How did voting for the Kenyan help promote change?
He doubled up on Bush's policies, and you fan-boys just keep gargling the man's balls...
Most transparent administration in modern history, yet they fuck whistleblowers harder than they do "terrorists" ?
WAIT A MINUTE!! He never promised the changes would be for the good.
As the Anit-Con, he is doing very well with Fundamental Change toward an intellectual elitist class in fact with the Medical changes.
Elitism leads to Revolution. Revolution is Anti-Con by Definition.A New Constitution will arise for the ashes. It is a dirty game, but it seems too REAL to me.
It is so insidious, that everyone will say, Ruh?, that can't do that, can they? Nah, (the throw away line) they WOULDN'T do they. Yo crazy, Man. Stop blocking the TV. (That's how they get cha, right?...the long con)
You can see one attempt after the next to keep the economy driven down instead of up and it is a working CHANGE.
Gas is UP. Debt is UP.
Lack of Confidence is UP.
Fraud, Waste and Elitism in Govt is UP.
Union Bailouts are UP.
Phony mis-directions and Lies are UP.
Disrespect for the People is UP.
Executive Power in EPA, etc is UP.
Un-employment is UP.
Taxes are UP.
Terrorism is UP.
Fundamental Change for the Worse is the Agenda. It is working. Double dipping the worlds recession. Coming to you in 2014. BLAME the PUBS is UP.