Obama Should Order the CIA to Assassinate Snowden...

Personal...is that better for you? If not I'll change it again if you like, or is that i'll. I like to be petty sometimes also. Lol!

What leads you to believe what was said is stupid?

because when you compare 1930's germany to present day america, the comparison is poor and falls apart.

go ahead and make the case, back up what you said. let's examine it closely.

Why should they put him on trial?

didn't they charge him with espionage?

if they didn't charge him with espionage, then some kind of fraud since he only went for the position on false pretenses.

stupid disillusioned pawlbots.
So I have actually come across some counter ideas that Snowden actually works for the CIA and is another Osama- than means because he is threatening to keep releasing more damning evidence on the US that we are to treat him as a "cyber terrorist" in order to shut down our internet rights, Period.

hmmmmm :fire:
didn't they charge him with espionage?

if they didn't charge him with espionage, then some kind of fraud since he only went for the position on false pretenses.

stupid disillusioned pawlbots.

Can you not see a difference between exposing waste, lack of oversight and unconstitutional "wide-net" spying or "whistle blowing" and all the leaks from the Obama white house that have resulted in people getting killed?

Unfortunately whistleblowers don't have the likes of Sandy Berger working for them or a group of "plumbers" they can call on when they're found to be breaking oaths or leaking documents.

stupid disillusioned Obama-zombie...
So I have actually come across some counter ideas that Snowden actually works for the CIA and is another Osama- than means because he is threatening to keep releasing more damning evidence on the US that we are to treat him as a "cyber terrorist" in order to shut down our internet rights, Period.

hmmmmm :fire:

Well, for anyone that thinks this is out of the question, just ask yourself, what does he mean by fundamental change? We know one President can't change things, can he? What if he was in an agenda to screw us. Many of us see the standing agenda of the DEMS. It is over Congress after Congress, President after President. And it is happening, and 1/2 the people don't even know or care. The other 1/2 of voters is lock, and was tied, in the Struggle.

Now the DEMS really have the gloves off. A generation of slap ass morons are coming into the Vote. And I think it will happen. Civil War. That is required to Scrap the Big C. That is the Fundamental Change, I think. A new Constitution. Many are cheering for that.

Obama was elected on other ideas, but they are just slogans to cover the effort to screw a balanced system to kill it, by:
- wimpify
- pussify
- de-educate
- cower
- strip power
- control information
- instantiate the elite medical class
- consolidate the Executive
- deny privacy
- disarm the people piecemeal
- summarily execute citizens
- push out PuBs
- establish mob rule run from the White House
- create insurrection
- write the new Constitution in the aftermath

No, not all at once. But, open eyes will see it. The other side will raise the scorn to a dangerous level, to protect the secret of the End that justifies their Means.

The scorn of the mob is the main tool for this. We see it every day.
are you ever able to address a point directly without attempting to change the subject?

Can you not see a difference between exposing waste, lack of oversight and unconstitutional "wide-net" spying or "whistle blowing" and all the leaks from the Obama white house that have resulted in people getting killed?

are you ever able to address a point directly without attempting to change the subject?

Uncle Buck,
The willingness to kill without trial, that's what the OP is promoting. He wants to assassinate Snowden.

Other similarities I see not promoted by the OP.
The "U.S." attacking others without just cause.
The excessive printing of fiat currency.
Firearm registration. Banning firearms.
Spying on its citizens.
Imprisonment without charge and no right to trial.

Snowden witnessed the taking of peoples phone and internet conversations without probable cause. For him not to report it would be the misprision of a felony, he has a duty to report crimes. Those that violated the 4th amendment by issuing the bogus warrant, if under oath committed treason. A dragnet scooping up untold amounts of wire information of millions of people is void of probable cause. I am not a terrorist and there is no probable cause to issue a warrant authorizing the easdroping of my private conversations or the taking of my personal effects.

There is no secret super lawyer (judge) that has the authority to circumvent his oath to uphold the laws of the United States and that includes the violation of the 4th. The excuse of national security doesn't float with me. The US and it's people created the problem, they don't get the right now to start removing me of my rights because they screwed up.

