Obama administration throws cold water on vote recount effort


Well-Known Member
Yes, yes you are.

When faced with an historical fact that you got wrong, you cry and scream and call others stupid. Welcome to my ignore list. You join the the ranks of shitheels like Uncle Buck, Londonfog, and Chesus Rice. I'm sure you like that company, after all, you're a piece of shit too.

Don't bother replying, your intended audience will not read it.
Ok, then, at the risk of joining your list of ignoreds, I'll just point out that your fact was in fact a fact but irrelevant to the post made by one of your now ignoreds. Ever since there have been the two current parties, one named Democratic and the other Republican, only Repubicants won in the EC but lost the popular vote. Republicants are the party of the wealthy oligarchs and the people that accept their lies. Fortunately there are fewer of them.


Well-Known Member
Yes, yes you are.

When faced with an historical fact that you got wrong, you cry and scream and call others stupid. Welcome to my ignore list. You join the the ranks of shitheels like Uncle Buck, Londonfog, and Chesus Rice. I'm sure you like that company, after all, you're a piece of shit too.

Don't bother replying, your intended audience will not read it.

Put your big boy pants on and try again.


Well-Known Member
You're so fucking stupid.
The EC only elects Republicans against the popular vote (five times so far).
They've never done it for a Democrat.
Because Republicans don't whine it was fixed when they lose (4 times in the last 24 years or 2 out of every 3 times for the mathematically challenged).

Squeaky, have you not figured out your opinion means less to me than canine waste I compost?

Give "How to Win Friends and Influence People" a try. ;)


Well-Known Member
You should be happy that this recount is going on. You've been talking about fixed elections unto spam. Now, Jill Stein and the Green Party are going to show just how dirty the Republican win was. Isn't it great that the legitimacy of Trump's win in Wisconsin and other states is under review?
Michigan Certifies Donald Trump Winner Of State's Electoral Votes

As AP reports,

The Board of State Canvassers certified Trump's 10,704-vote victory on Monday, nearly three weeks after the election.

The two-tenths of a percentage point margin out of nearly 4.8 million votes is the closest presidential race in Michigan in more than 75 years.

Trump's win in Michigan gives the Republican 306 electoral votes to Democrat Hillary Clinton's 232.

Trump is the first Republican presidential nominee to win Michigan since 1988.

Until now, Michigan was never called by many of the mainstream media but now that is has Trump has 306 Electoral college votes...

And while WI and PA recounts are underway, it seems like an even longer shot for 'Jillary' to start recount in Michigan even though she is expected to ask for a recount (and has until Wednesday).

Trump would have seven days to file objections to her request.​

Isn't it wonderful that the "experts" (according to Jill) care so much about us?
1 down, 2 to go, and WI isn't looking good for the "hand recount".

Finally, a voice of reason emerges in Wisconsin to combat Jill Stein's useless recount crusade. According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Wisconsin Elections Commission Chairman, Mark Thomsen, who happens to be Democrat, announced earlier that the committee would follow through with Stein's recount request but denied a request that the recount be conducted by hand. Thomsen cited a 2011 recount that changed the overall vote margin by 300 votes as evidence that the current recount would overturn Trump's 22,177 vote lead in the state.

Citing the results of a 2011 statewide recount that changed only 300 votes, Elections Commission chairman Mark Thomsen, a Democrat, said this presidential recount is very unlikely to change Republican Donald Trump's win in the state.

"It may not be 22,177," said Thomsen, referring to Trump's win over Democrat Hillary Clinton in the vote count. "But I don’t doubt that the president-elect is going to win that."

Thomsen dismissed Stein's claims of problems with the vote as unfounded and misleading. But he directed his toughest criticism to Trump's unsupported allegations that millions of people voted illegally nationwide, calling them "an insult to the people that run our elections."​

Sounds like someone else wasn't pleased w/ Obummers plea to illegals to vote. :D


Well-Known Member
I do not understand the question.

Voting machines are seldom, if ever, connected to a network on voting day. Stuxnet was passed on a flash drive I believe. The same thing can happen when the local election officials design the ballot, update the program, etc.. It would take some coordination, but so did 9/11.
And we all know what happened with Skynet:wink:


Well-Known Member
There are many types of voting systems. I know a few. All of them that I know are entirely cut off from any network on election day. They only time they transmit is at the end of the day with the vote totals. The election judges and state's attorneys prevent local tampering. But of course, the software is a black box to them.
They use a basic data collection program which then flows through a modem to capture totals. Unfortunately, since the data is not 'real time' and resides until transmit, ANYTHING can alter that data..someone would just go in and change the numbers..takes you longer to login than to change them.

It's very easy to do:wink:


Well-Known Member
It's even a wonder how Republikkkans got elected.
I always chuckle when they break down the electorate. Republicans kill Democrats among the uneducated voters. Ironically, progressive/dem legislation would benefit the uneducated, lower income bracket voters the most.

Apparently denying two gay guys in California getting married, or some woman in New York getting an abortion is more important to them then having the ability to feed their own kids.


Well-Known Member
I always chuckle when they break down the electorate. Republicans kill Democrats among the uneducated voters. Ironically, progressive/dem legislation would benefit the uneducated, lower income bracket voters the most.

Apparently denying two gay guys in California getting married, or some woman in New York getting an abortion is more important to them then having the ability to feed their own kids.

@Flaming Pie has been on food stamps for a decade now, was on medicaid and still decided to pop out a baby, and voted for the team that has pledged to get rid of food stamps and medicaid.

she'll never learn.