The most anti American socialist hate the working man president we ever had was voted in by guilty feeling folks, people who never voted before, and those to lazy to do a 5 minute background check on his history. A community sabre rattler, racist corrupt Illinois politician who's SS# can not pass simple e-verify as it comes back to a deceased white male from conneticut, his own lawyer admitted in court 2 weeks ago the presented birth certificate was a forgery they created and released,his own book describing not being a US citizen, a grandmother who proudly pointed to the Kenyan hospital right down the road Obama was born in as he campaigned..I mean you have to absolutely hate America and the constitution it was founded on to vote for a traitor who's sole goal is to destroy America and collapse it based on the fail economic plan and Healthcare system that failed dozens of times in Europe.. Romney is not my pick of the litter but Obama is not even a possible option to those who have a brain and care about America.