Obama considers a dead ambassador a *bump* in the road...

I know I'm going to piss off some of my friends on the right but, I think this bump in the road gaff is about a much BS as Romney's horse or the 47% comment that the left ran with!

It's getting fucking ridiculous on both sides of the isle, I can't wait for the debates!
Yes, because we all know that the death of 4 American citizens including our Libyan ambassador is much less important that Romney's tax returns.
It would have to be poor people for you to give a shit...

It is amazing your cavalier attitude.

So what happened to the attackers of our embassy?
Care to comment on that?
again, remind me of how bush and company described introducing democracy to the middle east, you bleating partisan hack.


Bucky, it's time to let it go. Bush is no longer president. He has been retired to his ranch in Texas for almost four years now.

Bush was a terrible president; we agree on that. Obama is a terrible president, about on par with Bush. Responding with, "yeah, but Boosch..." to every Obama criticism just makes you look like a dimwit.
I know I'm going to piss off some of my friends on the right but, I think this bump in the road gaff is about a much BS as Romney's horse or the 47% comment that the left ran with!

It's getting fucking ridiculous on both sides of the isle, I can't wait for the debates!

Actually, I agree with you.
Bucky boy!!! No deflecting from the issue....

YOUR GUY!!! THE OBAMANATION!!! THE GREAT ORATOR!!! Just described the death of 4 AMERICANS as bumps in the road.

Are you going to blame it on the teleprompter? This is OBAMA!!! The guy that said, Elect me and we will have no more problems with the middle east. That made one of his first objectives to go on an Apology tour... The Obama that said he understood muslims and they would adore him and consequently the USA.

Now we have embassies on fire, dead ambassadors, muslim flags flying in place of American flags...

Tell me how great the Obamanator is again???

Or just explain where the fuck he decided that lives were bumps in the road as he continues to do the daytime TV circuit. He is too busy doing interviews on the "View" than to meet with the Egyptian president. We have a rockstar president and a rockstar administration. Obama golfs and campaigns while Bengazi burns...

I know, lets just blame Bush again!!


I'll describe myself as one who isn't drinking the Koolaid from either mainstream party so you have a frame of reference for where I'm coming from with my perspective. It is clear that you hate Obama... we all get that. I, for one, support your right to feel that way and it is my preference to debate points without calling people names. That's just me.., I support your right to call someone a "Fucktard" if that's how you want to exercise your speech. No doubt you and UncleBuck have plenty of history verbally jousting. Enjoy!
What I will say is to me you come across as if you are overly dramatacizing the choice of Obama's words. At the very least taking them out of context. When he said the phrase "bumps in the road"... do you really believe it was in response to the question: "Mr President, how do you feel about the death of those 4 Americans?"
Obama's supposed reply: "Those Americans who died were nothing more than a few little bumps in the road... not hardly worth my time to comment on..."

C'Mon... admit it... you're shitting us right? Huuuuuh... YEAH! 'course you are ya big kidder!! HA! Good one.
You put words together too well for somebody who would truly think that's how the convo went down. Isn't it more likely he was speaking in the context of how well the mission was being executed? That just makes more sense.

That being obvious. Any other point you may have even tried to make was immediately disregarded because trying to sell that line of shit made me assume the rest was prolly more of the same spew.

Yeah.. well here's the thing about that... I'm not gonna go read all of everyone's opining on all things political, and from where I'm sitting I don't see any "actng like an ass" going on fom this end. Let's just call this my jumping in point... starting with one specific response to one stand alone comment. Peace. :weed: