• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Obamacare Insurance Exchange

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
first of all, there is no personal responsibility in going to the emergency room and pawning off your bills on everyone else because you can't afford them.

second, a minimum wage loser like you, who earns about 100% of poverty per year at best, will be eligible for medicaid.

since there is no chance of a minimum wage loser being able to afford health insurance otherwise, knowing that medicaid has your back will only enhance your personal freedom and liberty.

but you go on bitching because you don't like the skin color of the president. way too multicultural, totally not REAL AMERICA material.

Your reply to Dr. Kynes did nothing to address the very real concept that people no longer have a choice and are now "forced" to comply or face consequences.

How would you address the issue of a government forcing people to buy something ?

The color of the President has no bearing on whether the policy is good or bad. Obama's white Goldman Sachs Twin, Mitt Romney put in a kind of forced insurance in Massachusetts, it seems like you just like to call people racists so you can avoid parts of the debate that you don't like.


Well-Known Member
Your reply to Dr. Kynes did nothing to address the very real concept that people no longer have a choice and are now "forced" to comply or face consequences.

How would you address the issue of a government forcing people to buy something ?
Like food or medicine

The color of the President has no bearing on whether the policy is good or bad. Obama's white Goldman Sachs Twin, Mitt Romney put in a kind of forced insurance in Massachusetts, it seems like you just like to call people racists so you can avoid parts of the debate that you don't like.
For many people it has a unfortunate direct bearing on how they feel
Fucking move or get a job you whiny slacker piece of shit

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Fucking move or get a job you whiny slacker piece of shit
another non-reply based solely in ad hominem.

if only there were a place you could find Copy/Paste screeds which address real questions and real issues with any subject...

sadly, liberalism doesn deal with the dissenter's reason for dissent. they instead attack the person, as they are well aware that their positions are indefensible.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You ever going to get a job or move someplace you feel is better?

Then shut the fuck up
Places are physical. I like the physical United States. The totalitarian government that puts the most people in jail and polices the world, not so much.

I believe it would be more polite, if you said to "please shut the fuck up".

Sometimes you seem ill equipped to back your positions up with thoughtful answers. Did you always flip the checker board and storm out of the room, screaming, "I hate my sister!" ?


Well-Known Member
Places are physical. I like the physical United States. The totalitarian government that puts the most people in jail and polices the world, not so much.

I believe it would be more polite, if you said to "please shut the fuck up".

Sometimes you seem ill equipped to back your positions up with thoughtful answers. Did you always flip the checker board and storm out of the room, screaming, "I hate my sister!" ?


Well-Known Member
it's amazing the human race survived before the Democrats arrived to save us from ourselves.

also, asbestos causes mesothelioma. (use the googles)

black lung is caused by breathing in coal dust, and only afflicted coal miners, fire stokers in coal fired furnaces, and coalyard workers. (use the gooogles)

the cuyahoga river did not "catch on fire" in 1968, thats a bullshit story ( http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/Delivery.cfm/SSRN_ID333140_code517200.pdf?abstractid=333140&mirid=1 )

Polio was not cured by government action (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonas_Salk)

blacks were lynched BY THE GOVERNMENT (use the googles) not just redneck crackers.

there has as yet been no statistical evidence that kids bicycle helmets do shit to reduce injury, merely assumptions and assertions.

nobody gets "impaled" by a dashboard. you can be "impaled" by a steering column, if you hit moving at a high enough rate of speed, and nobody has been ab/e to come up with a way to prevent it. F=MxV... and if the steering column is where you hit, your getting speared.

detention camps were created and operated by DEMOCRATS in positions of power in GOVERNMENT, notably FDR...

and finally it seems as if you are implying that The One has signed some law making "getting sick" a thing of the past...
Funny Doc. I didn't say anything about government, I was referring to history and how the good old days weren't all that good. Seems you havn't managed to disprove that in your statement.


Well-Known Member
how do i know it's not a lie?

he did not source his copy/paste.

as such his assertions can be safely assumed to be LIES.

Edit: and why should i read the law when the congress still hasnt?
NOBODY is sure whats in that 2000 pages of crap yet, i read it before and i got more useful information from a chinese phone directory.
Because if you don't read it you are going to let someone else read it for you, as you so obviously have.