Please excuse any typos, I am on a cell phone and its a pain in the ass. BTW this conversation is getting logged by people that feel some need to know everything about me and they can go pound sand.
Well, for anyone that thinks this is out of the question, just ask yourself, what does he mean by fundamental change? We know one President can't change things, can he? What if he was in an agenda to screw us. Many of us see the standing agenda of the DEMS. It is over Congress after Congress, President after President. And it is happening, and 1/2 the people don't even know or care. The other 1/2 of voters is lock, and was tied, in the Struggle.

Now the DEMS really have the gloves off. A generation of slap ass morons are coming into the Vote. And I think it will happen. Civil War. That is required to Scrap the Big C. That is the Fundamental Change, I think. A new Constitution. Many are cheering for that.

Obama was elected on other ideas, but they are just slogans to cover the effort to screw a balanced system to kill it, by:
- wimpify
- pussify
- de-educate
- cower
- strip power
- control information
- instantiate the elite medical class
- consolidate the Executive
- deny privacy
- disarm the people piecemeal
- summarily execute citizens
- push out PuBs
- establish mob rule run from the White House
- create insurrection
- write the new Constitution in the aftermath

No, not all at once. But, open eyes will see it. The other side will raise the scorn to a dangerous level, to protect the secret of the End that justifies their Means.

The scorn of the mob is the main tool for this. We see it every day.

I agree with the jist of what your saying. It is a mob, they have been raised in an alternative reality that dictates what they believe is the law of the land. It is a democracy 51% can make murder legal by justifying it in their code. They can make you work for them. The military draft is one example.

The real secret to the whole thing is the United States or any state for that matter does not exist. If there is evidence of a sites existence I would like for someone to show any evidence supporting that position.
Uncle Buck,
The willingness to kill without trial, that's what the OP is promoting. He wants to assassinate Snowden.

OP is a dumbass, i'm not sure if you know that, so i'm willing to extend the olive branch on that one.

Other similarities I see not promoted by the OP.
The "U.S." attacking others without just cause.

only one comes to mind, iraq. we got out of there.

The excessive printing of fiat currency.

inflation is pretty low right now, and i'm not certain that 1930's germany did anything like that.

Firearm registration. Banning firearms.

we haven't done any banning or national registries for firearms, smart guy.

and thanks for illustrating my point that you are asleep at the wheel: 1930's germany saw an increase in gun rights for all but the jews.

Spying on its citizens.

been going on since the cold war, maybe earlier.

Imprisonment without charge and no right to trial.

for a few unlucky assholes in guantanamo, not american citizens.

Snowden witnessed the taking of peoples phone and internet conversations without probable cause. For him not to report it would be the misprision of a felony, he has a duty to report crimes. Those that violated the 4th amendment by issuing the bogus warrant, if under oath committed treason. A dragnet scooping up untold amounts of wire information of millions of people is void of probable cause. I am not a terrorist and there is no probable cause to issue a warrant authorizing the easdroping of my private conversations or the taking of my personal effects.

no one was eavesdropping on your phone calls, the meta data was taken and scanned through by some computer to see if you had called any known terrorists.

There is no secret super lawyer (judge) that has the authority to circumvent his oath to uphold the laws of the United States and that includes the violation of the 4th. The excuse of national security doesn't float with me.

sorry if the excuse doesn't float with you, but the collecting of that meta data did serve national security purposes.

BTW this conversation is getting logged by people that feel some need to know everything about me and they can go pound sand.

the internet is forever. if you really think that the government is employing someone to actually read rollitup rather than just scan for keywords, you are insane.

