Obama's war on Pot

Justice? Prosperity? A country with the rule of law?

Those are lovely words, but i don't see how electing anybody, including the Second Coming of Thomas Jefferson, would make a whit of difference. Take Congress ... we could elect folks who say all the right things, but once in office we no longer have effective control over them, and they have this unpleasant tendency to change or simply ignore their tune. The entire system has evolved to protect itself. Jmo. cn
The President of the United States has signed legislation that now causes bwin.party to have to cease taking wagers from US customers. We will also suspend accepting deposits from US customers while we reevaluate our business model for the US and assess potential offerings to US customers that would be within the new law.

Yay America!
You're deluded. He's on pace to shatter Bush's dispensary bust record and MJ busts haven't decreased either.

Rhetoric =/= reality.

how many of them were fully compliant with state law?

were you aware that the number of dispensaries increased shortly after the holder memo was issued? that a lot of idiots took it as a signal to go nuts, something that it was not?

stupid details getting in the way of your obama derangement syndrome! :cuss:
how many of them were fully compliant with state law?

were you aware that the number of dispensaries increased shortly after the holder memo was issued? that a lot of idiots took it as a signal to go nuts, something that it was not?

stupid details getting in the way of your obama derangement syndrome! :cuss:

I have my beefs with Obama, but some people think he is responsible for that itchy feeling in their dick holes..............


I would bet my life savings that a Ron Paul presidency != marijuana legalization (not even medical). Just too low on his priority list.
how many of them were fully compliant with state law?

Many of them.

But instead of focusing limited federal resources on off-the-grid growers in places like Humboldt County, who are often armed and violent, Haag targeted Matthew Cohen, a medical-marijuana farmer in Mendocino who was growing 99 plants under the direct supervision of the county sheriff. As part of a pioneering collaboration with local law enforcement, Cohen marked each of his plants with county-supplied tags, had his secured facility inspected and distributed the mari*juana he grew directly to patients in his nonprofit collective.

Cohen appeared to be precisely the kind of caregiver that the Ogden memo advised should be given safe harbor for operating in "clear and unambiguous compliance with existing state law." But last October, DEA agents stormed Cohen's farm in the middle of the night and cut down his crop. Sheriff Tom Allman, who learned of the raid on his turf only an hour before it was executed, was outraged. "Matt Cohen was not in violation of any state or local ordinances when federal agents arrived at his location," Allman says. In January, Haag took the fight to the next level, threatening county officials like Allman with federal sanctions. Three weeks later, county supervisors voted to abandon the program to license and monitor Mendocino's legal growers. "This is a huge step backward," says Allman.

Or how about the Federal Employees who have been warned they will be arrested attempting to regulate the industry? You're crazy and deluded. Straight up. Stupid facts getting in the way of your view of reality.

were you aware that the number of dispensaries increased shortly after the holder memo was issued? that a lot of idiots took it as a signal to go nuts, something that it was not?

And many followed state law. You don't have a point.
stupid details getting in the way of your obama derangement syndrome! :cuss:

The reality of the situation is clear. Obama has done far worse than this though given his claims of authoritarian power of the executive which you also deny. Why? Because you're fighting violently against reality because reality sucks.
I have my beefs with Obama, but some people think he is responsible for that itchy feeling in their dick holes..............


I would bet my life savings that a Ron Paul presidency != marijuana legalization (not even medical). Just too low on his priority list.

Ron Paul has promised immediate pardon of all non violent drug offenders. Something he is quite capable of doing as President. The President also sets policy of the Justice Dept, DEA and other organizations as well. Legalized marijuana would require Congress to vote for it and he probably cannot get Congress to sway that direction for many reasons (none good but that's more Congresses fault).
Many of them.

Or how about the Federal Employees who have been warned they will be arrested attempting to regulate the industry? You're crazy and deluded. Straight up. Stupid facts getting in the way of your view of reality.

And many followed state law. You don't have a point.

The reality of the situation is clear. Obama has done far worse than this though given his claims of authoritarian power of the executive which you also deny. Why? Because you're fighting violently against reality because reality sucks.

oh, my!

you found one single case in which someone's plants were chopped and no one went to prison!

how dare you, obama!

what a meanie. looks like i am voting for romney now to fix this horrible mistake.
Ron Paul has promised immediate pardon of all non violent drug offenders. Something he is quite capable of doing as President. The President also sets policy of the Justice Dept, DEA and other organizations as well. Legalized marijuana would require Congress to vote for it and he probably cannot get Congress to sway that direction for many reasons (none good but that's more Congresses fault).

all he has to do is stop finishing last in just about every single primary and our problems are solved!
oh, my!

you found one single case in which someone's plants were chopped and no one went to prison!

how dare you, obama!

what a meanie. looks like i am voting for romney now to fix this horrible mistake.

Yeah, those State regulators, big time criminals obviously, so it's good they were threatened with prison if they did their job, because Obama is obviously pro MJ and anti criminals who don't obey state law (like the State Regulators, they are obviously breaking State law). :spew:
Yeah, those State regulators, big time criminals obviously, so it's good they were threatened with prison if they did their job, because Obama is obviously pro MJ and anti criminals who don't obey state law (like the State Regulators, they are obviously breaking State law). :spew:

looks like we better vote for romney then. and also vote no on state initiatives. because obviously, small steps in the right direction are not working. :dunce:
looks like we better vote for romney then. and also vote no on state initiatives. because obviously, small steps in the right direction are not working. :dunce:

Vote 3rd party.

And any President claiming authoritarian power is going to be extra dangerous in his second term. Have fun with that.
As a vegan, plants are my pets. As long as they don't shit in your yard, bite the mailman or barks annoy the neighbors, leave them alone.
Vote 3rd party.

And any President claiming authoritarian power is going to be extra dangerous in his second term. Have fun with that.

so, you are telling people with critical votes in swing states to risk handing it to romney because obama's position, the most MMJ tolerant of any president or viable candidate in history, makes you butt hurt?

boo hoo.

i would urge every floridian on here to vote obama even if you fucking hate the guy. if he takes your state, you will not have to endure romney. or, more accurately, us 14 or so medical states will not have to endure him, and we would appreciate that very much.

thanks in advance, florida cannabis voters.