• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Obama wins!!!!

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Well-Known Member
lol, you just said alot about your own beliefs and morals by saying "The stupidity & ignorance of Americans. No wonder your country is in the can."
way to act exactly like 1 racist american !:wall: ... Wow! the stupidity & ignorance of the entire group of what ever the fuck you are
I was stating the obvious you ignorant piece of shit. You have no idea what group or country or "group" i belong to . So shut the fuck up. Unless you know what the fuck your talking about keep your lame ass comments to your self. I'm not even an American citizen anymore but was born in America and left the country before you were even a twinkle in your fathers nut sac. I am far from a racist and ignorant i've expericened and lived with people from all walks of life and i consider all man kind my bretheren. Dont get mad at me beacuse the country you live in spews hatred and racism as i said i was just stating the obvious.


Well-Known Member
I hear alot of people concerned that Obama is going to spend all the money, well folks I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the USA has not had any money since 1914. Since that day the good ole USA has only had debt, you know its debt too, just look at a federal reserve note ( The US dollar) it says it is debt right on it..this note is legal tender for any debt public or private. Every dollar produced is a representation of someone elses debt, its not backed by anything and is actually valueless. Fiat currencies always fail in the end ( the USA is a fiat currency) because they only create debt for 99% of the population.... A few interesting quotes from some of the founding fathers here.

[FONT=COMIC SANS MS,PALATINO,BOOKMAN OLD STYLE,HELVETICA,ARIAL,TIMES]The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. I am an Enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but Coin. If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered. ...Thomas Jefferson

[/FONT]"The result of this whole (Federal Reserve) system is massive debt at every level of society today. The banks are in debt to the depositors, and the depositors' money is loaned out and creates indebtedness to the banks. Making this system even more akin to something out of a maniac's delirium is the fact that banks, like other lenders, often have the right to seize physical property if its paper money is not repaid."
- William Bramley

"A new dimension of trust had added to the illusion [of real worth]. Finally, the last prop for the money illusion was kicked away in this century: the gold standard was abandoned."
- William Greider

"I have never seen more Senators express discontent with their jobs....I think the major cause is that, deep down in our hearts, we have been accomplices in doing something terrible and unforgivable to our wonderful country. Deep down in our heart, we know that we have given our children a legacy of bankruptcy. We have defrauded our country to get ourselves elected."
- John Danforth (R-Mo)

"This [Federal Reserve Act] establishes the most gigantic trust on Earth. When the President [Wilson} signs this bill, the invisible government of the monetary power will be legalized....the worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency bill."
- Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. , 1913

Oh and just in case some of you didn't know. Your income tax is used to pay off the national debts interest..every penny of it. Your tax money does not pay for medical care, special programs, highways, military etc etc etc. nope we have to borrow all the money from the federal reserve to pay for those programs. The federal reserve was created in 1913 and surprisingly enough so was the federal income tax. The IRS is the federal reserves collection agency. Oh and one other thing, the fed income tax was never ratified by the required states and is therefore unconstitutional. There is NO law that says you must pay income tax, it does not exist. But if you don't, the IRS will take everything you own over a small amount of money.

The economy is doomed no matter who gets elected, we owe the fat cat bankers so much money its not possible to fix it.We owe approx 72 trillion dollars, thats alot of money seeing as the entire nations Gross Domestic Product is 13 trilliion. Basically every working person would have to forfeit 100% of your paycheck for 8 years to pay it back. Sad. But the saddest thing is that it cannot possibly ever be paid off. Since there is only principal moeny and no actual money produced for interest, the interest can never be paid off! After everyone goes bankrupt, the very same people who gave us our loans will also own every asset.

Watch this for more info...YouTube - Money, Banking & The Federal Reserve ( part 1 of 4 )


Well-Known Member
mk... straight up this is how it is... Obama is the shit, he already admitted to smoking weed as a teenager. But get real... you think as the first black president he will want to lessen the laws on Marijuana? I mean... ignorant people already think that only black people and mexicans smoke weed, so what makes people believe as the first black president he will want to legalize weed? If he did... chances of us having another black president is slim to none... He MIGHT lessen the laws on it... but i doubt even that will happen...


