Obama administration throws cold water on vote recount effort


Well-Known Member
Michigan Certifies Donald Trump Winner Of State's Electoral Votes

As AP reports,

The Board of State Canvassers certified Trump's 10,704-vote victory on Monday, nearly three weeks after the election.

The two-tenths of a percentage point margin out of nearly 4.8 million votes is the closest presidential race in Michigan in more than 75 years.

Trump's win in Michigan gives the Republican 306 electoral votes to Democrat Hillary Clinton's 232.

Trump is the first Republican presidential nominee to win Michigan since 1988.

Until now, Michigan was never called by many of the mainstream media but now that is has Trump has 306 Electoral college votes...

And while WI and PA recounts are underway, it seems like an even longer shot for 'Jillary' to start recount in Michigan even though she is expected to ask for a recount (and has until Wednesday).

Trump would have seven days to file objections to her request.​

Isn't it wonderful that the "experts" (according to Jill) care so much about us?
1 down, 2 to go, and WI isn't looking good for the "hand recount".

Finally, a voice of reason emerges in Wisconsin to combat Jill Stein's useless recount crusade. According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Wisconsin Elections Commission Chairman, Mark Thomsen, who happens to be Democrat, announced earlier that the committee would follow through with Stein's recount request but denied a request that the recount be conducted by hand. Thomsen cited a 2011 recount that changed the overall vote margin by 300 votes as evidence that the current recount would overturn Trump's 22,177 vote lead in the state.

Citing the results of a 2011 statewide recount that changed only 300 votes, Elections Commission chairman Mark Thomsen, a Democrat, said this presidential recount is very unlikely to change Republican Donald Trump's win in the state.

"It may not be 22,177," said Thomsen, referring to Trump's win over Democrat Hillary Clinton in the vote count. "But I don’t doubt that the president-elect is going to win that."

Thomsen dismissed Stein's claims of problems with the vote as unfounded and misleading. But he directed his toughest criticism to Trump's unsupported allegations that millions of people voted illegally nationwide, calling them "an insult to the people that run our elections."​

Sounds like someone else wasn't pleased w/ Obummers plea to illegals to vote. :D
You've been on the fixed voting machine drum for months now. It is interesting that you no longer care.

The rest of the post was unoriginal, boring, obvious and unread. You could do with reading comic books to learn how to write.


Well-Known Member
Eh? I think you need to read that again.
How do you think that demo-crat is going to save face while denying a motion that would definitely invalidate the WI electoral vote by not finishing in time and perhaps throw the election to congress?
Defeating the hand count was denying a slap in the face to Dumph and possible upset.
I just forgot the wink smiley. ;)

This is the present president of our country saying that if you vote you are a citizen (in response to "undocumented...uh...citizens") and you think that illegals didn't vote for candidates that promised open borders, blanket immunity, and citizenship if elected?

You vote in a way that serves your best interests. Why don't you think others would?


Well-Known Member
How do you think that demo-crat is going to save face while denying a motion that would definitely invalidate the WI electoral vote by not finishing in time and perhaps throw the election to congress?
Defeating the hand count was denying a slap in the face to Dumph and possible upset.
I just forgot the wink smiley. ;)

This is the present president of our country saying that if you vote you are a citizen (in response to "undocumented...uh...citizens") and you think that illegals didn't vote for candidates that promised open borders, blanket immunity, and citizenship if elected?

You vote in a way that serves your best interests. Why don't you think others would?
Read the part I quoted again. The Wisconsin election official made his remark about Trumps unfounded claim that "millions of illegals voted". He's basically saying Trump is full of shit.

You interpreted the quote from the elction official wrong.


Well-Known Member
How do you think that demo-crat is going to save face while denying a motion that would definitely invalidate the WI electoral vote by not finishing in time and perhaps throw the election to congress?
Defeating the hand count was denying a slap in the face to Dumph and possible upset.
I just forgot the wink smiley. ;)

This is the present president of our country saying that if you vote you are a citizen (in response to "undocumented...uh...citizens") and you think that illegals didn't vote for candidates that promised open borders, blanket immunity, and citizenship if elected?

You vote in a way that serves your best interests. Why don't you think others would?
the chemtrails have definitely fucked your brain up.


Well-Known Member
Read the part I quoted again. The Wisconsin election official made his remark about Trumps unfounded claim that "millions of illegals voted". He's basically saying Trump is full of shit.
You interpreted the quote from the elction official wrong.
While he "dismissed Stein's claims of problems with the vote as unfounded and misleading".
He's saying they're both full of shit, just that Dumph is more full of shit than Stine which is perfectly in step w/ party lines.

Didn't we just have a contest for who was the least evil that started all this? :D

If the sarcasm w/o the wink did you an overhead I'm sorry I didn't add a /s tag.

Slow down. "Elction" officials should be the only ones in a hurry right now. ;)


Well-Known Member

Read bottom email first then go up.

Bernies comment in news report apparently violated some agreement. Meaning they muzzled him from the start imo.
nope. You don't know what they were talking about. But your knowing anything would get in the way of your narrative. So make it up. What did they mean by "we have leverage"? From there, you make the story up that you want. You are disingenuous about "imo". You treat this as fact, not something that is possibly untrue.

How about that CO2 filter you proposed as a fix to global warming? Do you have any idea how to trap CO2? If you did put filters on cars, what would we do with all those spent filters?

