most of what you see isn't framing, it's cheap security to deter thieves slammed together in one day. the GH is only mean to hold up for one season, although it will have no problem standing for 20 (or would if i spent the extra shitload of money on treated lumber). the idea is to work smart, not hard. not that it was smart of me to stake plants in 90 degree heat inside a GH yesterday, it just had to be done as branches were breaking from their own weight.
and it's clear that you're a kid working for his dad, you've even admitted you were 14. you couldn't even spell "grease trap" correctly, yet you're trying to tell me you install them? my ass you do.
you're a kid who is out of school for the summer tagging along with daddy. i helped my dad when i was your age sheetrock ceilings and whatnot. no shame in it kid.