Oath Keepers in Ferguson

They are defending THEIR definition of the Constitution. To them it doesn't matter that we have a Supreme Court, Congress, and presidential branch to uphold or amend the constitution.

This is ISIS thinking to a Tee

If SCOTUS keeps passing shit like Citizens United, I'll take my chances on a crowd whose stated goal is a more egalitarian interpretation of our founding document.

I needn't even address what I think of the executive and the legislative branch's records on upholding the rights of citizens...
He GAINED credibility with most people that day, except perhaps only in the minds of a few excessively militant types.

Oh yeah, the black lives matter crew/supporters loved him. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they follow his campaign around for some more undisputed stage time.

This illegal militia may be the start of your guns going bye- bye. Can you imagine what Gun opponents will have to say now ?

Are they going to say something different? Magic Eraser the 2nd?
Attendance numbers at his events since that day have continued to rise dramatically. That's the proof that matters.

And that is directly related to some black people taking over a mic and shouting at the crowd, calling them "white supremacist liberals."

You got a graph or something?

Maybe more people showed up because they didn't get to hear a damn word from Bernie the first go around because some assholes took over his stage, and he failed to "negotiate" the mic back from them.

If he is ever president, I wonder what other "negotiations" he will fail.
And that is directly related to some black people taking over a mic and shouting at the crowd, calling them "white supremacist liberals."

You got a graph or something?

Maybe more people showed up because they didn't get to hear a damn word from Bernie the first go around because some assholes took over his stage, and he failed to "negotiate" the mic back from them.

If he is ever president, I wonder what other "negotiations" he will fail.

If he'd fucked it up, his attendance going forward would certainly have reflected it.

You have an agenda and are creating 'facts' to support it. Your logic is flawed.