**Official Breaking Bad Finale Thread**

No way is Hank and Gomez going to survive
No way in hell. Not even if the Tribal police show up? (maybe?)
Nah they should be dead by that time! Unless they have enough ammo to last which io doubt a glock andf a shootgun?
8 vs 2 if the cops survive this secon half was total byllshit

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
This show is upsetting me. They are dragging the shit out .
I agree totally. WHat we've got like three episodes left and this is all the farther we are? Guess the writers are at a loss.
Yeah, Walt totally screwed the pooch leading them to the money. Not sure if that matters anymore. I don't see much of a future for Hank and Gomie.
I can't believe hank or gomie make it either. Seems like walts hit team are pretty efficient @ what they do, but I still bet hank makes it. he is too much of a central figure in the whole plot.

This final scene only reinforces my earlier prediction that the m60 shown in walts trunk in the beginning of the season is for protection against todds crew. Walt is will obviously in their debt after the shootout and probably will go into hiding with them temporarily but refuses to cook or something. I dunno.

Finally a whiff of action in this horribly slow season.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Hank and gomez should of been dead after the first few rounds....I am thinking they should of went to the gun range and sited in the weapons before they go to battle....They had em in there sites before they fired....pretty belly up marksmanship.....IMO

Jessy is in walts car if he has the keys he saves the day for hank....just my guess hank has his bullet proof vest on and some how lives.....

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
snap snap



It's fairly obvious todd is infatuated with lydia. I think she also knows it. Wonder how this will play into the story.
I thought he was gonna try and kiss her in that scene before walt called him.

I don't blame him. SHe's quite attractive.
a business woman with killer instinct who distributes meth. Whats not to like?
Hank and gomez should of been dead after the first few rounds....I am thinking they should of went to the gun range and sited in the weapons before they go to battle....They had em in there sites before they fired....pretty belly up marksmanship.....IMO

Jessy is in walts car if he has the keys he saves the day for hank....just my guess hank has his bullet proof vest on and some how lives.....
They never showed gomez take out the keys after confiscating them from walt;) again if something like that plays out with 8 "killers" shooting at you i call bullshit.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
They never showed gomez take out the keys after confiscating them from walt;) again if something like that plays out with 8 "killers" shooting at you i call bullshit.
yep,three automatic shotguns with drum magazines and three pistols and body armor against a pistol and twelve gauge/extended mag. and body armor...game over in the real world.

of course they don't want to kill walt tho and hank and gomie were hiding behind the suburban.


Well-Known Member
snap snap



It's fairly obvious todd is infatuated with lydia. I think she also knows it. Wonder how this will play into the story.
I thought he was gonna try and kiss her in that scene before walt called him.

I don't blame him. SHe's quite attractive.
a business woman with killer instinct who distributes meth. Whats not to like?
mmmmmm nothing


a business women with a "hunter" killer instinct who grows and loves cars<3



Well-Known Member
Hank and gomez should of been dead after the first few rounds....I am thinking they should of went to the gun range and sited in the weapons before they go to battle....They had em in there sites before they fired....pretty belly up marksmanship.....IMO

Jessy is in walts car if he has the keys he saves the day for hank....just my guess hank has his bullet proof vest on and some how lives.....

That last scene was fucking stupid as hell.

Multiple dudes with long guns covering down on two dudes in the open at maybe 30 meters, and nobody gets shot.



Well-Known Member
That last scene was fucking stupid as hell.

Multiple dudes with long guns covering down on two dudes in the open at maybe 30 meters, and nobody gets shot.

while i like to give creative license..it was lame..i thought for sure hank and gomie bought it, especially because of the call hank made to marie..it was somewhat sentimental..although i would have been disapointed if they got shot down that easily even though that's what should have happened..i will say todd is the guy you got to watch for now based upon his steely resolve in ending a life..todd drinking out of lydia's tea mug was symbolic of just that when she brushed him off..


Well-Known Member
I remember watching The Mexican when it was released and being shocked at Gandolfini's acting ability. He'd always been so one dimensional in everything else. Winston was a great role for him.
that's why "welcome to the rileys" is awesome..melissa leo is in it very bittersweet..now even more so that gandolfini has "walked on"..i like that better than "die"..

PS you saw him in "the last castle"?..i always felt so sorry for him as colonel winter..such a broken person.


Well-Known Member
posting pics for a friend, one by the famous french graffiti artist Akse from France living in Manchester U.K.