Active Member
I hear alot of people concerned that Obama is going to spend all the money, well folks I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the USA has not had any money since 1914. Since that day the good ole USA has only had debt, you know its debt too, just look at a federal reserve note ( The US dollar) it says it is debt right on it..this note is legal tender for any debt public or private. Every dollar produced is a representation of someone elses debt, its not backed by anything and is actually valueless. Fiat currencies always fail in the end ( the USA is a fiat currency) because they only create debt for 99% of the population.... A few interesting quotes from some of the founding fathers here.

[FONT=COMIC SANS MS,PALATINO,BOOKMAN OLD STYLE,HELVETICA,ARIAL,TIMES]The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. I am an Enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but Coin. If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered. ...Thomas Jefferson

[/FONT]"The result of this whole (Federal Reserve) system is massive debt at every level of society today. The banks are in debt to the depositors, and the depositors' money is loaned out and creates indebtedness to the banks. Making this system even more akin to something out of a maniac's delirium is the fact that banks, like other lenders, often have the right to seize physical property if its paper money is not repaid."
- William Bramley

"A new dimension of trust had added to the illusion [of real worth]. Finally, the last prop for the money illusion was kicked away in this century: the gold standard was abandoned."
- William Greider

"I have never seen more Senators express discontent with their jobs....I think the major cause is that, deep down in our hearts, we have been accomplices in doing something terrible and unforgivable to our wonderful country. Deep down in our heart, we know that we have given our children a legacy of bankruptcy. We have defrauded our country to get ourselves elected."
- John Danforth (R-Mo)

"This [Federal Reserve Act] establishes the most gigantic trust on Earth. When the President [Wilson} signs this bill, the invisible government of the monetary power will be legalized....the worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency bill."
- Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. , 1913

Oh and just in case some of you didn't know. Your income tax is used to pay off the national debts interest..every penny of it. Your tax money does not pay for medical care, special programs, highways, military etc etc etc. nope we have to borrow all the money from the federal reserve to pay for those programs. The federal reserve was created in 1913 and surprisingly enough so was the federal income tax. The IRS is the federal reserves collection agency. Oh and one other thing, the fed income tax was never ratified by the required states and is therefore unconstitutional. There is NO law that says you must pay income tax, it does not exist. But if you don't, the IRS will take everything you own over a small amount of money.

The economy is doomed no matter who gets elected, we owe the fat cat bankers so much money its not possible to fix it.We owe approx 72 trillion dollars, thats alot of money seeing as the entire nations Gross Domestic Product is 13 trilliion. Basically every working person would have to forfeit 100% of your paycheck for 8 years to pay it back. Sad. But the saddest thing is that it cannot possibly ever be paid off. Since there is only principal moeny and no actual money produced for interest, the interest can never be paid off! After everyone goes bankrupt, the very same people who gave us our loans will also own every asset.

Watch this for more info...YouTube - Money, Banking & The Federal Reserve ( part 1 of 4 )
I agree completely. The National debt is a HUGE problem yet no one even brings it up or talks about it for any extended period of time.

Clinton was paying off the national debt and George W. made it about 4 times bigger


Well-Known Member
I'm not an American,,,,,still I feel a deep sense of relief. Today.. I don't know if anything is going to be different but it feels different
I couldn't even look at Bush (or his dad) without getting the total CREEPS...
I smoke too much dope to watch real time horror shows.....like the Iraq war and the slow but frightening spread of globalization over the last 10 years or so....bongsmilie. good luck with the new era everyone


