Obama is going to give amnesty next week

I have no reason to prove anything to you. I know the truth and it makes me laugh every time you try to use it to insult me. It's all part of the game.

Sheskunk glows so bright she is incandescent. Every man within ten yards sprouts a blue-steel erection, even the impotent ones.
Interesting convo and I will check in later. Gotta start packing to move, hopefully for the last time for awhile lol.

And yes, my sewer and garbage fees have always covered the new cans. We just got three new ones as well.
how old are you ? Reagan admin changed the policy he signed in 1986 the following year which boiled down to amnesty.
Even if that's true, which it doesn't appear to be an apples to apples comparison, unconstitutional behavior by one president does not excuse unconstitutional behavior by another.
Even if that's true, which it doesn't appear to be an apples to apples comparison, unconstitutional behavior by one president does not excuse unconstitutional behavior by another.

bignbushy, if we want to know how to steal power tools from out dads to pawn for heroin, we will ask you.

similarly, if we need to know how to steal jewelry from our own mothers to pay for a fix, we will solicit your thoughts.

othrwise, you are not welcome or useful here and should leave this discussion to the adults on this forum.

thanks again, and best of luck hiding your sexuality from your racist daddy.
Thought she was a 10. That wedding dress was at the least a 16. Most women hold onto their dresses. Why don't you post up a picture of the tag?

like most humans, the size she wears varies.

i'll post a pic of the dress as soon as you get the mods to agree to ban you forever if you're wrong.
like most humans, the size she wears varies.

i'll post a pic of the dress as soon as you get the mods to agree to ban you forever if you're wrong.

Why would I agree to be banned? I see you all playing that "I'll leave forever" game. It's pretty fucking silly. Your wife's dress size means nothing to me. She's actually kind of cute. I'm into chicks once in awhile. I'd snuggle up with her. Without you of course.