NZ Greenhouse Indica Clones 2010/2011 Season!


Active Member
yeah will be sweet to see if a plant will grow in winter over here with low light levels. good luck


Active Member
I have setup my 1mx1mx1.8m grow tent in the next room and covered it in an old painting drop sheet to disguise it lol...
Im going to place the 2 plants that are in Daltons mix (2 smallest plants) into the tent (pitch black) at 7pm and take them out at 7am (or slightly later if I sleep in :)) every day for a little while to start them flowering a bit earlier so hopefully I can harvest them a few weeks before than the 5 larger ones :-P



Active Member
Not that sure tbh, hopefully I can induce them to flower by doing this for a couple of days and then leave them out again. If they revert back to veg then oh well but Im sure they will finish earlier by doing this. I wont be able to do it all the time in the future so hopefully these next few days of doing it will be enough.
I will update with pictures later tonite when I go and put them in the tent with a little 30cm desk fan and dehumidifier aswel :)


Active Member
I went over to my mates who I got the 7 clones off and saw that same strain in his indoor flowering room, not much odor at all compared to my other friends rooms but thats why i got them and its ideal for me because smell could be a problem where I am (super skunk and ak-47 wreak alot more)... The colas aren't very fat either, his are just 1 week from harvest and only the thickness of a 250ml can of V not a 330ml pepsi can lol and not very long but oh well hopefully they will grow larger buds in my greenhouse :)


Active Member
Well I did a little bit of "supercropping" up the top on about 5 or so stems that were the tallest to keep them from hitting the roof too early because i want to keep the pots elevated up there to get heaps of light penetration :)



Active Member
Nah I don't think its doing jack except slowing growth I did it for about 6 days lol but the big 5 are flowering aswel at the same rate with the full 14 hrs or so light hrs per day that we getting atm.
Usually they get to this stage of flower around Feb 20th but this year its been early must be the strain cause some strains can flower with 14+ hrs light where some really need 13 hrs to start so looks like Ima have this harvest in March nice and early and since these leaves are very Indica it shouldn't take too long! Cant wait :weed:


Well-Known Member
Awesome bro! have you tried super cropping like that before? hopefully my NL will be ready before the end of March too.


Firstly i have to say Lol you live in Aucks haha my bad(jokes). Wow that was interesting watching your'e baby' s grow through this thread. Looks like a few leaves are suffering from a magnesium deficiency throughout this grow, hence the whiteish/ brown patches, look in to it for future references/ and grows. Why are the strings so loose?, when i LST i tie those suckers down with a little more authority, actually bending the nodes right down to touch the sides of the pot. You can play a E sharp with the string, and any ordinary string will suffice. As for supercropping, marijuana plants (weeds) are really resilient and can handle a lot of stress (depends who you talk to). I have nodes on mine that iv almost completely snapped in half and are just hanging there by a thread. Stand them back up, couple days later they've grown a knuckle to replace the missing stalk and is healthy as a motherf@$#er!. Im not sure why you keep taking them outta the tent? Do you have a light in there for it or nah? If nah, then i can see youre trying to get 12hrs sun 12hrs completely dark right!. During the dark hrs youre plant could do with alot more Co2 then what its getting in the tent, fix this buy using soda water in a spray bottle, and spray at the plants stomata for faster absorption, theyll love you for it. If you have a strict lighting plan for them there should be no need to take them out. good luck cant wait to see the rest of your grow.


Active Member
I stopped putting those 2 in the tent as the whole lot are now flowering with the 14hrs of daylight hrs we getting atm :).

Its was very hot on some days through Jan, not much I can do but I think its not so bad now with the panda film and fans going full speed so the older leaves might of done that because of the heat not sure if its magnesium deficiency as all the new growth is healthy and I'm covering all the Macro (Supergrow and Superbloom) and Micro (Earth juice Microblast) nutrients and using Additives (Earth juice Catalyst) and PHing my water aswel but thanks for pointing it out I will look into it.


Active Member
Awesome bro! have you tried super cropping like that before? hopefully my NL will be ready before the end of March too.
I havn't supercropped Mary Jane plants before as I never have found the need to (done it with tomato plants before though), just wanted to keep them elevated where they were to get as much light as possible and a few branches were stretching for the roof so I bent them over. This way I will hopefully be able to keep them elevated where they are until harvest time but that depends on how much more they stretch hehe


Active Member
just opent them ryt up lol could try bending the hole plant over to one side if possible.
they look pretty good yea