
New Member
Hello guys, I just created my account to share the pain with you guys. I'll try to keep it as brief as possible.

I have been smoking since I was 14 and I turned 18 one month ago and since then we could say that every time I got high, it was horrible. I realize it's not really good for me to smoke often so I try to smoke less often, even tho my friends smoke a few times every day.

It was 13th May, we had a huge joint and we were 4 guys. I had 2 tokes and I already felt like puking from the smell,taste of the weed. After 15 minutes I was just stoned, looking at one point and not being able to do anything and I didn't have a fun time. Same thing a week later, even bigger joint - 5 guys and after 4 tokes I was like "That's it for me". The main thing I am writing this topic for is two days ago.

I didn't smoke for a week and on 13th Friday, my buddy and I decided to smoke a ~0.4 joint by ourselves and halfway through it I felt horrible by just toking and I told him to smoke it by himself because it was horrible every time I toked and basicly I couldn't even hold it, even holding it in my mouth felt horrible. And as I was saying this, I fuccing passed out. Literally. Fell on the floor and couldn't do anything or see anything for like 20 secs. Got up, I was like "woah, what the fucc", decided to go in the other room, I was alone on my way to it and I blacked out again. I passed out in the opposite direction of the direction I was walking - glasses on the floor, watch broken, laying on the ground. Buddy comes and he's like wtf, get up man, are you okay etc etc.

I go into the other room after 1 min and I lay down on the bed, sweatin hard as fck and it was cool in the room and after 20secs of lying I felt like I just took one hit to try the taste of it. How fucking weird is that? I was planning on getting like 10g before the summer vacation but now I am having double thoughts on it.

What do you think? Is this the end of my "smoking career"? Should I just take a break? Have you had such experience(getting really high by just a few hits but hating the experience)?

P.S My friend also said a few times that he didn't get really high even though he smoked double the amount, might have been the fact that he smokes this sort every day.

~Serious topic
Maybe no one has told you but youre a bit young to be smoking weed, at least potent weed. If you really have nothing better to do at that age then smoke trim or bush weed, though my best advice is to wait a few years more. When i was your age i was very much into girls i advise you getting a similar hobbie.
Maybe no one has told you but youre a bit young to be smoking weed, at least potent weed. If you really have nothing better to do at that age then smoke trim or bush weed, though my best advice is to wait a few years more. When i was your age i was very much into girls i advise you getting a similar hobbie.
I know I am too young, that's why I don't do it often. I already got 7 business ideas and I am going to work this summer and next summer I'll start off 2-3 of those ideas. Girls aren't an important thing in my life, the only reason I am going to pick up chicks this summer is to get laid. Period.

Replying to others:
Instead of saying this is "bullshit" or I am too young, can you actually give me some kind of an opinion? What am I bragging about? I passed out twice after a small amount. That's nothing to brag about. I am absolutely serious and I suggest you guys act mature and give me a real advice instead of going offtopic.
When I was young I passed out and bragged about it.

Not many little kids on this board. Not many adult thinkers, either,. :)
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Real advice: stop smoking. Sounds like you can't take it. Passing out is nothing to play around with. The only logical solution to your dilemma is for you to not smoke, it's not that complicated, stop smoking.
If you are being serious, then you are full of shit,

If you eat enough, you pass out. If you bong hit enough good dope, you will pass out. Indica is a pass out kind of pot.

Hint. We just call that getting really stoned.

And if you want advice on this, talk to your hand, not a bunch of stoners for life that can see you are just bragging.

Advice? Stop whining about it. No one cares if you get high or don't.
I know I am too young, that's why I don't do it often. I already got 7 business ideas and I am going to work this summer and next summer I'll start off 2-3 of those ideas. Girls aren't an important thing in my life, the only reason I am going to pick up chicks this summer is to get laid. Period.

Replying to others:
Instead of saying this is "bullshit" or I am too young, can you actually give me some kind of an opinion? What am I bragging about? I passed out twice after a small amount. That's nothing to brag about. I am absolutely serious and I suggest you guys act mature and give me a real advice instead of going offtopic.
you should have named yourself "Lil Finshaggy"

who you calling immature?

Yeah, what he said. :) It is better than the sleep of just after.

He is 16 but, we are immature. FUNNY!!! No way to judge that at 16.

The brain is still a jar of mush until well into the 30s.
You really ARE immature if you think collapsing from smoking is a thing to fuck about.
And my age defines my character and who I am? That's immature.
Thanks to "a senile fungus" for the comment and I will make a short break, like one week and I'll try again to see what happens. If I have a bad trip, I'll most likely stop smoking.