Obama's second term

Am I supposed to well up now or later?

And if you're gonna be vague about your personal situation, yet espouse political rhetoric, people are gonna question your situation to ensure consistency with same beliefs.

Ball your eyes out, I could care less. I was just correcting your stupid assumptions. I am not being vague about anything. Just because I don't fit into a category in your myopic little world, don't make an ASS out of U and ME.
tell me what you think obama's second term will be like.

haha umm.. Well obamacare will be kicking in right around then and most likely the wide scale introduction of radio frequency identification chips (RFID) into humans. Hmmm the euro will collapse right on schedule and will be followed by QE3 which will eventually bring down the us dollar requiring the world to create a new currency, maybe even an electronic currency.. Then it will get hacked just like it supposed to making it necessary for everyone to have a chip in order to go through their daily routine... There will be civil unrest and he will declare martial law exterminating 30% of the population (especially Christians) while sending the rest to death camps most likely working them to death. And then there was communism. Plenty more but that's the gist of it.. I'm not worried that this will happen so save the paranoid conspiracy theorist crap. This is just what i think we have in store for us.

At least something i said will happen...
haha umm.. Well obamacare will be kicking in right around then and most likely the wide scale introduction of radio frequency identification chips (RFID) into humans. Hmmm the euro will collapse right on schedule and will be followed by QE3 which will eventually bring down the us dollar requiring the world to create a new currency, maybe even an electronic currency.. Then it will get hacked just like it supposed to making it necessary for everyone to have a chip in order to go through their daily routine... There will be civil unrest and he will declare martial law exterminating 30% of the population (especially Christians) while sending the rest to death camps most likely working them to death. And then there was communism. Plenty more but that's the gist of it.. I'm not worried that this will happen so save the paranoid conspiracy theorist crap. This is just what i think we have in store for us.

At least something i said will happen...

well you had to stick in one truth otherwise you'd just look batshit crazy
well you had to stick in one truth otherwise you'd just look batshit crazy
Don't forget about the us dollar collapsing. You don't really think he wants our economy to recover do you? Oh and me predicting obama using QE3 and martial law seizing control of the country for as long as he wants isn't "bat shit crazy", it's very possible.

And how is a large scale identity theft scare leading to a unhackable system crazy?

The only crazy thing I listed would be that Americans will be slaughtered by the government. But its not that crazy if you think about it, slap a "terrorist" label on someone and done, never seen again

I won't be able to get on here after it happens so just know that I told you so
Don't forget about the us dollar collapsing. You don't really think he wants our economy to recover do you? Oh and me predicting obama using QE3 and martial law seizing control of the country for as long as he wants isn't "bat shit crazy", it's very possible.
It's very delusional.
Don't forget about the us dollar collapsing. You don't really think he wants our economy to recover do you? Oh and me predicting obama using QE3 and martial law seizing control of the country for as long as he wants isn't "bat shit crazy", it's very possible.

And how is a large scale identity theft scare leading to a unhackable system crazy?

The only crazy thing I listed would be that Americans will be slaughtered by the government. But its not that crazy if you think about it, slap a "terrorist" label on someone and done, never seen again

I won't be able to get on here after it happens so just know that I told you so

We are still in much better shape then Europe right now. The euro dropped 4.6% in value this month
if i had one thing to say about what might change, i would note two things.

first of all, i would say that his view on gay marriage may "evolve". unlike other issues, he has said that his view on that issue is "evolving". based on his stance on other LGBTQ issues, such as DADT, DOMA, and the "it gets better" campaign.

yeah, did i nail this one or what? didn't even take until the second term.

boo yah, bow down to my top notch punditry
...necessary for everyone to have a chip in order to go through their daily routine... There will be civil unrest and he will declare martial law exterminating 30% of the population (especially Christians) while sending the rest to death camps most likely working them to death.

did you figure this all out while calculating launch trajectories and stockpiling the compound with MREs?


ffs bro, come back to reality.
How much oil does Iran sell to the rest of the world? Quite a bit, you forget Europe and Asia exist too, retard. Now, with Europe and parts of Asia supporting US sanctions, this reduces the overall supply of oil, as these countries now need to divert oil from a supply elsewhere. Hence rising prices. Just cos you're an Israeliphile, doesn't mean everything done in their name makes sense. Sanctions on Iran effect the whole world, that's due to another primarily American born concept, Globalisation.It is you sir who is out of their McFucking Element. Cant troll this...
I believe you are in need of some Continuing Education my friend, China and India have increased their oil consumption in the very recent past so sharply it gave me pause trying to deduce how you thought Iran couldn't unload a little black gold just because the CIA overthrew their democracy putting that ding bat in charge and then embargo of course -it is never any fun without an embargo.Oil prices increased mainly due to Iraq's Oil production dropping from 4 million to 2 million after we kindly bombed the shit outa em... IMHO the Jewish People are being used just as Osama & CO, Saddam and most of our declared allies and I think only a handful are aware or I have to give them more credit, I have to admit I am kind fond of them and find them very intelligent; those that know don't give a rat's ass because obviously the are our Chosen Friends. They didn't fake a mass genocide just so that they could return to the desert they had fled already to be surrounded my people who wish them dead do you think? Please keep your ignorant cracker ass remarks to yourself. Peace
Hahaha you guys just wait. The final phase is upon us. I hope I'm wrong but I don't think I am. After he gets his second term he will be free to express his true Machiavellian & Marxist psychology.

All you haters are either paid to troll the web and dismiss accusations against the self proclaimed elite that have gained control of the world or you are truly naive. "They" will not stop until we are living in a utopia called Stateless Communism, aka Pure Communism or World Communism. They will achieve this through World Revolution, various forms of the "much needed" Socialism, Class Warfare, Proletarian Internationalism (Workers of The World Unite), and Anti-Statism. I'm sure there are many more movements that have slightly different names and mean the same thing, but these sum it up well. There are so many different variations of Socialism and Communism that no two people have the same definition or psychological view of what they are thought to be. That makes them both very dangerous because while the "good" socialism that I've heard little about is not harmful, it doesn't mean it wont change to something potentially destructive to the civilization in which our ancestors have worked so hard to create.. Fuck the wannabe elite

They wont stop
Hahaha you guys just wait. The final phase is upon us. I hope I'm wrong but I don't think I am. After he gets his second term he will be free to express his true Machiavellian & Marxist psychology.

All you haters are either paid to troll the web and dismiss accusations against the self proclaimed elite that have gained control of the world or you are truly naive. "They" will not stop until we are living in a utopia called Stateless Communism, aka Pure Communism or World Communism. They will achieve this through World Revolution, various forms of the "much needed" Socialism, Class Warfare, Proletarian Internationalism (Workers of The World Unite), and Anti-Statism. I'm sure there are many more movements that have slightly different names and mean the same thing, but these sum it up well. There are so many different variations of Socialism and Communism that no two people have the same definition or psychological view of what they are thought to be. That makes them both very dangerous because while the "good" socialism that I've heard little about is not harmful, it doesn't mean it wont change to something potentially destructive to the civilization in which our ancestors have worked so hard to create.. Fuck the wannabe elite

They wont stop

they're giving breivik internet access in jail.

haha umm.. Well obamacare will be kicking in right around then and most likely the wide scale introduction of radio frequency identification chips (RFID) into humans. Hmmm the euro will collapse right on schedule and will be followed by QE3 which will eventually bring down the us dollar requiring the world to create a new currency, maybe even an electronic currency.. Then it will get hacked just like it supposed to making it necessary for everyone to have a chip in order to go through their daily routine... There will be civil unrest and he will declare martial law exterminating 30% of the population (especially Christians) while sending the rest to death camps most likely working them to death. And then there was communism. Plenty more but that's the gist of it.. I'm not worried that this will happen so save the paranoid conspiracy theorist crap. This is just what i think we have in store for us.

At least something i said will happen...
New Rule: Obamacare is now defined as The care given by non supporters to find flaw in anything and everything he semi accomplishes. The health care reforms are a bloody joke, my head hurts hearing it discussed as if a true universal health care had been enacted. There are so many people who are already clueless, must you entangle the web with more blatent lies?
what do you think it will be like?

if i had one thing to say about what might change, i would note two things.

first of all, i would say that his view on gay marriage may "evolve". unlike other issues, he has said that his view on that issue is "evolving". based on his stance on other LGBTQ issues, such as DADT, DOMA, and the "it gets better" campaign. public support has finally crossed the 50% line on this issue, but i have my reasons for believing he won't. make that my one reason: his handlers won't let him in order for the next (D) candidate to have a chance in a general.

second, i'm thinking he will loosen up on MMJ. he did as much as soon as he really could after being elected with the holder memo, and is allowing federal resources to be used in a for-show "crackdown" as election nears, same as he has done with deporting illegal immigrants. re-legalization, like marriage equality, is another issue where public sentiment has passed 50%.

oh yeah, that reminds me. look forward to immigration reform in his second term beyond what the republican-proposed DREAM act offers. maybe. could just be pandering again. he promised immigration reform in term one.

tell me what you think obama's second term will be like.

70% of the population supports MMJ so he's doing it for political support?
what do you think it will be like?

if i had one thing to say about what might change, i would note two things.

first of all, i would say that his view on gay marriage may "evolve". unlike other issues, he has said that his view on that issue is "evolving". based on his stance on other LGBTQ issues, such as DADT, DOMA, and the "it gets better" campaign. public support has finally crossed the 50% line on this issue, but i have my reasons for believing he won't. make that my one reason: his handlers won't let him in order for the next (D) candidate to have a chance in a general.

second, i'm thinking he will loosen up on MMJ. he did as much as soon as he really could after being elected with the holder memo, and is allowing federal resources to be used in a for-show "crackdown" as election nears, same as he has done with deporting illegal immigrants. re-legalization, like marriage equality, is another issue where public sentiment has passed 50%.

oh yeah, that reminds me. look forward to immigration reform in his second term beyond what the republican-proposed DREAM act offers. maybe. could just be pandering again. he promised immigration reform in term one.

tell me what you think obama's second term will be like.

LOL, nailed it.

gay marriage is now legal, recreational weed is now legal, and his executive orders on immigration made republicans cry and blow snot bubbles out of their noses.

now let's see how the republican predictions in this same thread have fared.
Same crap new year;
the Feds will be pounding at patients and collectives doors just like always and they will finally take our 2nd to last freedom, the right to bear arms leaving religion of course
Tea baggers will protest thier hard earned tax dollars going to health care yet fully supporting tax cuts on those wealthier because they are certain to be one themselves someday
Abortion is very likely to be outlawed, birth control too expensive for the average gal even with insurance, so the population starts on another upward spiral spawning ignorance
They will for sure have completed the Super Highway in 4 years so I am wondering if that may be his final act before he is off giving million dollar speaches.

Oh, yes and Martial Law will be fully in place. god bless america where you don't have to be free to believe you are

not a single prediction came true, but thank you for playing, righty.