
I’m worthless bc I’m white. And you’ve called me racist 8 times tonight!! Lmao :)
Do you know deep down inside that it’s you who is really the racist???
i never called the person who murdered you worthless, and they are white too

can you guess why i called you worthless?
Blacks, ages 16-40 years of age make up 7% of America’s population. This 7% is responsible for close to half of America’s murders and violent crimes.
Facts my friend.
Let's pretend that those numbers are not just made up for a moment. And the obvious cherry picking you are doing with the ages.

What percent of murders go unsolved in a year? Just because white men don't go to jail on a proportional level of black men, doesn't mean that they are not committing crimes. Stuffing a large portion of people into a small area and make a bad situation worse with systemic economic depressions in those areas, and a disproportionately large police force in that small area and you will of course get a poor outcome.

You are buying into the racist propaganda that is pushed out to try to make it seem like racism is valid. It is not.
Let's pretend that those numbers are not just made up for a moment. And the obvious cherry picking you are doing with the ages.

What percent of murders go unsolved in a year? Just because white men don't go to jail on a proportional level of black men, doesn't mean that they are not committing crimes. Stuffing a large portion of people into a small area and make a bad situation worse with systemic economic depressions in those areas, and a disproportionately large police force in that small area and you will of course get a poor outcome.

You are buying into the racist propaganda that is pushed out to try to make it seem like racism is valid. It is not.
With 18 murders in Chicago last weekend alone, I tend to believe those stats. Somehow it’s the fault of others. Maybe it’s the fault of NWA for glorifying gang bangin, drug dealing, cop killing, racism and slapping women around. Maybe if their message was “be a good dad” we’d see more good dads.
With 18 murders in Chicago last weekend alone, I tend to believe those stats. Somehow it’s the fault of others. Maybe it’s the fault of NWA for glorifying gang bangin, drug dealing, cop killing, racism and slapping women around. Maybe if their message was “be a good dad” we’d see more good dads.
crime is correlated most closely with socioeconomic status, not music

youre not even good at spreading your dumbshit racism
Fragile racist, most are.
Can’t believe how many times you guys accuse others of being racist. You guys are gonna destroy America. I hope you don’t have children. You are sewing the seeds of destruction that will be their future. RUI should not allow this grossness.
Can’t believe how many times you guys accuse others of being racist. You guys are gonna destroy America. I hope you don’t have children. You are sewing the seeds of destruction that will be their future. RUI should not allow grossness.
Cry harder sweetie