sounds like you can't handle your shit its called greening out, if you been smoking for 4 years and green out off 4 tokes must be some damn good weed. if you can't handle weed i wouldn't do any other drugs lol weed is a soft "drug"
I doubt it's laced, last year we smoked laced sh!t at school and out of 6 people, 4 puked and one guy went to the hospital(that time everyone else were like that's enough and me and the other guy continued smoking and we didn't puke and etc.) Girls at the same age smoked the same thing in another school and they were caught and after the police inspected it, they found out that this "weed" was boiled in petrol and shit like that.

+ My buddy was really not that high, we talked about it after I was okay and we had a good laugh about it.

I don't plan on taking any experimental drugs(unless I go to Tomorrowland).
I doubt it's laced, last year we smoked laced sh!t at school and out of 6 people, 4 puked and one guy went to the hospital(that time everyone else were like that's enough and me and the other guy continued smoking and we didn't puke and etc.) Girls at the same age smoked the same thing in another school and they were caught and after the police inspected it, they found out that this "weed" was boiled in petrol and shit like that.

+ My buddy was really not that high, we talked about it after I was okay and we had a good laugh about it.

I don't plan on taking any experimental drugs(unless I go to Tomorrowland).

Totally non-snarky answer here: For the last ten years, I've been getting headaches if I drink alcohol, any kind, but esp big/fast headaches with wine. My nose gets all stuffy, and my sinuses & eustachian tubes (ears) ache. Every time. My body is telling me, in pretty clear ways, that alcohol is NOT GOOD FOR ME.

That being said, your reaction to weed, even just a coupla hits, is very extreme, and your body is telling you, in pretty clear ways, that weed is NOT GOOD FOR YOU.

This might not be forever, but just a right now sorta thing -- I'd lay off it for more than a week, as passing out after 2 hits....well, you're gonna have a bad time, ummmkay?

Best of luck.
Well, what is in weed? I know what is in my ganga. But, there is also possibly paraquat. A poison sprayed on for eradication.

There is PCP, for a very blast off smoke.. And I have passed on one hit of the legendary Buddha Grass. My eyes rolled up into Samskara and I beheld the Golden Ring. No shit. Then I woke up later.

We always called that a good thing...."getting really fucked up", I think it was called back in the '70s.
I doubt it's laced, last year we smoked laced sh!t at school and out of 6 people, 4 puked and one guy went to the hospital(that time everyone else were like that's enough and me and the other guy continued smoking and we didn't puke and etc.) Girls at the same age smoked the same thing in another school and they were caught and after the police inspected it, they found out that this "weed" was boiled in petrol and shit like that.

+ My buddy was really not that high, we talked about it after I was okay and we had a good laugh about it.

I don't plan on taking any experimental drugs(unless I go to Tomorrowland).

Let's be careful out there. Everyone is different. It is difficult to know if you have an iron lung like me or will need one.

I once showed up at Disney Land on a cold rainy day when we knew there would be no one there, Just a car load of us freeks. We almost couldn't negotiate the off ramp being so off on LSD.

Back in the day, Disney Land peeps, had no idea what, eyes like black coffee cups, even meant, :) What a trip.
Totally non-snarky answer here: For the last ten years, I've been getting headaches if I drink alcohol, any kind, but esp big/fast headaches with wine. My nose gets all stuffy, and my sinuses & eustachian tubes (ears) ache. Every time. My body is telling me, in pretty clear ways, that alcohol is NOT GOOD FOR ME.

That being said, your reaction to weed, even just a coupla hits, is very extreme, and your body is telling you, in pretty clear ways, that weed is NOT GOOD FOR YOU.

This might not be forever, but just a right now sorta thing -- I'd lay off it for more than a week, as passing out after 2 hits....well, you're gonna have a bad time, ummmkay?

Best of luck.

Alcohol is poison.