Active Member
Barrak Hussien Obaoma is not a communist. He's a socialist. He's going to tax people who work hard and make 250k or better and give it out in the fourm of welfare. He told you dumb fucks what he was going to do and you voted him in anyway. Now I'm not saying McCain was a better choice either. Where it all went wronge is that McCain got nominated. That's where Americans fucked up. There were better candidates running than fuckin McCain. God Bless him for what he went thru when he was shot down, but that don't make him no fuckin President. We missed the boat by not nominating a better candidate.I hear people talking about less government and letting states decide what's best rather than the Federal govmt. And I hear people complain about the debt Americans are in and the decline in the value of our dollar. And you had a Presidential candidate that stood to fix these things by following our Constitution and getting America back to the way we were.And Americans let him slip away by not voting for Dr. Ron Paul. Hopefully he will run again in 2012.. He stands for less government and a stronger America. Google him and just listen to what he says. He told us 3 years ago what was going to happen to our country because of "CREDIT" He tells it like it is and if you can't see thru your blinders and have no common sense, well I guess you vote for Obama ....... we haven't even hit bottom yet in America...It's sad people cant see the way shit really is... man I'm going to toke and watch some Sports Center...peace to everyone...no matter who you voted for.... Peace.

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
Attitudes like this are the problem with your country.

Maybe people will want to go to college to...Uh I don't know....get an education....better themselves....gain more knowledge....LEARN TO DO THINGS...be able to contribute to society...etc...etc

Maybe if your greed filled minds weren't so obsessed with 'Money' and 'Wealth', and thought more about Life, love and peace, your country (and therefore the world, by proxy) wouldn't be in the shit heap we're all in right now.

it's fucked up that you see 'bettering your life' and 'making more money' as the same thing.

Maybe instead of setting your life goal as being 'make lots of money', it should be to 'be happy', 'keep food in your belly', 'raise healthy offspring', 'find someone to love', 'make friends'........ All of these things have REAL value (unlike a useless peice of green paper, or even worse an electronic record of said peice of paper)

well put homie finally somone who gets it, but of course your not American.
think about it people :hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
well dont they predict it legal by 2011? and hes president till 2012. i think the sooner the better. everyones all stoked for a "change" and i would like to see this change


Well-Known Member
Barrak Hussien Obaoma is not a communist. He's a socialist. He's going to tax people who work hard and make 250k or better and give it out in the fourm of welfare. He told you dumb fucks what he was going to do and you voted him in anyway. Now I'm not saying McCain was a better choice either. Where it all went wronge is that McCain got nominated. That's where Americans fucked up. There were better candidates running than fuckin McCain. God Bless him for what he went thru when he was shot down, but that don't make him no fuckin President. We missed the boat by not nominating a better candidate.I hear people talking about less government and letting states decide what's best rather than the Federal govmt. And I hear people complain about the debt Americans are in and the decline in the value of our dollar. And you had a Presidential candidate that stood to fix these things by following our Constitution and getting America back to the way we were.And Americans let him slip away by not voting for Dr. Ron Paul. Hopefully he will run again in 2012.. He stands for less government and a stronger America. Google him and just listen to what he says. He told us 3 years ago what was going to happen to our country because of "CREDIT" He tells it like it is and if you can't see thru your blinders and have no common sense, well I guess you vote for Obama ....... we haven't even hit bottom yet in America...It's sad people cant see the way shit really is... man I'm going to toke and watch some Sports Center...peace to everyone...no matter who you voted for.... Peace.
everyone can't get everything they want, even the rich ahahaha!!!!!!!!! fuck you rich bitches go earn a real days pay working with your hands


Active Member
Wow this thread just keeps goin, I did not vote for President Obam, but am going to back him and support him, if people choose to keep their walls up then we will truly be a nation UN-UNITED,,, remember,,, United we stand Divided we fall, so lets give President Obam support, and the people posting these horrible things need to get a grip, he has a HOT wife, two beautiful little girls that are innocent, and people need to get some class and have some respect.

I have looked through this thread and I have NOT seen many post saying what I am saying now,,,

Congratulations President Elect Obama, may the Lord God Bless You and Yours!!!



Sector 5 Moderator
Don't lie, you -repped me for a similar comment and of course you're too much a coward to leave your name. So I've got something for you :)
I didn't -rep you so use your pincushion on someone else; it won't work on me anyway. This is still a country of free choice and free speech and I'll damn well use it without fear of someone trying to take those liberties away from me. I didn't vote for Obama but I WILL support him and I hope he's the best fucking president we've had since George Washington. How's that?


