Obama is a racist and harbors a lifelong hatred of white people

hater hurter

Active Member
warlord who voted for mccain, you are just not allowing him to do anything you'll look at as good if in less than 9 months he's already the worst. your opinion is invalid at this point cause it's obvious you're biased.

illegal smile- yeah, i have noticed he hates whites, must have been that white mother of his. durrrrrrrrrrr


New Member
You all can be the dumbest mother fuckers I have seen. His mom and grandparents were all white.

But you all are racists anyway so whats the point, your going to paint people with the same brush you carry.
damn ur good. how fucking true. why they hate Obama cuz hes' BLACK.. bunch of haters..........................................:finger:


Well-Known Member
I don't hate him because hes black.
I don't like him because I see him as just another in a line of socialist presidents.
He wants to play FDR.
FDR did stagering damage to the republic IMO.

Hell I'm stoked because hes black.
Maybe the Blacks'll quit their bitching. :P
No, I know, fat chance.

Illegal Smile

Obama represents more than just a swing of the political pendulum to the left. He represents nothing less than a government takeover. A man who refuses to show us that he is even eligible to hold the office, who refused to salute the flag or wear a flag lapel pin, whose entire career has been about race and who has surrounded himself with avowed racists and communists all his life is attempting a virtual coup. I'm sure privately in his inner circle they agree and laugh. But he is clearly failing now. He was too cocky and too arrogant. Too much messiah, not enough american. Too close to the sun, wings melted.

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
warlord who voted for mccain, you are just not allowing him to do anything you'll look at as good if in less than 9 months he's already the worst. your opinion is invalid at this point cause it's obvious you're biased.

illegal smile- yeah, i have noticed he hates whites, must have been that white mother of his. durrrrrrrrrrr
The dudes throwing money we cant afford at problems and trying to socialize medacine man. You guys that think he's gonna legalize your dope are dreaming. I read his book and yes I do believe he's a rascist. He's also a muslim sympathiser. He's a socialist.
How in the fuck the people in this country voted for a guy who NAMED HIMSELF some crazy muslim shit name I can't figure out!

He's a socialist and a rascist. Kill Whitey.


Well-Known Member
Name: Illegal Smiles Location: Boondocks

You didn't even need to put your location in like that, we coulda guessed.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I have no problem with Obama's mixed race. If his lips were moving and Ron Paul's ideas were coming out, he'd have my support. I do have a problem with his politics and would still if he was a freckled blond white guy or woman. It is true some people will never like him because of their bigotry, but to declare the majority of his detractors as rascists is a heavy use of the race card.


Well-Known Member
He started the thread off racist, not just what's in between the words but with these words:

"You know, when they are out of power it might look a little like a civil rights struggle. But when they are in power it just looks like racism and fascism."

He has a problem with who exactly? "Them" He just didn't use the word niggers.


Active Member
im canadian.. but im pretty sure bill clinton was the best thing you had to a president in years....

imo, every country should be under communism... its just so much easier... hitler was the greatest ever. so is kim jong il.


Well-Known Member
You guys do know that Obama's Mother was white right? It's creepy she looks almost exactly like this girl I used to bang.

Just saying its kind of hard to say someone hates white people when thay have a white mother.


Well-Known Member
im canadian.. but im pretty sure bill clinton was the best thing you had to a president in years....

imo, every country should be under communism... its just so much easier... hitler was the greatest ever. so is kim jong il.
Reagan was better (not perfect, but better)

Clinton, a house built upon fraud, deceit, lies and an unknown number of skeletons that support the entire rotten structure.


Active Member
so he's half white?.. why everyone call him the first black president? isnt he the first mixed president?


Well-Known Member
You guys do know that Obama's Mother was white right? It's creepy she looks almost exactly like this girl I used to bang.

Just saying its kind of hard to say someone hates white people when thay have a white mother.
Not really. There is nothing that would stop Obama from some how rationalizing loving his mother and grandparents despite hating white people.


Well-Known Member
We all know it's true, and it's true for Michelle also. And it's true for the people Obama surrounds himself with, from Wright to Farrakahn to Gates. His historic first black attorney general has said that hate crimes are not hate crimes when it is black hate on white people.

None of this can be debated, it's true and we know it. The argument should be between those who feel Obama's hatred of white people is justified and those who feel it is not. You know, when they are out of power it might look a little like a civil rights struggle. But when they are in power it just looks like racism and fascism.
People like you have no clue.
It is a class struggle and the Middle Class is losing.