Odor Control system (let me know what you think)


Active Member
I thought of variation of a febreeze idea for my own room and thought i would share.Go the the ultimate odour control thread for the specifics, but bascially you pour febreeze into a bucket for odor control and people are saying it works awesome. So I am doing a scrog and after the screen heighth i have about 30" for flowering so i can build a little dedicated odor control system up above the light. So here is my plan.....

1. Build a divider to put about 6 to 12" down from the top of the box where you can mount the light and also have a whole in the middle for a pc fan.

2. I don't want to take up room for more plants on the floor by putting a bucket in there so i will use 2 of the tiny fan ones from a convenience store to put on both side of the walls of the grow room.

3. Then i will build a small version of the bucket filled w/ febreeze idea (w/ or without the fan i can't make a decision on this one) to set ontop of the divider like a shelf. i will then just cut a pc fan into the back of the box at the top that will cool the box as well as make my room smell freshhhh.

4. Before closing the box i will put a pc fan in the whole of the divider so that the heat/air/tiny fan smell gets pulled through to the top area where the bucket is sitting to help w/ any other deordization and the exausht fan is releasing it.

5. Then if i have room i will have a vedge room underneath teh flowering area so that i can have a perpetual grow and will have an intake pc fan at the bottom drawing in cool air and have small holes in the divider above the vedge box so the smell/cool-ish air leaks into the flowering area and is deodorized.

I feel like this is going to work pretty well as far as deordorizing goes and the price shouldn't be too bad, might as well do it right so you don't get caught. Once i figure out how to insert a picture i will put up a diagram of what i am talking about.

Let me know what you think


Active Member
is this in a cab or a room? i don't think febreeze is going to neutralize the odor from the plants. i think you're still going to have an odor problem. but hell, try it out and let us know...


Active Member
there's another thread going on , and this dude swears it works. it just seems like it's going to mix with the smell, not kill it. i'm going to have to try it.