Obama on pot

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Washington (CNN) – President Barack Obama says that federal law enforcement agencies have "bigger fish to fry" than prosecuting marijuana users in Colorado and Washington, which voted in November to legalize the recreational use of marijuana.
Obama made explicit in an interview to air Friday on ABC News that prosecution of marijuana users in the two states would be placed low on his Justice Department's list of law enforcement priorities, but that certain issues must still be ironed out as more states could pass similar legislation.

"This is a tough problem, because Congress has not yet changed the law," Obama said. "I head up the executive branch; we're supposed to be carrying out laws. And so what we're going to need to have is a conversation about, How do you reconcile a federal law that still says marijuana is a federal offense and state laws that say that it's legal?"
What's Obama's definition of "low?" Because he has different definitions of words than are in my Oxford dictionary. "Transparency" and "close" come to mind. I think he's using an Arabic or Indonesian. Possibly Gaeilge. Harrekin?.
Washington (CNN) – President Barack Obama says that federal law enforcement agencies have "bigger fish to fry" than prosecuting marijuana users in Colorado and Washington, which voted in November to legalize the recreational use of marijuana.
means nothing, just a veiled threat of a future where potheads are no longer the smallest fish in the dragnet. of course low priority "Users" become "Producers" and "Dope Kingpins" when they grow 2 plants in their dorm room closet...

Obama made explicit in an interview to air Friday on ABC News that prosecution of marijuana users in the two states would be placed low on his Justice Department's list of law enforcement priorities, but that certain issues must still be ironed out as more states could pass similar legislation.
ha ha ha! more meaningless drivel

"This is a tough problem, because Congress has not yet changed the law," Obama said.
congress didnt pass a law making cannabis a controlled substance, the FDA and the Controlled Substances Act did that. congress can NOT take weed off the list of scheduled narcotics, only the FDA can do that, and they are disinclined.

"I head up the executive branch; we're supposed to be carrying out laws. And so what we're going to need to have is a conversation about, How do you reconcile a federal law that still says marijuana is a federal offense and state laws that say that it's legal?"
more useless blather, johhny law doesnt "have conversations" about "reconciling" two disparate laws. they bust you and charge you with whatever will stick, any other law is irrelevant to your defense on federal charges.

obama as always says a lot, but it means nothing as long as he stands back and watches Eric "Cockbreath" Holder bust every dealer with a nickel bag, while the DoJ smuggles guns into mexico.
I like how you think. Very true

means nothing, just a veiled threat of a future where potheads are no longer the smallest fish in the dragnet. of course low priority "Users" become "Producers" and "Dope Kingpins" when they grow 2 plants in their dorm room closet...

ha ha ha! more meaningless drivel

congress didnt pass a law making cannabis a controlled substance, the FDA and the Controlled Substances Act did that. congress can NOT take weed off the list of scheduled narcotics, only the FDA can do that, and they are disinclined.

more useless blather, johhny law doesnt "have conversations" about "reconciling" two disparate laws. they bust you and charge you with whatever will stick, any other law is irrelevant to your defense on federal charges.

obama as always says a lot, but it means nothing as long as he stands back and watches Eric "Cockbreath" Holder bust every dealer with a nickel bag, while the DoJ smuggles guns into mexico.
Chesus, I know you are going to take this as an insult but I have to say it anyway.

You seem like a bright guy, but you must learn to start thinking for yourself.
Yep, that pretty much sums up my take on Dear Leader's position as well.

One minor addition, I am pretty sure that DEA can delist cannabis on the CSA as well as FDA. Guess what, both FDA and DEA are executive branch agencies. If Obama "wished" cannabis to be delisted, or moved down, it would be done before close of business on Monday.

means nothing, just a veiled threat of a future where potheads are no longer the smallest fish in the dragnet. of course low priority "Users" become "Producers" and "Dope Kingpins" when they grow 2 plants in their dorm room closet...

ha ha ha! more meaningless drivel

congress didnt pass a law making cannabis a controlled substance, the FDA and the Controlled Substances Act did that. congress can NOT take weed off the list of scheduled narcotics, only the FDA can do that, and they are disinclined.

more useless blather, johhny law doesnt "have conversations" about "reconciling" two disparate laws. they bust you and charge you with whatever will stick, any other law is irrelevant to your defense on federal charges.

obama as always says a lot, but it means nothing as long as he stands back and watches Eric "Cockbreath" Holder bust every dealer with a nickel bag, while the DoJ smuggles guns into mexico.
It signals a world wide change in US policy

Yep, that pretty much sums up my take on Dear Leader's position as well.

