Obama is going to give amnesty next week

National polling
California polling
both disagree with your anecdotal evidence

That's part of the reason many in the Central Valley support splitting California up. The Valleys conservative opinions and values are drowned out by the Liberal and more heavily populated northern and southern areas of the state.
Awe, another banned member that's being mean to UncleBuck.
Everyone that gets UB's goat is a former banned member. :lol:

get a fucking steam cleaner and some resolve and get to work on those piss stains, otherwise you are going to lose your deposit, beenthere.
That's part of the reason many in the Central Valley support splitting California up. The Valleys conservative opinions and values are drowned out by the Liberal and more heavily populated northern and southern areas of the state.
Well there you have it. I know in certain militia compounds in North Dakota. They are 100% against any immigration reform as well
How does the conversation start. Do you just walk up and ask are they legal or illegal ? How do you frame your questions? are most legal or illegal. How often do you drink coffee ?

I drink coffee daily. You start talking with one or two acquaintances and much of the coffee shop joins the conversation. Happens at the gas station and store too. Small town :)
Abraham Lincoln was a war mongering segregationist who routinely shit on the Constitution.

aren't you the same guy who advocates for racial discrimination and segregation on the sole basis of skin color in violation of the 14th amendment, ya fucking racist?
I lived in Salinas Ca for 8 yrs(lots of hispanics)
I've also worked with many hispanic sheetrockers all over the bay area. Needless to say, I have a lot of hispanic friends. I just can't imagine any of them saying "fuck amnesty". I
Just can't.
No the argument is
The legal ones are against immigration reform. Which simply is not the case poll after poll has shown
Wait. Are you saying that a previous grant of amnesty for 3 million illegal aliens has led to a (threatened/promised) grant of amnesty for up 30 million illegal aliens?

It's gonna work to secure the border this time, though.

there are no 30 million illegal immigrants. it's about 11.1 million right now.

what white supremacist website are you pulling your junk numbers from, and why are you too cowardly to answer this simple question yet again?
That is a false comparison.

Reagan worked WITH congress.

Obama is working AROUND congress.

bignbushy, are you saying obama is working around congress and the bipartisan immigration reform package they just approved which the houses refuses to vote on?

that's the stupidest thing i have ever heard of, minus your description of which grunts from a wheelchair invalid are equal to consent.
No the argument is
The legal ones are against immigration reform. Which simply is not the case poll after poll has shown
Yeah, all(as far as I know)my hispanic friends are documented. I just can't imagine ANY one of them against immigration reform.

Maybe, they're telling their bosses what they want to hear, out in the dust bowl? I don't get it
there are no 30 million illegal immigrants. it's about 11.1 million right now.

what white supremacist website are you pulling your junk numbers from, and why are you too cowardly to answer this simple question yet again?
See here is the deal
the first 2x he spouted this number he could be excused for being misinformed.
But after being corrected there is no excuse for the half dozen times after that he keeps spouting the number
Wrong. I live in Central California which has a very high population of both legal and illegal immigrants and what i'm hearing from the legal ones is that they oppose amnesty.

93% of hispanics nationwide support amnesty. i think you are as deluded as you were back when you were spamming for rawn pawl.