
Lost at sea ? Is only what happens to an inexperienced Skipper, The rest do fine.

When the lights go out,...according to you, you will no longer be able to navigate this world,...I am not in that position,...You shouldn`t be neither..........don`t go that way......

negatory. it could happen to even the most experienced sailor..don't you know what 'metaphor' means?
The shut had been orchastrated by the GOP (Tea Party) to defund the ACA as per Mitch McConnell, the GOP finally gave in because the shut down was hurting the GOP the most and I'm sorry NO payments were made during the shut down itself only vital employees were paid only after the shut down was over and funding bill was passed thats when ALL got paid.
As you said:
ALL got paid.
I don't get it. You complain the government didn't get to spend the money, then post citations saying they did spend the money.

red not everyone is a miser like you..many people live paycheck-to-paycheck, literally one paycheck away from not living at all..when this happens people resort to check cashing store payday loans..pawn shop loans with exorbitant interest rates..it's the way that the low income individual is preyed upon in this country.

we (america) lost tourist revenue up the ying yang with all the closed government sites..add to that, those who were paid their salaries in arrears for which (if they didn't have savings) had to look elsewhere to pay their mortgages, utilities and food..basic human needs..with interest.

ted cruz is merely an employee of the government that he shut down..if i were an employee of the government during this time and mr. cruz brought financial hardship on my family?..i'd bring suit against him so fast..and i'd win.

that would create legal precedence like no other and there would never be another shutdown again!

we've become too accustomed to rolling over at the snap of a finger on someone elses whim and agenda..do you think he had to worry how he'd have to buy groceries that week?..give his kid's lunch money? (in uintah elementary utah, they take your hot lunch out of your hands and throw it in the trash when mommy/daddy forgets to pay (or can't) for the program).
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Government workers don't live paycheck to paycheck. The parks didn't need to close, but Obama ordered then closed to make the shut down as painful as possible. Of course, you blame it on others, because, well, SCIENCE!

".i'd bring suit against him so fast..and i'd win."........Yeah, right. Idiot.

how do you know? you are one person who works for the state..

and every suit i bring, has a payday, red..

you can only aspire to be as knowledgeable as i.
how do you know? you are one person who works for the state..

and every suit i bring, has a payday, red..

you can only aspire to be as knowledgeable as i.
Yeah, with all those government employees, none filed a lawsuit. You think there might be a reason for that? "as knowledgeable as i" Yeah, that's it..lol
I don't get it. You complain the government didn't get to spend the money, then post citations saying they did spend the money.
I wasn't complaining Government had no money to spend, I was explaining that paychecks were not sent out to workers the week of the shutdown, how could they, the federal workers who process paychecks were out of work... Duh!
Yeah, with all those government employees, none filed a lawsuit. You think there might be a reason for that? "as knowledgeable as i" Yeah, that's it..lol

it's easy to sue or jail a government worker for breaking the law..and what the fuck other country does this on a regular basis?..no one..just the fucking overindulged, trigger happy, crazed americans..that's who.

this is a NEW america..'we the people' have taken charge:

ASHLAND, Ky. — A Kentucky county clerk was found in contempt of court Thursday for her refusal to issue marriage licenses in wake of the Supreme Court decision to allow gays to wed.
it's easy to sue or jail a government worker for breaking the law..and what the fuck other country does this on a regular basis?..no one..just the fucking overindulged, trigger happy, crazed americans..that's who.

this is a NEW america..'we the people' have taken charge:

ASHLAND, Ky. — A Kentucky county clerk was found in contempt of court Thursday for her refusal to issue marriage licenses in wake of the Supreme Court decision to allow gays to wed.
Except no laws were broken.
Except no laws were broken.
Really! She broke her oath of office! I say thats breaking the law. She was not appointed, she was elected to her post and sworn in to office.

The Supreme court has ruled gay marriage is legal in ALL 50 states, if it's against her religion...she has the option of resigning her ELECTED position. She swore to uphold the law...but she didn't.
Really! She broke her oath of office! I say thats breaking the law. She was not appointed, she was elected to her post and sworn in to office.

The Supreme court has ruled gay marriage is legal in ALL 50 states, if it's against her religion...she has the option of resigning her ELECTED position. She swore to uphold the law...but she didn't.
An oath is not a law.
Neither did Obama, but I don't see you squawking about that, so your outrage seems inconsistent.
I agree the right thing for her to do is resign or accept the "accommodation".
An oath is not a law.
Neither did Obama, but I don't see you squawking about that, so your outrage seems inconsistent.
I agree the right thing for her to do is resign or accept the "accommodation".
An oath is not a law.
Neither did Obama, but I don't see you squawking about that, so your outrage seems inconsistent.
I agree the right thing for her to do is resign or accept the "accommodation".

