Obama is a racist and harbors a lifelong hatred of white people


Well-Known Member
That is incredibly retarded:clap:
Only because you are too incapable of understanding that is in fact possible.

I never said that it was the case, but it would explain the disconnect between loving his family, and hating whites. Which really is a slightly absurd theory.

Of course, for the sake of showing that I am in fact much better than you at offering intelligent debate, I will refrain from exposing your lack of intelligence in the usual manner of telling it and reveal it through a provable demonstration that you lack it.

Or rather pointing out the fact that your response has demonstrated that you lack it. See, a rational response would have offered some kind of counterposing point to the argument that I made, but as clearly that would have required more than the limited mental capacities that you have been endowed with, it can be reasonably expected that you would go straight to insults. No reasoning ability, no comprehension and no intelligence, yes, I do believe you are a classic example of a Democrat. That is, you're dumber than a box of rocks, and about as intellectually inclined as the oceanic sediment which like you is full of shit.


Well-Known Member
Ok that's great Brutal and next in fantasy land we will "debate" :roll:

The fact that Ronald Regan was in fact satan, yep it's official.


Well-Known Member
Only because you are too incapable of understanding that is in fact possible.

I never said that it was the case, but it would explain the disconnect between loving his family, and hating whites. Which really is a slightly absurd theory.

Of course, for the sake of showing that I am in fact much better than you at offering intelligent debate, I will refrain from exposing your lack of intelligence in the usual manner of telling it and reveal it through a provable demonstration that you lack it.

Or rather pointing out the fact that your response has demonstrated that you lack it. See, a rational response would have offered some kind of counterposing point to the argument that I made, but as clearly that would have required more than the limited mental capacities that you have been endowed with, it can be reasonably expected that you would go straight to insults. No reasoning ability, no comprehension and no intelligence, yes, I do believe you are a classic example of a Democrat. That is, you're dumber than a box of rocks, and about as intellectually inclined as the oceanic sediment which like you is full of shit.
He didn't need to make any argument, it's a retarted idea nothing more needs to be said.


Well-Known Member
that reminds me of a good one i heard today...

whats the difference between sarah palins vagina and her mouth?

only 20% of the shit that comes out of her vagina is retarded


Active Member
We all know it's true, and it's true for Michelle also. And it's true for the people Obama surrounds himself with, from Wright to Farrakahn to Gates. His historic first black attorney general has said that hate crimes are not hate crimes when it is black hate on white people.

None of this can be debated, it's true and we know it. The argument should be between those who feel Obama's hatred of white people is justified and those who feel it is not. You know, when they are out of power it might look a little like a civil rights struggle. But when they are in power it just looks like racism and fascism.

Just another stupid Beck-er.

Illegal Smile

I see no evidence at all that Obama loved his mother, and he called his grandmother a typical white person. He clearly has a lot of issues about his mommy and daddy and that's probably what drove him to the angry world of race politics in the first place. It is silly to say he has been buffered from his hatred of white people by his own white blood, in fact it has only intensified it.


Well-Known Member
I see no evidence at all that Obama loved his mother, and he called his grandmother a typical white person. He clearly has a lot of issues about his mommy and daddy and that's probably what drove him to the angry world of race politics in the first place. It is silly to say he has been buffered from his hatred of white people by his own white blood, in fact it has only intensified it.
You are a nut job. You have no evidence, and pointing to a quote that came from a radio interview about race and dropping the whole quote:
Obama told Cataldi that "The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity, but that she is a typical white person. If she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know there's a reaction in her that doesn't go away and it comes out in the wrong way."
You want to believe him to be a racist, because you will feel better hating someone else if you pretend that he hated you first.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I see no evidence at all that Obama loved his mother, and he called his grandmother a typical white person. He clearly has a lot of issues about his mommy and daddy and that's probably what drove him to the angry world of race politics in the first place. It is silly to say he has been buffered from his hatred of white people by his own white blood, in fact it has only intensified it.
He definitely stereotyped his grandmother, just as he has... rich white people, as well as poor bible believing, and gun owning whites (hicks). Has he left any whites out? Oh yeah, Liberal elites like the Clinton's, and other radical hippies who share his communist dream!

His grandmother was part of the problem, as he sees it, but I think he sees himself as an elite. He thinks he knows better, what's good for the rest of us black or white. His hatred seems to run along ideological lines, rather than racial lines.


Well-Known Member
He definitely stereotyped his grandmother, just as he has... rich white people, as well as poor bible believing, and gun owning whites (hicks). Has he left any whites out? Oh yeah, Liberal elites like the Clinton's, and other radical hippies who share his communist dream!

His grandmother was part of the problem, as he sees it, but I think he sees himself as an elite. He thinks he knows better, what's good for the rest of us black or white. His hatred seems to run along ideological lines, rather than racial lines.
I don't think that I know one person that has not generalized another group of people. Does that make every single person I know a racist? Does it mean that everyone that has made generalizations Hate other people.

Does every kid that says "I hate you" to their parents mean that they hate them?

