Obama Haters Unite


Well-Known Member
He's taking the biggest step.. bigger than any past President.. hes told Israel the truth.. they are Conquering lands unfairly with their settlements.. I'm no antisemitic but I am tired of the total support by past Presidents and all because they're scared of jewish US voting power.. what exactly has Israel done for the US.. fought in a war with them.. no... supplied support in UN matters...no... take any slower steps in building settlements so US can at least try to slow jewish hatred.. NO...
Canadians have yet we don't get the support, given military equipment or aid like the jews do, NO..and we ARE your allies... all we get are bigger walls ...
Hey, were just too nice, and with the douche for a priminister we got now we wont see a bigger military he canceled all the new f something planes.Harper actually told people to back down didn't he put Putin in his place?

I cant wait too see what trump says to ping pong (The leader of North Korea)

That'll be a show


Well-Known Member
While I have no love for the kenyan, look back to LBJ (post JFK assassination) . It seems every 8 years we flipped between Rs and Ds, and things only got worse. Why?

They were all bought and paid for

45 represents the best chance we've had to restore the republic, but damn the swamp is much deeper than you think

Have your barf bag ready...



Well-Known Member
While I have no love for the kenyan, look back to LBJ (post JFK assassination) . It seems every 8 years we flipped between Rs and Ds, and things only got worse. Why?

They were all bought and paid for

45 represents the best chance we've had to restore the republic, but damn the swamp is much deeper than you think

Have your barf bag ready...

Sup, kid?