Well-Known Member
Wow this thread just keeps goin, I did not vote for President Obam, but am going to back him and support him, if people choose to keep their walls up then we will truly be a nation UN-UNITED,,, remember,,, United we stand Divided we fall, so lets give President Obam support, and the people posting these horrible things need to get a grip, he has a HOT wife, two beautiful little girls that are innocent, and people need to get some class and have some respect.

I have looked through this thread and I have NOT seen many post saying what I am saying now,,,

Congratulations President Elect Obama, may the Lord God Bless You and Yours!!!
Wow, I don't know if you're a republican or not, but if you are, you just made my list of the ones I respect! +Rep for that statement, you are the embodiment of class, kind sir. I probably wouldn't have been man enough to say that if McCain would have been elected. I know I'm arrogant(even before some of you pointed it out), but its people like you that make me relax a little and realize that we're all in this together.


Well-Known Member
You might need it, but they worked for it. That is the difference.

Its not greed, its getting what you deserve. If you work hard for something, you deserve to keep it. If you have done nothing, work at McDonald's, have 3 kids and can't afford to live, why should somebody else pay your bills?

We are going to have a giant welfare state. People were too focused on electing a black president and not paying attention to the issues. Sure we have now made history in our country, but is getting this election in the history books really worth turning our country into a socialist environment?

This country will soon be run by the poor. And these are the people that obviously have no idea what to do with their money. You give a poor person money and they are going to blow it on nonsense. They will go out and buy expensive clothes, an Escalade, etc. But you give a rich person some money and it turns into 3 times as much from investing, then gets spent where the poor folk work, keeping them employed.

If you take the money from the rich, then there is not nearly as much money being spent in our country. This means everyone working a crappy job in retail, etc, will not have jobs because those dang "evil rich people" are not spending as much money. Then the poor are poorer, we have more people on welfare, and I get to pay for someone to eat. That sounds just great to me. Thank god for the democrats!:evil:
Sorry but where's the hard work in being given a massive trust fund by your rich father, investing it and turning it into three times as much money, then spending that money......the only hard work there is spending all that shit loads of money.

Especially when the father in question did the same thing, as did his father and his father, untill you get back to the means by which a lot of these family fortunes were made........slavery.

One's wealth isn't only proportional to the amount of work you do, if it was the world would be a much better place.

The American obsession with 'Money' is what is going to distroy you, you've already started the downward spiral.

Money in itself is worthless.

You can work a lifetime trying to pay the mortgage on your house........it doesn't take a lifetime to BUILD a house.


Active Member
Weapons of mass distraction
see, that's part of the problem, and I've found most liberals are this way, when you bring up things about Obama they can't defend or they don't want to hear they just bring up Bush.... Bush sucked as a Prez, we all know that, drop it.... why is it when you hear something you don't like or can't defend about Obama, you change the subject and start in on Bush??? why do all liberals do this?? If you complain about McCain, I'll defend him if I feel it's necessary, if you're right I'll tell you good point, I'm not gonna completely change the subject and bitch about something not related....


Well-Known Member
You calling an election that ended in McCain congratulating Obamas victory tragic? I think the fact that you even have hands to type with is tragic.

God I hate ignorant hillbillies... :dunce:
I think you mean ignorant people... I'm a hillbilly born and raised. I voted for Obama!

I hate fucking city slickers that think they own they own the world...
GrowTech, all though i agree with you on what you are saying... it seems that you are the ignorant one, hillbillies are what got this country started. The people like you, that have no knowledge of the old way of life, are what has ruined this country...


Active Member
A large percentage of democratic voters in general are unemployed simply because of the handouts the democratic party gives. So to say that a lot of Obama supporters are unemployed is a fairly true statement. Most lifetime welfare recipients are democrats, becauae the republicans don't want to feed the lazy.

And how many people voted for him simply because he is black? There was something on tv where a guy was asking black people who they were voting for. When they said Obama, the interviewer asked if it was because they supported certain policies, like staying in Iraq, etc. Most of these people said they agree with these policies even though they were the republicans beliefs. This just shows that people were voting based on color and not on ideals.

This is 2008, we are suppose to be color blind. The man's skin color should not have even been mentioned during the election.
+1, let's not be blind to the facts, the unemployed and poor vote has always gone democratic as they push for the most government social welfare programs....
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