Obama who?


Well-Known Member
ron pauls got no chance!hes got many supporters but very insignificant in the bigger picture!i want obama to win!


Well-Known Member
Who is more like Ron Paul, Obahma or Huckabee?


Ron Paul will announce his support of Huckabee. Soon.
No way. Are you serious with that shit? I think Obama is more like Paul with his opposition to the war and leniency on MMJ. But, in all honesty, I don't think either are like Paul


Well-Known Member
i dont know if this post gonna lost or not but if it a douple post sorry my comp just go crazy
WHY you all giving up on RP so easy?
Primary, Polls results hahha dont you all have any question at all about how just few % reported in and they already decided who is the winner dont matter that more than 50% havnet reported in so how they can be so sure that the rest will have the same % on who got how much % and such...
i would say this over and over again dont give up till the race is finished and do more research on who u vote cause taht important you might not like the truth Rp speaks but for your own sake and your own freedom please research on who u vote for and on Rp compare them side by side on anything u could think of and dont vote on your liking but vote on the fact because he whose you like might not be who u think he is and might cant do what you think he can....


Well-Known Member
Huckabee huh? It doesn't seem like any of their policies match up. But, I do like Huckabee, for some reason. Maybe it's because he was a pastor but he just seems like a real, nice guy to me. I don't really care if I don't agree with his policies. At this point, I just want a president who isn't evil. And Huckabee, along with Obama, is one of the few candidates I don't think is evil.


Well-Known Member
Mokety-I've already done all my research on all the candidates. If Paul runs all the way till the end I will support him. But, it doesn't hurt to have a plan B. I suspect he will drop out soon.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Ron paul have said so himself he will drop out if no more supporter show up for him and guess what he will always got me


Well-Known Member
No way. Are you serious with that shit? I think Obama is more like Paul with his opposition to the war and leniency on MMJ. But, in all honesty, I don't think either are like Paul
Sorry Blaze you are mistaken. Ron Paul and Huckabee have IDENTICLE positions on two planks of their platforms. Both are pro-life and both want to end the IRS. An end to the IRS could only be done if we reduced troop strength in foerign operations. So the war would have to scale back dramaticly. Also, how could a Baptist minister support a war of agression against a supposed enemy that has not attacted us?


Well-Known Member
cant beleive this Ron was the original guy who want to end the IRS 20 years ago not just thing he came up over night like huckabee and if you wonder how he does do well on poll number here is an example on how dirty the system can be a lot of error:
YouTube - California Election Fraud


Well-Known Member
Sorry Blaze you are mistaken. Ron Paul and Huckabee have IDENTICLE positions on two planks of their platforms. Both are pro-life and both want to end the IRS. An end to the IRS could only be done if we reduced troop strength in foerign operations. So the war would have to scale back dramaticly. Also, how could a Baptist minister support a war of agression against a supposed enemy that has not attacted us?
Really? The abortion thing is a nonissue to me. But, I did not know Huckabee wants to end the IRS. Very interesting. The more I hear about Huckabee, the more I like him. I don't know why, but for some reason, I just naturally wrote him off at the beginning. I'll have to look out more for the Huckster.
On an edited note: He may not be as good as Paul but he's a hell of a lot better than McCain or Romney!


Being a middle class person in Arkansas it seems unfathomable for Huckabee

to be doing any thing at all. He ran this state into the ground for several

years. But the conservatives here seem to be the only people that vote :evil:


New Member
Sorry Blaze you are mistaken. Ron Paul and Huckabee have IDENTICLE positions on two planks of their platforms. Both are pro-life and both want to end the IRS. An end to the IRS could only be done if we reduced troop strength in foerign operations. So the war would have to scale back dramaticly. Also, how could a Baptist minister support a war of agression against a supposed enemy that has not attacted us?
whoa. you are way off on expecting ron paul to support huckabee. huckabee has very close ties to the CFR. he and his daughter work with and for them. plus, huckabee has shown no plans of ending this for-profit war. if you want the new world order and one world government, vote for huckabee.

ron paul will NOT support him.


New Member
Really? The abortion thing is a nonissue to me. But, I did not know Huckabee wants to end the IRS. Very interesting. The more I hear about Huckabee, the more I like him. I don't know why, but for some reason, I just naturally wrote him off at the beginning. I'll have to look out more for the Huckster.
On an edited note: He may not be as good as Paul but he's a hell of a lot better than McCain or Romney!


Well-Known Member
personality. He's great for the Democrat Party ... as that party is based upon dreams. There is no substance to Obama. "Hope" is fine and so are the "rights" enumerated in the above article ... but where's the HOWS?

The problem having dreamers leading the country is ... when dreamers turn their dreams into actions the results can be devastating. Lyndon Johnson's "War on Poverty" is a fine example. Three TRILLION dollars squandered on LBJ's dream since the 60's ... and we still have poverty. Where did the money go?

ahaha dream party is right why does our country sell with promises, and hopes, we live in candy land is why. i had some debates over seas with locals in other countries and they told me this but now i see it in a more open perspective


Well-Known Member
Really? The abortion thing is a nonissue to me. But, I did not know Huckabee wants to end the IRS. Very interesting. The more I hear about Huckabee, the more I like him. I don't know why, but for some reason, I just naturally wrote him off at the beginning. I'll have to look out more for the Huckster.
On an edited note: He may not be as good as Paul but he's a hell of a lot better than McCain or Romney!
Yeah, he has been pretty much under the radar. But, apparently, he has been anti IRS for a long time. That impresses me. Also, a couple other issues seem pretty good. He did a fairly decent job down in Arkansas, as governor. Governorship is the most key predictor to success as a president. Huckabee restored some integredity to Arkansas, after the state was raped, for years, by the clintons. So I am giving Huck a look.


Well-Known Member
whoa. you are way off on expecting ron paul to support huckabee. huckabee has very close ties to the CFR. he and his daughter work with and for them. plus, huckabee has shown no plans of ending this for-profit war. if you want the new world order and one world government, vote for huckabee.

ron paul will NOT support him.
Well, I voted for Dr. Paul, with a clear conscience yesterday. I will look this over more closely. But, Obahma has shown me nothing. He looks like a refreshing breath of more of the same old shit.