Obama who?


New Member
Obama ------>>> Wagon Train Master on the Road to Serfdom.

Hillary ------->>> Queen of The Brave New World.

McCain ------>>> Amnesty Pimp for the New North American Union.




Well-Known Member
Obama ------>>> Wagon Train Master on the Road to Serfdom.

Hillary ------->>> Queen of The Brave New World.

McCain ------>>> Amnesty Pimp for the New North American Union.



yep, looks like there is no stopping it now.

i wonder who the superdelegates will chose for the democrats??? the voters don't have a roll to play on that side anymore.



New Member
yep, looks like there is no stopping it now.

i wonder who the superdelegates will chose for the democrats??? the voters don't have a roll to play on that side anymore.

Where you been 7X? off to the gulf to write some oil contracts,~LOL~, Hey Im in for deal or no deal, maybe I can join the big boys club,~LOL~. Actually, I wouldnt belong to any club that required a modicum of wealth, any club that would have me as a member is certainly fucked up.


Well-Known Member
yep, looks like there is no stopping it now.

i wonder who the superdelegates will chose for the democrats??? the voters don't have a roll to play on that side anymore.

Hey 7X, ain't see you in awhile. Looks like are boy, Ron Paul, is out. So who are you going for now? I'm starting to like Huckabee but if he can't beat McCain, I'll go for Obama. McCain and Hillary are unaccepatable.


Well-Known Member
Where you been 7X? off to the gulf to write some oil contracts,~LOL~, Hey Im in for deal or no deal, maybe I can join the big boys club,~LOL~. Actually, I wouldnt belong to any club that required a modicum of wealth, any club that would have me as a member is certainly fucked up.
i figured you would have hit a jackpot by now. :)

i've been staying busy. i heard that AARP is accepting new members, maybe you can get in with them!



New Member
McCain and Hillary are unaccepatable

Boy you got that half right, McCain is definently un-acceptable. Hillary has issues but beats McCain and the Bush regime by a country mile. Remember if it comes down to Hillary or McCain, McCain will have a very small chance because of all the hillary haters, lets hope it's Obama VS McCain. Obama will rip him a new one


Well-Known Member
Hey 7X, ain't see you in awhile. Looks like are boy, Ron Paul, is out. So who are you going for now? I'm starting to like Huckabee but if he can't beat McCain, I'll go for Obama. McCain and Hillary are unaccepatable.
hey bro! well, i'm officially a "disenfranchised" voter. i can't trust any of the ones who are left over so i won't be supporting any of them.



Well-Known Member
McCain and Hillary are unaccepatable

Boy you got that half right, McCain is definently un-acceptable. Hillary has issues but beats McCain and the Bush regime by a country mile. Remember if it comes down to Hillary or McCain, McCain will have a very small chance because of all the hillary haters, lets hope it's Obama VS McCain. Obama will rip him a new one

Hillary is the "Bush regime". also, don't be surprised if it comes down to O vs. M that Hillary comes out with that damaging info she's been hinting at for the last several months.



Well-Known Member
Hillary is the "Bush regime".

I think your right about that. I was watching CNN not too long ago and they said Bush Sr. is supporting Hillary:shock:. I haven't heard anything about it since, but they said he's going to be working in her cabinet if she wins...Kinda makes you wonder. Scary, if it's true.


New Member
in my book integrity is more important than good lines, fancy suits or empty promises. guess i'm old fashioned. :)

I see a few of the people on this site, Not naming names, you know who you are, have gone from ardent Bush supporters to anti-Bush Almost Democrats. I guess after swallowing that fucking pill, Even Obama Hussein Barak looks decent. I'm waiting for the hard core idiots to come out in support of McCain, yeah, 100 years of war in Iraq, that will surely fly with a populace that is 70% opposed to us being there at all. Is this guy an Idiot or what? The only hope is another false flag attack a few weeks before the elections, Vegas is a prime target, wouldn't bother me much if they brought down a highrise or two, I don't live in the shadow of any, and maybe they'd get caught. That would be wonderful, the getting caught part that is. Hey, it's mostly tourists anyway~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
I see a few of the people on this site, Not naming names, you know who you are, have gone from ardent Bush supporters to anti-Bush Almost Democrats. I guess after swallowing that fucking pill, Even Obama Hussein Barak looks decent. I'm waiting for the hard core idiots to come out in support of McCain, yeah, 100 years of war in Iraq, that will surely fly with a populace that is 70% opposed to us being there at all. Is this guy an Idiot or what? The only hope is another false flag attack a few weeks before the elections, Vegas is a prime target, wouldn't bother me much if they brought down a highrise or two, I don't live in the shadow of any, and maybe they'd get caught. That would be wonderful, the getting caught part that is. Hey, it's mostly tourists anyway~LOL~.
isn't McCain an "almost democrat"? lol