Dude get over it, your just more comfortable hating him with any reason possible. Even if it is full of shit.

Illegal Smile

I don't think that I know one person that has not generalized another group of people. Does that make every single person I know a racist? Does it mean that everyone that has made generalizations Hate other people.

Does every kid that says "I hate you" to their parents mean that they hate them?

Dude get over it, your just more comfortable hating him with any reason possible. Even if it is full of shit.
Yes, every single person you know is a racist if racism simply means racial awareness and identity. Every human has that, it's an anthropological imperative. What varies is the degree of racial identity, the extent to which one lives "I am this, they are that." And even with that everyone with high racial identity does not hate over it.

I am part native american and I have more racial identity for that than I do for my whiteness (of which I am very proud). Most NAs are proud of their indian heritage and eager to support it and promote it. I very know few who hate white people. But native americans have never been part of racial politics the way black people are. Black in america is all about power and money, not about social justice. The diversity-industrial complex.


Well-Known Member
Yes, every single person you know is a racist if racism simply means racial awareness and identity. Every human has that, it's an anthropological imperative. What varies is the degree of racial identity, the extent to which one lives "I am this, they are that." And even with that everyone with high racial identity does not hate over it.

I am part native american and I have more racial identity for that than I do for my whiteness (of which I am very proud). Most NAs are proud of their indian heritage and eager to support it and promote it. I very know few who hate white people.
How do you go from the above to this:

But native americans have never been part of racial politics the way black people are. Black in america is all about power and money, not about social justice. The diversity-industrial complex.
Those sweeping generalizations are bullshit. So anyone by your definition that is "black in america" is all about power and money? Those statements show your racism against them. Those statements do not show any awareness, it shows ignorance.

Native Americans have had it hard in this country since the first ships hit the coast.

But the racial tensions have not been at the same level, it is just a numbers difference. There is not the same amount of native americans that live around white people (which is fucked up for a whole different set of reasons). For some reason the white racists have a hard on for black people. I don't think that in the 60's you had to eat in different restaurants, or not be able to drink in your own fountain.

Most of that may be because the natives did not want to be a apart of white society, but really what choice did the black people have but to be apart of the community, it was not like they could demand their land back.


Well-Known Member
But native americans have never been part of racial politics the way black people are. Black in america is all about power and money, not about social justice. The diversity-industrial complex.
Don't most blacks vote Democrat? Agree or disagree with their policies democrats are pro social programs. Maybe I didn't understand your post.

hater hurter

Active Member
The dudes throwing money we cant afford at problems and trying to socialize medacine man. You guys that think he's gonna legalize your dope are dreaming. I read his book and yes I do believe he's a rascist. He's also a muslim sympathiser. He's a socialist.
How in the fuck the people in this country voted for a guy who NAMED HIMSELF some crazy muslim shit name I can't figure out!

He's a socialist and a rascist. Kill Whitey.
sorry but that still doesn't make him the worst. bush did way worse. also, what's wrong with muslims? just cause some of them are crazy doesn't mean you persecute the whole group. if that was the way it worked then christians got some serious shit coming their way.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
And what land would that be???????????????
they should all be singing "this land is your land, this land is my land..." Or they should have been.

But they chose not to assimilate, and some like Luis farrakhan still seek justice. Not equality, but they want to see justice for past wrongs. They focus on the negative, instead of being grateful for being an American. Many blacks continue to live in the past, but they hold their chains in their hands. Black on black crime is a good example of self hatred. Whites won't be held responsible for blacks poor choices, any more than successful assimilated blacks.

Nobody has had it harder than Jew's, and no group more hated, yet they don't seem to have any trouble achieving their dreams. Take note


Well-Known Member
they should all be singing "this land is your land, this land is my land..." Or they should have been.

But they chose not to assimilate, and some like Luis farrakhan still seek justice. Not equality, but they want to see justice for past wrongs. They focus on the negative, instead of being grateful for being an American. Many blacks continue to live in the past, but they hold their chains in their hands. Black on black crime is a good example of self hatred. Whites won't be held responsible for blacks poor choices, any more than successful assimilated blacks.

Nobody has had it harder than Jew's, and no group more hated, yet they don't seem to have any trouble achieving their dreams. Take note
Self Hatred? That is asinine.

If you are broke and going to commit a crime you go to the people that you can reach, which happen to be the poor folks that cannot leave the shitty neighborhoods.

Just so happens that most inner cities are largely impoverished people of like nationality. So Black on black crime is simply neighborhood crime. To put a race on it is stupid and ignorant, no matter who it is doing it.

Jewish people tended to have been wealthier in America. And the crime rates for the wealthy usually are very low.


New Member
this is so hilarious...most people don't even know what their spouses think...but ya'll know obama's secret hatered HA HA HA. i'm glad you have the mirror avi brutal...you're just a debate junkie...your Regan comment put a hole in your boat bro:dunce: i do have some old junkie friends who liked the smack he helped supply though HA HA HA HA HA!