Obama ... He's Lookin' Good!

I will go ahead so you have a fact about me direct and can use that about me later. i am a moderate republican..not a right wing activist or a left wing nut or a tree huggin hippie or a liberal crier.I believe in a strong military for preventitive action but will use it to enforce what we say. i believe in the governement doing wat will help the majority and not the individual. Yeah wont help all but will help the largest amount as possible. Do I want big government in personal business no but I understand when they may have to step in and help. I belive in cutting off all the outside help we toss away when we need the same help right here at home. Food, money,supplies to mexico, africa,south america why use them here at home. Fix our own back yard then we can help others. Do i believe in zero illegal immigrant laws yes I do. Do it right or get the hell out. Kids of illegals have us citizenship and right..nope they are illegal too see ya.Do i want a socialistic health care program hell no. Do i want caps on the amount charged for health care procedures and insurnace yes. Should weed be legal and taxed to help ease our medical patients and put money right back into our economy yes immediately. Do i want a pot head like ron paul running the country ?No...if a country makes a move or threat to this country do i react yes right away. You get 1 warning then you get action top show if you want to play that game you will loose. Do I think North Korea and Iran are threats to get on top of right now yes I do.. so yeah Im just a nut who loves his country wants its people to be fed, housed and cared for..So if being a proud American makes me nuts thats me as I love my country wouldnt want to live anywhere else and get veryb passionate when those who live here don't care or take a lack adazical look at it. Is the government and country perfect hell no.. Is it the best there is..yes yes it is
Heres a few simple ideas to use that would help ease our countries pain and allow us to stand and move forward... We fund citizens from other countries to come to school and give business loans to them automatically at our cost..we pay for that yet do we do that for our citizens or require those we pay that for to do any work in the US in return nope...Lets take some of our oil deposits filter them into our usage and drop gas prices which will lower goods cost which would stimulate business and the economy which would strengthen the dollars value. Maybe let drill under lake erie to the largest natural gas supply in the world and use some of that to lower heating bills. hell Canada drills in from thier side and then we buy it at twice the cost.Yeah these are fossile fuels but we get strong enough to learn we need development of new fuel. Lets stop paying farmers not to grow. lets grow all we can and export more surplus food. Hell we buy corn from Russia for gods sake.Lets cap homne interest rates so there are no high jumps that cause mass for closure.Lets make sure the money from casinos and gambling boats gets to the schools as it was meant and not diverted.Lets standardize school program teaching so all schools have a chance to learn at the same levels as those who have richer kids. Cut the DARE funding its doesnt work. Legalization of weed would open billions in law and prosecution dollars. These simple things would ease life and stabilize us beyond belief so simple, so easy. Then we stand then we can fund research and develop a new fuel. It can be done but isnt..thats what I would start with if I had an opinion in it. Solar and wind are nice additions but will not work in current form to even make a difference so why pour money into that when hydrogen is free to make and produces ..get this water??
We could put more people through programs like the miltary does. We foot the bill for school then you owe work to the country. Not military action but doctors offer free time at clinics to repay bthier schooling, same for lawyers,scientists, teachers. Ease thier struggles and trade for thier work. Take those education funds and make federal schools with contracts. why grant people to go to school for cultural behaivor studies jinstead of training a doctor to give country health care?Why fund so much border patrol needs when a good wall and prevention from getting in would save money every year. Think if you cleared the courts of charges like weed possion or paraphanilia possesion. How much money time and space we could have saved.These need to be addressed not worrying about who smokes, or what car we drive or that crap. Fix what needs to be fixed now and make a damn plan. You have to make an order and start small and work up you can not just address everything at once in 7 months especially when you are broke dead broke...Thats what Obama is doing he has no plan no start and is spending what we dont have and forcing our people into fear.He did that in Illinois then left and this state is done now....we need a person to do the practical who that is I do not know..Is it Obama no it is not
Heres a few simple ideas to use that would help ease our countries pain and allow us to stand and move forward... We fund citizens from other countries to come to school and give business loans to them automatically at our cost..we pay for that yet do we do that for our citizens or require those we pay that for to do any work in the US in return nope...Lets take some of our oil deposits filter them into our usage and drop gas prices which will lower goods cost which would stimulate business and the economy which would strengthen the dollars value. Maybe let drill under lake erie to the largest natural gas supply in the world and use some of that to lower heating bills. heel Canada drills in from thier side and then we buy it at twice the cost.Yeah these are fossile fuels but we get strong enough to learn we need development of new fuel. Lets stop paying farmers not to grow. lets grow all we can and export more surplus food. Hell we buy corn from Russia for gods sake.Lets cap homne interest rates so there are no high jumps that cause mass for closure.Lets make sure the money from casinos and gambling boats gets to the schools as it was meant and not diverted.Lets standardize school program teaching so all schools have a chance to learn at the same levels as those who have richer kids. Cut the DARE funding its doesnt work. Legalization of weed would open billions in law and prosecution dollars. These simple things would ease life and stabilize us beyond belief so simple, so easy. Then we stand then we can fund research and develope a new fuel. It cxan be done but isnt..thats what I would start with if I had an opinion in it. Soplar and wind are nice additions but will not work in current form to even make a difference so why pour money into that when hydrogen is free to make and produces get this water??

right on .
what a travesty acorn is. we are basically supporting one political party with goverment money. how fucked up is that. people dont even know better. most people dont have a clue.

i guess most people in this country dont have a clue or care. we need to start whacking motherfuckers. its the only way.
Can't wait until he and polosi pass the new energy bill... then we will see how well he is doing. So most of america will not aford to live. We will be the new third world country on the block.
oh its half passed and we are screwed good on this one. The largest tax increase in US history and a huge loss of jobs is now coming.. This is just crazy anyone would support this guy time and time again he kicks us while we are down and now the death blow
In a few short years it will take 87% of our GDP to pay for the debt.

Anyone think that is sustainable?

We, the living dead are committing the worst sort of atrocity onto the future. We are now surely the most greedy generation of all time.
Cam we impeach a president based on the charge of intention to destroy and dismantle our country? i say every dummy who voted for this guy should have to apy all his new taxes and fess only and let the people with brains try to claw out of his hole of death
I do not engage with people who do not respect the legitimately elected President of The United States.

Let's take a look at the history of your "legitimately" elected presidents.

and last but least
The Bush family.

Legitimately elected? alright. Complete f***ing morons? absolutely.
Cam we impeach a president based on the charge of intention to destroy and dismantle our country? i say every dummy who voted for this guy should have to apy all his new taxes and fess only and let the people with brains try to claw out of his hole of death

Let's take a look at the history of your "legitimately" elected presidents.

and last but least
The Bush family.

Legitimately elected? alright. Complete f***ing morons? absolutely.

FDR - Idiot
Truman - Idiot
Eisenhower - Paper Pusher
Kennedy - The closest the Democrats have had to a decent president since 1910
Johnson - Incompetent that couldn't do math
Nixon - Not nearly as bad as Clinton
Ford - :: shrugs ::
Carter - Fuck Up
Reagan - The closest thing this country has had to a decent president since Lincoln
Bush - First of 4 dunces
Clinton - Second of 4 dunces
Bush - Third of 4 dunces
Obama - Fourth of 4 Dunces

Maybe the first Bush could be given more credit, but in general the presidency isn't held by the most qualified, because the most qualified aren't interested in the presidency.