Official Gaia Green Grow Method


New Member
Loaded question, on initial setup let the dry amendments "cook" for a month before planting/using. mix in about 1/3 of worm castings and/or compost. Need that carbon in there for the "organic" to work. Your fine with just the gaia green, keep it simple. And don't over do it with the wet molasses, stop using it after week 6 of flower. I'd only use it maybe once every two to three weeks. It can fuck up your soils pH if over done. Tablespoon to a gallon. The Mycorrhizae, just use that on initial planting, it will slowly proliferate on it's own. Not the end of the world if you forget to add it but seems to help/speed up growth.
thank you so much, I am truly grateful for the response! is there any environmental conditions I should store the "cooking" mix in i.e. cool and dry?


Well-Known Member
thank you so much, I am truly grateful for the response! is there any environmental conditions I should store the "cooking" mix in i.e. cool and dry?
just keep it room temperature and slightly damp, not wet. Soil is usually good from the bag. I have bags of soil in my garage (that's 108 degrees) and when I grab some of it I'm surprised at the moisture level is still intact! The earthworm castings and/or compost will inoculate the soil with beneficial bacteria. This bacteria will begin to slowly breakdown the dry amendments to a usable nutrient for the plants. That's the cooking process.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Im a relatively new grower, I have maybe 3 small tent grows under my belt, all with nutrients in bottles and foxfarm ocean forest for my soil. I have had relatively good results trying that method but would like to try this organic method to see what kind of difference it makes. I see a lot about premixing soil and amendments, I was just wondering what kind of timeframe id be looking at when preparing it. Would promix hp, gaia amendments, and worm castings be enough for me to do a water only type of grow? or should I also add things like mychrorize, kelp meal, fishbone meal, etc? Also does anyone know if adding wet molasses via watering is any better than or equal to dry molasses being added to the soil initially?
Promix with gaia is a perfect combo.
As stated by week4 let it cook, I let mine sire for 2-4 weeks and it seems good to go. I'm sure the longer the better but a couple of weeks works too.


Well-Known Member
A while ago I bought a big bag of the all purpose 4-4-4 and the power bloom 2-8-4
I also bought a bunch of dry amendments.. Glacial rock dust, insect frass, dolomite lime, Garden Lime, Zeolite, Perlite, langbeinite, Bat guano, Humic acids, and also biochar.
I started a worm bin. I give the worms alot of good stuff, and it made it through the winter outside with a heating pad and insulation.
I feed it lots of good stuff. Avacado, fruits like bananas, strawberries, blueberries. I also give it lots of recycled brown paper bags, coffee grounds, apples, and other stuff like leftover baby food, corn cob's and husks, and so many other things. I also give them powdered aloe extract, malted barley , and powdered coconut extract. I think I am doing it right I am also using Coco Coir as a bedding for the worms. Every bin is about 1/4 coco coir and 1/8 perlite, 1/8-1/4 Paper and the rest foods. I am doing my best to make worm castings and just really trying to keep it going so I can have some high quality castings .

I would like to use what I've bought, and some 5+ year old happy frog soil, and come up with a recipe at some point, and supplement it with the gaia. Could anyone help me come up with a recipe? I'd really appreciate it! beautiful plants over here


Well-Known Member
A while ago I bought a big bag of the all purpose 4-4-4 and the power bloom 2-8-4
I also bought a bunch of dry amendments.. Glacial rock dust, insect frass, dolomite lime, Garden Lime, Zeolite, Perlite, langbeinite, Bat guano, Humic acids, and also biochar.
I started a worm bin. I give the worms alot of good stuff, and it made it through the winter outside with a heating pad and insulation.
I feed it lots of good stuff. Avacado, fruits like bananas, strawberries, blueberries. I also give it lots of recycled brown paper bags, coffee grounds, apples, and other stuff like leftover baby food, corn cob's and husks, and so many other things. I also give them powdered aloe extract, malted barley , and powdered coconut extract. I think I am doing it right I am also using Coco Coir as a bedding for the worms. Every bin is about 1/4 coco coir and 1/8 perlite, 1/8-1/4 Paper and the rest foods. I am doing my best to make worm castings and just really trying to keep it going so I can have some high quality castings .

I would like to use what I've bought, and some 5+ year old happy frog soil, and come up with a recipe at some point, and supplement it with the gaia. Could anyone help me come up with a recipe? I'd really appreciate it! beautiful plants over here
I'd just use a third of your earthworm castings to the happy frog soil (meaning 2/3 soil to 1/3 ewc.) . That's it, maybe top dress every 3 weeks or so.