One minor addition, I am pretty sure that DEA can delist cannabis on the CSA as well as FDA. Guess what, both FDA and DEA are executive branch agencies. If Obama "wished" cannabis to be delisted, or moved down, it would be done before close of business on Monday.

no, the DEA is justice, the FDA is commerce.

the dea isnt even in the right department to change the regulations for the controlled substances act. thats how the game is played, the FDA doesnt have to be responsible for the excesses and violence to the constitution performed by the DEA, and the DEA is "Just Doing Their Job" under the FDA's regulations which are empowered by the congr4ess' controlled substances act, which the congress created, but does not control. everybody has an excuse, and nobody can agree who is responsible, and thats why we have a president.

somebody eventually has to acept the responsibility, and it should be the president. reagan said, "hell yeah i oppose drugs, including weed!" and took the heat for his decision,nixon, Bush1, and bush 2, did the same. clinton and carter both waffled and did nothing, letting the DEA and ATF do as they pleased so they wouldnt have to stand up for their position, and obama is following the same shabby course.

the republican presidents may not have been right about the evils of cannabis, but at least they took a stand and stuck with it. Obama is pretending to be all things to all people with his "conversations" about everything and actions on NOTHING.
It signals a world wide change in US policy


"a world wide change in us policy"...

that makes no sense.

maybe we need a US change in World Wide policy.

or maybe a US wide change in world policy.

nope. no matter how i look at it, that's retarded.

Obama came right out and said going after personal grows is not a priority. That is the best thing he can say since as president he is tasked with upholding the law.

And you guys complain.

If Obama walked on water, you guys would complain he didnt swim
no, the DEA is justice, the FDA is commerce.

the dea isnt even in the right department to change the regulations for the controlled substances act. thats how the game is played, the FDA doesnt have to be responsible for the excesses and violence to the constitution performed by the DEA, and the DEA is "Just Doing Their Job" under the FDA's regulations which are empowered by the congr4ess' controlled substances act, which the congress created, but does not control. everybody has an excuse, and nobody can agree who is responsible, and thats why we have a president.

somebody eventually has to acept the responsibility, and it should be the president. reagan said, "hell yeah i oppose drugs, including weed!" and took the heat for his decision,nixon, Bush1, and bush 2, did the same. clinton and carter both waffled and did nothing, letting the DEA and ATF do as they pleased so they wouldnt have to stand up for their position, and obama is following the same shabby course.

the republican presidents may not have been right about the evils of cannabis, but at least they took a stand and stuck with it. Obama is pretending to be all things to all people with his "conversations" about everything and actions on NOTHING.

"Two federal agencies, the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Food and Drug Administration, determine which substances are added to or removed from the various schedules, though the statute passed by Congress created the initial listing, and Congress has sometimes scheduled other substances through legislation such as the Hillory J. Farias and Samantha Reid Date-Rape Prevention Act of 2000, which placed gamma hydroxybutyrate in Schedule I. Classification decisions are required to be made on criteria including potential for abuse (an undefined term),[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP] currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States, and international treaties."


Wikipedia, so it could be completely wrong.

I agree with you that the buck stops at Obama's doorstep. The drug war is his.
Obama came right out and said going after personal grows is not a priority. That is the best thing he can say since as president he is tasked with upholding the law.

And you guys complain.

If Obama walked on water, you guys would complain he didnt swim

Except that is not what he said. Read your own post of his comments.

Quit being such a racist twit. Just because he is black doesn't mean he can't swim.
Except that is not what he said. Read your own post of his comments.

Quit being such a racist twit. Just because he is black doesn't mean he can't swim.
President Obama says recreational users of marijuana in states that have legalized the substance should not be a "top priority" of federal law enforcement officials prosecuting the war on drugs. "We've got bigger fish to fry," Obama said of pot users in Colorado and Washington during an exclusive interview with ABC News' Barbara Walters.
"It would not make sense for us to see a top priority as going after recreational users in states that have determined that it's legal," he said, invoking the same approach taken toward users of medicinal marijuana in 18 states where it's legal.
President Obama says recreational users of marijuana in states that have legalized the substance should not be a "top priority" of federal law enforcement officials prosecuting the war on drugs. "We've got bigger fish to fry," Obama said of pot users in Colorado and Washington during an exclusive interview with ABC News' Barbara Walters.
"It would not make sense for us to see a top priority as going after recreational users in states that have determined that it's legal," he said, invoking the same approach taken toward users of medicinal marijuana in 18 states where it's legal.

"recreational users" is NOT "personal grows". The feds have almost never gone after recreational users, so Obama said absolutely nothing of substance. Carry on.
here you can listen as the anointed one 'says' a few other things, ...and all of these are as meaningful as what's spewing from his mouth today.

frankly, i think he should be shot as a traitor for his handling of the Benghazi situation.


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