Unfotunately, only one person violated the oath of office, Kim Davis.
Get over it.
He did the same thing Reagan did on immigration, he used executive powers to relieve parents fear of being deported as long as they have children in this country who are going to school. Reagan went one step further and gave blanket immunity to immigrants who were here already.

Welfare reform? Really? I don't remember GOP politicians screaming about welfare reform, Clinton already took care of that back in the 90's.

Most Americans forget that Obama ran as a candidate to bring change, and he certainly has, we no longer spend money on wars (how did Cheney and Bush not get prosecuted for lying to the world about Iraq having WMD's)
George W. Bush's CIA Briefer: Bush and Cheney Falsely Presented WMD Intelligence to Public

On "Hardball," Michael Morell concedes the Bush administration misled the nation into the Iraq War.

—David Corn on Tue. May 19, 2015 7:25 PM PDT

Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell is sworn in as he testifes before the House Intelligence Committee. Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP
For a dozen years, the Bush-Cheney crowd have been trying to escape—or cover up—an essential fact of the W. years: President George Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and their lieutenants misled the American public about the WMD threat supposedly posed by Saddam Hussein in order to grease the way to the invasion of Iraq. For Bush, Cheney, and the rest, this endeavor is fundamental; it is necessary to protect the legitimacy of the Bush II presidency. Naturally, Karl Rove and other Bushies have quickly tried to douse the Bush-lied-us-into-war firewhenever such flames have appeared. And in recent days, as Jeb Bush bumbled a question about the Iraq War, he and other GOPers have peddled the fictitious tale that his brother launched the invasion because he was presented lousy intelligence. But now there's a new witness who will make the Bush apologists' mission even more impossible: Michael Morell, a longtime CIA official who eventually became the agency's deputy director and acting director. During the preinvasion period, he served as Bush's intelligence briefer.

Appearing on MSNBC's Hardball on Tuesday night, Morell made it clear: The Bush-Cheney administration publicly misrepresented the intelligence related to Iraq's supposed WMD program and Saddam's alleged links to Al Qaeda.

Host Chris Matthews asked Morell about a statement Cheney made in 2003: "We know he [Saddam Hussein] has been absolutely devoted to trying to acquire nuclear weapons. And we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons." Here's the conversation that followed:

MATTHEWS: Was that true?

MORELL: We were saying—

MATTHEWS: Can you answer that question? Was that true?

MORELL: That's not true.

MATTHEWS: Well, why'd you let them get away with it?

MORELL: Look, my job Chris—

MATTHEWS: You're the briefer for the president on intelligence, you're the top person to go in and tell him what's going on. You see Cheney make this charge he's got a nuclear bomb and then they make subsequent charges he knew how to deliver it…and nobody raised their hand and said, "No that's not what we told him."

MORELL: Chris, Chris Chris, what's my job, right? My job—

MATTHEWS: To tell the truth.

MORELL: My job—no, as the briefer? As the briefer?

MATTHEWS: Okay, go ahead.

MORELL: As the briefer, my job is to carry CIA's best information and best analysis to the president of the United States and make sure he understands it. My job is to not watch what they're saying on TV.
Obama violated his oath to uphold the law regarding immigration, welfare reform laws, and others. You are lying when you say:

obama did not stop enforcing any law, he just changed the way the law was enforced, as he is allowed to do based on how the law was written.

you can stop him by changing the way the law is written so there is no wiggle room for him, but that will be tough since your immigration stance is just the KKK's stance.

obama did nothing to change welfare reform laws.
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What uncleb said is 100% correct Obama did not change the laws thats what the GOP Obama haters would want you to believe, espacially, uuummm, that fair and balance network whats the name...oh yeah FOX, the pretend news organization. All you ever heard on that network about Michael Morell were crickets, fair and balanced my ass.

Any president has to follow the law; he can however change how the law is enforced through executive action as many Presidents have done before him. Obama gave/pleaded with congress to fix the immigration law but Republicans blocked it for years. So he took action in the face of inaction by Congress. Hell Eric Cantor (house Majority Leader) was Primaried by the Tea Party because he was in favor of immigration reform. Republicans remind me of sharks they eat there own.

Look, both chambers of Congress are in full control of Republicans they can make and pass laws to restrict Obama's so called overreach of the law, but they won't, you know why? because he has not broken any laws the constitution gives him that priviledge weather you like it or not.
Obamacare is retarded, ignorant, more costly, and flat out retarded. My taxes are so high already that if I don't want healthcare I have to pay more? Yeah well fuck you.