Well-Known Member
Never seen a gay or black lynched, never met anyone with polio, air is much cleaner now than 20 years ago, so are rivers, children wearing helmets is just paranoid, you can't get impaled on a dashboard steering columns are better designed now, child labor is illegal, there are no detention camps, black lung and asbestosis doesn't happen anymore, leaded paint is no longer manufactured, bankruptcy eliminates all those bills, and there are numerous government safety nets that enable even the poorest to live better than the wealthy of just a few generations ago. The problems of a previous generation are all but gone now. I don't know where you're at, but you should move to the USA.
And all of these wonderful occurances just happened - right? all by themselves, no government leadership, no regulation at all.


Well-Known Member
Funny how you actually checked the plans when they weren't yet published. "16 percent lower than estimated" is based on estimates far higher than current, and is still a large increase. Your "facts" are lies. Complain about " the spin machine' while you spin like crazy.
how much higher is it now then? how much higher are those premiums? How is it that you KNOW and yet are unwilling to show the rest of us the numbers?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Because if you don't read it you are going to let someone else read it for you, as you so obviously have.
i read it before and i got more useful information from a chinese phone directory.
me, in the very post you quoted.


Well-Known Member
Once again more people crying about insurance but then failing to mention how they have savings plan or frivolously spend their money on improving their standard of living. If you were born with a illness that is known to make you sick, why should someone pay for your hospital bills that are about 90% guaranteed to occur in the future when it is your responsibility to make the money and save it yourself. All these people that are crying out i cant afford insurance are really saying i cant afford the medical bills that i am going to have can someone else pay them for me because I have not figured out how to make enough money to pay them myself. Sorry if you have a pre-existing medical condition that keeps you from getting insurance but think about what you are really asking for, free money. If you were really concerned about your health you wouldn't be sitting on your ass blogging and whining about obama care, you would be working hard and trying to store up atleast $250,000 by the time you hit age 40 to cover any serious possible medical expenses, then when your 60 that number should be at $500k, and then you can choose to spend it or keep it and pass it on to your family. Im tired of all my fellow americans being lazy crybaby's with their hands out looking for charity. Thats all this is, lazy americans, wanting easy money.


Well-Known Member
Once again more people crying about insurance but then failing to mention how they have savings plan or frivolously spend their money on improving their standard of living. If you were born with a illness that is known to make you sick, why should someone pay for your hospital bills that are about 90% guaranteed to occur in the future when it is your responsibility to make the money and save it yourself. All these people that are crying out i cant afford insurance are really saying i cant afford the medical bills that i am going to have can someone else pay them for me because I have not figured out how to make enough money to pay them myself. Sorry if you have a pre-existing medical condition that keeps you from getting insurance but think about what you are really asking for, free money. If you were really concerned about your health you wouldn't be sitting on your ass blogging and whining about obama care, you would be working hard and trying to store up atleast $250,000 by the time you hit age 40 to cover any serious possible medical expenses, then when your 60 that number should be at $500k, and then you can choose to spend it or keep it and pass it on to your family. Im tired of all my fellow americans being lazy crybaby's with their hands out looking for charity. Thats all this is, lazy americans, wanting easy money.
Fuck yeah now you are talking

lets kill the infirm!!!


Well-Known Member
This whole healthcare obama care obama wah wah way i cant afford my medical expenses is all crap and makes me so mad when people cry about not being able to afford insurance. Sorry but why should you get the same healthcare as someone if they can afford a better doctor than you or a more expensive procedure. I swear man if a poorly motivated lazy dumbass who settled on a job making $25k-35k a year without trying to supplement their income can get the same healthcare as someone making $100k+ a year who worked hard or simply just has that much money this country is full of shit. We are all created equally but that doesn't mean that we remain equal after. I say cut off all aid and then introduce a spending plan where people can work for that aid instead of just getting a check. Make them do civil duties if they want a welfare check, paint something, clean something, do anything to better your city or country, then you get your check. Not just wait by the mail because yea, part of that check is taken from mine assholes.


Well-Known Member
Obamacare exchange rules:

you surrender freedom liberty and personal responsibility

and in exchange you receive:

eternal debt servitude to an insurance company.

where do i sign up?
nice robo e-mail re-post. why not just hashtag the b.s. group you got this from?


WHATEVER YOU OPPOSE infinges upon the rights of freedom liberty and personal responsibility. WHATEVER YOU OPPOSE will open the door to eternal debt, servitude, dictatorships, government control.

Freedom, liberty and personal responsibility will be ruined by WHATEVER YOU OPPOSE. < Say. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat again.

*Whatever you do, do not go into specifics, do not mention the problems that need solutions, and do not discuss why you oppose it. Just follow the above formula, repeat, repeat again.