You have a rather unhinged imagination, childlike in the way that you can imagine things and insist on true they are. When children do this it's cute. When a senile person does this, we smile and play along. When an adult does this continuously, other adults find them pathetic.


Well-Known Member
While he "dismissed Stein's claims of problems with the vote as unfounded and misleading".
He's saying they're both full of shit, just that Dumph is more full of shit than Stine which is perfectly in step w/ party lines.

Didn't we just have a contest for who was the least evil that started all this? :D

If the sarcasm w/o the wink did you an overhead I'm sorry I didn't add a /s tag.

Slow down. "Elction" officials should be the only ones in a hurry right now. ;)

The election official said this:

But he directed his toughest criticism to Trump's unsupported allegations that millions of people voted illegally nationwide, calling them "an insult to the people that run our elections."
He was calling Trumps assertion baseless...."an insult to the people that run our elections".

To which you replied:

Sounds like someone else wasn't pleased w/ Obummers plea to illegals to vote. :D
You thought the election official was taking a shot at Obama. He wasn't. You interpreted the quote wrong.

It's ok to admit when you're wrong. Your RIU cred is still super strong.


Well-Known Member
You've been on the fixed voting machine drum for months now. It is interesting that you no longer care.

The rest of the post was unoriginal, boring, obvious and unread. You could do with reading comic books to learn how to write.
No, I do care.

But remember back when I posted this?
Here's a breakdown of vote methods per state <as per ballotpedia>:
Voting equipment usage
Equipment used
Alabama Paper ballot
Michigan Paper ballot
I especially care that the state with paper only has finished it's count and can do it again if necessary (barring "acts of god" that destroy the paper trail).

How is your "observation" pertinent to the post you quoted?
Could be about as pertinent as Stine challenging a state w/o electronic voting of vote miscounts because of "expert" observation that electronic voter fraud may have occurred in states w/ electronic voting? ;)

You claim my posts are "unoriginal, boring, obvious and unread", and yet you keep responding to them (if only to deride and berate) and admit above how you have read ones you have feigned contempt of before.

Stop reading them.
It's just a click away. :D


Well-Known Member
I always chuckle when they break down the electorate. Republicans kill Democrats among the uneducated voters. Ironically, progressive/dem legislation would benefit the uneducated, lower income bracket voters the most.

Apparently denying two gay guys in California getting married, or some woman in New York getting an abortion is more important to them then having the ability to feed their own kids.
Because Bible! conspiracy theory and their hell bent desire to do as they please no rules or regs.

It's low education fodder and those who would rule them:lol:


Well-Known Member
<snip>You thought the election official was taking a shot at Obama. He wasn't. You interpreted the quote wrong.
It's ok to admit when you're wrong. Your RIU cred is still super strong.
So I did remember A smiley!

I was just overwrought w/ the thought the my RIU rep was in question!
Thank you ever so much for your keen insight and kind re-assurances. ;)


Well-Known Member
nope. You don't know what they were talking about. But your knowing anything would get in the way of your narrative. So make it up. What did they mean by "we have leverage"? From there, you make the story up that you want. You are disingenuous about "imo". You treat this as fact, not something that is possibly untrue.

How about that CO2 filter you proposed as a fix to global warming? Do you have any idea how to trap CO2? If you did put filters on cars, what would we do with all those spent filters?

You have a rather unhinged imagination, childlike in the way that you can imagine things and insist on true they are. When children do this it's cute. When a senile person does this, we smile and play along. When an adult does this continuously, other adults find them pathetic.


Well-Known Member
For those that point out how Jill is not doing this for Htilery check out the support the Green party is giving her in this effort:

In a letter penned by Green Party Senate Candidate Margaret Flowers, and signed by dozens of prominent GPUS members, the Greens have rebelled against the farcical "recount effort" conducted by Jill Stein, saying "while we support electoral reforms, including how the vote is counted, we do not support the current recount being undertaken by Jill Stein."

The reason for this is that as the author notes, "as a candidate, Dr. Stein has the right to call for a recount. However, we urge the GPUS to distance itself from any appearance of support for either Democrats or Republicans. We are well aware of the undemocratic actions taken during the primaries by the DNC and the Clinton campaign. Greens cannot be perceived to be allied with such a party."

Flowers points out that the decision to pursue a recount "was not made in a democratic or a strategic way, nor did it respect the established decision making processes and structures of the Green Party of the United States (GPUS). The recount has created confusion about the relationship between the Green and Democratic parties because the states chosen for the recount are only states in which Hillary Clinton lost. There were close races in other states such as New Hampshire and Minnesota where Clinton won, but which were not part of the recount. And this recount does not address the disenfranchisement of voters; it recounts votes that were already counted rather than restoring the suffrage of voters who were prevented from voting."

In the letter Flowers also makes a case for pushing with electoral college reform and demanding transformative changes which remain impossible under the current political structure:

"The Green Party cannot build the political power necessary for the transformative changes we need by allying with two capitalist parties that serve the interests of the wealthy. That is why it is imperative that the Green Party is independent of those parties. We stay independent to give people an alternative to the corruption of two money-based parties. Greens reject donations from corporations and their political action committees to ensure we are accountable to the people and so that the people’s agenda is not superseded by the corporate agenda."

The letter slamming Stein follows a similar reaction by various prominent Democrats who have also accused Stein of engaging in a "time wasting scam."​