Obama's second term


Well-Known Member
i'm not talking about americans dying because they went to war, idiot.
You're going to have to substantiate your claim then. Because no prior administration has claimed this power explicitly and openly. And if you have evidence otherwise, present it.

Yeah, the US government has murdered a lot of people in the past (and not even just during war time, which let's be honest is a good % of your history anyway). They've never claimed they can do this legally openly for anyone to hear though. Do you have a point or are you just throwing around random accusations of racism and huffing your chest?


Well-Known Member
Please, I'm all ears. Provide contradictory information. So far you just throw insults.
you should read up on what they did to union soldiers at places like camp douglas and elsewhere during the civil war, no trial needed.

similar things happened to varying degrees in all wars, too.

don't be so naive.