same type problems. One trick pony. But they have no income tax. Financially they are in serious trouble over the next ten years. Free resources are going. Water will be the tipping point. Here.
I wouldn't say that Chavez created anything like a socialist state. The guy had more in common with an authoritarian game show host.

The way he set up the worker owned coops and the like all subsidized by the government the instant he was elected, I disagree.

Now, later on when everything started going belly up and he began seizing control of everything to maintain power, I agree with you. But in the beginning, it was pure Bernie Sanders "the people will own everything and it will all work wonderfully" bullshit.
Reports coming from Venezuelans are saying that opposition forces are attacking and even killing civilians, then blaming the deaths on government forces.

The situation is getting out of hand and it's clear that America's influence is deeply involved. Considering how many tells there are, I'd be surprised if the CIA wasn't up their neck in it.

Still waiting on your sources, mountain man!
Meanwhile in Colombia
BOGOTA, Colombia – Promising the drug crackdown demanded by President Donald Trump, a young, conservative and unusually pro-Trump leader took power in Colombia on Tuesday, as Washington celebrated an ally against leftists including the anti-American president of next-door Venezuela.

Standing in rain and a stiff wind before a wall of roses and other flowers in historic Bolivar Plaza, newly elected President Iván Duque listed the expansion of coca production, corruption and the terror of drug cartels among the problems he will address. He also pointed to a rise in killings of social-movement leaders as one of the threats to the country’s fragile peace pact that ended five decades of war.
Meanwhile in Colombia
BOGOTA, Colombia – Promising the drug crackdown demanded by President Donald Trump, a young, conservative and unusually pro-Trump leader took power in Colombia on Tuesday, as Washington celebrated an ally against leftists including the anti-American president of next-door Venezuela.

Standing in rain and a stiff wind before a wall of roses and other flowers in historic Bolivar Plaza, newly elected President Iván Duque listed the expansion of coca production, corruption and the terror of drug cartels among the problems he will address. He also pointed to a rise in killings of social-movement leaders as one of the threats to the country’s fragile peace pact that ended five decades of war.
If he really is pro-Trump, expect his opposition to start disappearing, cocaine exports to increase and for him to start a collection of suitcases full of cash.
Meanwhile in Colombia
BOGOTA, Colombia – Promising the drug crackdown demanded by President Donald Trump, a young, conservative and unusually pro-Trump leader took power in Colombia on Tuesday, as Washington celebrated an ally against leftists including the anti-American president of next-door Venezuela.

Standing in rain and a stiff wind before a wall of roses and other flowers in historic Bolivar Plaza, newly elected President Iván Duque listed the expansion of coca production, corruption and the terror of drug cartels among the problems he will address. He also pointed to a rise in killings of social-movement leaders as one of the threats to the country’s fragile peace pact that ended five decades of war.

Building a Caravan..
If we were replacing Bridges and our infrastructure as needed the (russian) steel mills wouldn't have time to lobby for a wall.
Building a Caravan..
If we were replacing Bridges and our infrastructure as needed the (russian) steel mills wouldn't have time to lobby for a wall.
I had no idea about the Russian owned steel mills until a few days ago. But I had no idea about the connection between liberty u and evangelicals and the Russians through the full gospel business men association. It appears the world will be controlled by the church again.