  • AlabamaRedneck

    Learning How To RollLearning How To Roll
    Join DateJul 2013
Just joined, must be trolling!
I know your not going to believe this, but you just agreed with every one of my points.

i know you're not going to believe this, but you are inarticulate, have your facts wrong, and did not make a compelling comparison.
OP is a dumbass, i'm not sure if you know that, so i'm willing to extend the olive branch on that one.

only one comes to mind, iraq. we got out of there.

inflation is pretty low right now, and i'm not certain that 1930's germany did anything like that.

we haven't done any banning or national registries for firearms, smart guy.

and thanks for illustrating my point that you are asleep at the wheel: 1930's germany saw an increase in gun rights for all but the jews.

been going on since the cold war, maybe earlier.

for a few unlucky assholes in guantanamo, not american citizens.

no one was eavesdropping on your phone calls, the meta data was taken and scanned through by some computer to see if you had called any known terrorists.

sorry if the excuse doesn't float with you, but the collecting of that meta data did serve national security purposes.

the internet is forever. if you really think that the government is employing someone to actually read rollitup rather than just scan for keywords, you are insane.

He wasn't saying anything bad about Jewish people when he compared the US to 1930s Germany. He was making a comparison, and it was along the lines of "some of these things are reminiscent of 1930s Germany". I think he is right, I think the US is a fascist state and I think the economic bullying by the US upon the globe is comparable to NAZI expansionism. He didn't say they were identical. You asked for him to expound and he did but he left something out. The US is actively persecuting ethnic groups. Albeit not genociding (yeah I used it as a word) them, but the comparison was with 1930s Germany, not the Third Reich necessarily.

The US has an inner "problem people" and the gov't is seeking to solve the "immigrant problem". This is class warfare in a place where ethnic lines parallel class lines and I see a comparable situation, at least from an economic standpoint, however, I don't think the US will go the route Germany did.

One out of every 11 African Americans in the US are incarcerated where other groups have far fewer proportions. The fascist state is playing class war and has a gestapo-like apparatus.
He wasn't saying anything bad about Jewish people when he compared the US to 1930s Germany.

never said he did.

He was making a comparison, and it was along the lines of "some of these things are reminiscent of 1930s Germany".

more accurately, his words were: I'm telling you it's pre-war Germany.

I think he is right, I think the US is a fascist state and I think the economic bullying by the US upon the globe is comparable to NAZI expansionism. He didn't say they were identical. You asked for him to expound and he did but he left something out. The US is actively persecuting ethnic groups. Albeit not genociding (yeah I used it as a word) them, but the comparison was with 1930s Germany, not the Third Reich necessarily.

The US has an inner "problem people" and the gov't is seeking to solve the "immigrant problem". This is class warfare in a place where ethnic lines parallel class lines and I see a comparable situation, at least from an economic standpoint, however, I don't think the US will go the route Germany did.

One out of every 11 African Americans in the US are incarcerated where other groups have far fewer proportions. The fascist state is playing class war and has a gestapo-like apparatus.

i still contend that the comparison is not even close.
Did you hear about the guy who wrote "Runaway General" in Rolling Stone? The responders have been given a gag order and the official story is that he crashed his car. Before the gag order, an LAPD officer noted it did not appear the car was moving when the explosion occurred.
I was thinking uncle was going to try and bludgeon me into submission with his special words, but he will need to do a little more manuevering before he can give it another try.
I was thinking uncle was going to try and bludgeon me into submission with his special words, but he will need to do a little more manuevering before he can give it another try.

no need to bludgeon a weak case with wrong facts. the comparison was not there.

if you really want to talk about what happened in 1930's germany, i'm all ears.
Did you hear about the guy who wrote "Runaway General" in Rolling Stone? The responders have been given a gag order and the official story is that he crashed his car. Before the gag order, an LAPD officer noted it did not appear the car was moving when the explosion occurred.

That would be the reporter that got Mccrystal fired. When I first heard about that I thought to myself there is something odd going on.
There is a saying that goes something like this. You know you have defeated your adversary when they start calling you names.
There is a saying that goes something like this. You know you have defeated your adversary when they start calling you names.

i didn't really call you names, i said you had your facts wrong and your case was too weak.

hell, you never even really talked about all that happened in 1930's germany, you just listed some things you don't like about current day america (some of which were demonstrably false) and said it's like 1930's germany.

i'll go ahead and list some things about 1930's germany after i have some burgers and mow the lawn, and let you see if you can find the parallels in modern america. is that a deal, cupcake?