Obama's war on Pot

so, you are telling people with critical votes in swing states to risk handing it to romney because obama's position, the most MMJ tolerant of any president or viable candidate in history, makes you butt hurt?

boo hoo.

i would urge every floridian on here to vote obama even if you fucking hate the guy. if he takes your state, you will not have to endure romney. or, more accurately, us 14 or so medical states will not have to endure him, and we would appreciate that very much.

thanks in advance, florida cannabis voters.

The only difference between Obama and Romney is Romney lies less about his positions (ie: MMJ).

They are clones.

I also think you are deeply confused about the direction policy is heading. You talk about incremental changes... well yes, things undoubtedly have gotten incrementally worse under Obama.
what about the rumor of the monster romney keeps in his pants? I heard he's working with over 13 inches.

What I got is bipolar, brought upon by years of suppressing emotional abuse as child. I'm glad what you have, your mom says makes you special.

Also, I wouldn't brag about giving Romney BJs.
Those are lovely words, but i don't see how electing anybody, including the Second Coming of Thomas Jefferson, would make a whit of difference. Take Congress ... we could elect folks who say all the right things, but once in office we no longer have effective control over them, and they have this unpleasant tendency to change or simply ignore their tune. The entire system has evolved to protect itself. Jmo. cn

I agree with your cynical outlook, but you do the best you can with the cards you are dealt. The best thing that could happen is if every incumbent were booted in every election for the next twenty years or so, but that ain't gonna happen.
And that's the thing ... it ain't gonna happen. Incumbency is oddly like Velcro. Tom Clancy wrote about an unplanned, violent Housecleaning in D.C. ... but that won't happen (knock on laminate) ... so in the mean time I agree that "do the best with the cards you are dealt" is the best attitude and policy.

As time goes on, I predict things will go from (where we are now) to bad, and from bad to worse. Probably not in any specific way I can foresee, but at some point the problems of collapsing resources, be they mineral, agricultural or human ... will strain our system of government to a breaking point. Should that come to pass, (to paraphrase a Chinese curse and a Jewish lament) we will begin to live in really interesting times. I will be safely dead by then. cn
The only difference between Obama and Romney is Romney lies less about his positions (ie: MMJ).

They are clones.

you'd have to be blind to say their positions on MMJ are identical.

I also think you are deeply confused about the direction policy is heading. You talk about incremental changes... well yes, things undoubtedly have gotten incrementally worse under Obama.

how many more states have voted for MMJ under obama? how many full scale legalization initiatives have qualified for the ballot? how many more dispensaries have opened?

lol, partisan hack.
Buck I'm new here and already I can tell what a hypocritical statement it is for you to call someone else a partisan hack. Seriously, it's OK to be pissed at Obama for this. He said one thing and is doing another. We can all act like you and make excuses for it or we can all say "hey, wtf?" and hold these fools accountable. Being pissed at your own party has more effect than being pissed at the other party.

The tea party started as a reaction to the shittyness of their own party in part. People who considered themselves republicans looked at the Bushney administration and said "really?" and demanded change within their own party. That's pretty cool to me, even if I do think Sarah Palin is the anti-christ. Now the democrats need somebody to call them out on their bullshit from within so DC understands we mean it. Stop fuckin shit up.
you'd have to be blind to say their positions on MMJ are identical.

how many more states have voted for MMJ under obama? how many full scale legalization initiatives have qualified for the ballot? how many more dispensaries have opened?

lol, partisan hack.

The only blind one is you. IE: I'm a partisan hack when I recommend voting for neither party.

Well played.
would paulbot be more acceptable? obama derangement syndrome?

romney 2012!

You're right actually. Romney hasn't argued that he is able to unilaterally decide which American citizen lives or dies regardless of evidence, although he does probably believe that. So in a sense, Obama has been more honest.
Obama accused of pulling a "Bait and switch", on the American people.

During his run for the presidency, Barack Obama instilled hope in medical marijuana supporters by pledging to respect state laws on the matter. And for the first two years of his term, he was generally faithful to his promise. Yet suddenly, and with no logical explanation, over the past eight months he has become arguably the worst president in U.S. history regarding medical marijuana... (Rob Kampia MPP)




Originally Posted by OGEvilgenius
There is no defense for Obama that is reasonable and logic based.

There is one: consider the alternative. cn
There are MANY alternatives to Obama's current cannabis policy (or should I say, lack of a coherent one).

You know what?

I'd rather have an 'honest broker' who is against cannabis and says so, than someone like Obama who says one thing, does another, and then inexplicably reverses policy to a third position without annoucement, all in one term.

Everything Obama says comes with an expiration date and the uncertainty that this creates is (arguably) worse than normal Federal law enforcement.
There are MANY alternatives to Obama's current cannabis policy (or should I say, lack of a coherent one).

You know what?

I'd rather have an 'honest broker' who is against cannabis and says so, than someone like Obama who says one thing, does another, and then inexplicably reverses policy to a third position without annoucement, all in one term.

Everything Obama says comes with an expiration date and the uncertainty that this creates is (arguably) worse than normal Federal law enforcement.

I am not aware of a single current credible (excludes Ron) candidate who has a more accommodating position than Obama.
As for O pulling a bait&switch, that is such a regular feature of American politics that to vote for a candidate based on his promises is ... naïve at best. Remember Bush and "read my lips; no new taxes"? I giggle through my tears. cn
so, you are telling people with critical votes in swing states to risk handing it to romney because obama's position, the most MMJ tolerant of any president or viable candidate in history, makes you butt hurt?

boo hoo.

i would urge every floridian on here to vote obama even if you fucking hate the guy. if he takes your state, you will not have to endure romney. or, more accurately, us 14 or so medical states will not have to endure him, and we would appreciate that very much.

thanks in advance, florida cannabis voters.

No, he's saying vote for the guy who actually espouses the principles of freedom and constitutionality.

Your post advises those of us who believe in freedom to abandon our principles and vote for a guy who has demonstrated that he cares nothing for constitutionality, freedom or fairness because it might mean the election of a different guy who would probably act no different.

To me this seems like a pretty easy choice, I prefer not to join in the red/blue circle jerk and instead make my vote count by rejecting both. For the sake of my conscience I want to know that I had no hand in next year's 850,000 cannabis arrests.
No, he's saying vote for the guy who actually espouses the principles of freedom and constitutionality.

Your post advises those of us who believe in freedom to abandon our principles and vote for a guy who has demonstrated that he cares nothing for constitutionality, freedom or fairness because it might mean the election of a different guy who would probably act no different.

To me this seems like a pretty easy choice, I prefer not to join in the red/blue circle jerk and instead make my vote count by rejecting both. For the sake of my conscience I want to know that I had no hand in next year's 850,000 cannabis arrests.
:clap: Well said.
No president will legalize pot, and just because Ron Paul seems a viable "free thinking" candidate, doesn't mean he'll be as good or better than Obama, Bush or even Jefferson.

Many faces, but just one president.
are you sad little paulbots still talking about old ronnie as if he had anything going for him other than a suit two sizes too large and a sizable turtle collection?