NZ Greenhouse Indica Clones 2010/2011 Season!


Active Member
Hey all, I'm leaving for a short holiday tomorrow and im back on the 3rd so I thought i'd do some updates!

Got a new camera, I'm really happy with it, should be able to get some real nice macro shots when i got some buds on these girls! :blsmoke: Tallest plant is 45cm tall! The 5 plants in debco pot power seem to be really taking off and the 2 plants in daltons premium potting mix are falling behind.

One thing I noticed is that the water gets used up faster in the pot power mix as the pots are always lighter so drainage is good whereas the daltons pots are always heavy and take a long time before i can rewater.



Well-Known Member
Mean bro looking good.. I tried to find that pot power stuff when we did our last repot but couldn't where did you say you got it from?


Active Member
Had a mean new years at The Mount! Real chill :blsmoke:

I got pot power from kings plant barn and "easy grow" (hydro store) but these shops are only in Aucks. Havn't seen it anywhere else soz bro


Active Member
Update time! :mrgreen:

Really happy with the way things are going in the 5 pot power pots! Tallest plant grew from 45cm to 56cm in just 4 days while I was gone! Im Stoked
Theres some burns on a few leaves from a bit of heat stress, not much i can do apart from turn my fans full blast but its very minor anyway
Also saw this awesome ladybug just chillin on a leaf :blsmoke:

Heres a video update of them aswel >

Enjoy! :joint:



Well-Known Member
Man they are taking off bro, I like the LST.. The hot weather did the plants wonders aye.. I will have pictures up tommorow!!


Well-Known Member
Looks really good. They truly will be huge by Feb. But even better yet you could get bigger pots! Thos pants would take off.


Active Member
They are already in 5 gallon pots which is enough root space for a 4 month grow, its a bit late to transplant now as im pumping the nutes and I dont want to shock them. I dont really want monsters in there i just want a very filled in canopy lol leave the monsters for the real outdoors :-P


Active Member
it will be sweet to see when yours flower.. compared to the random seeds that were plant by my house.


Active Member
Just the McGreggors green twisty ties.. comes in like a 50 metre roll.
I just drilled holes into the rim of the pot and tied the twisty ties thru those holes and onto the branches to drag them down horizontally


Active Member
heres a pic of whats growing in a green house near me

dont know what they are but had some huge leaves on them that the other half chopped off grr some of the leaves are about 30cm or more but the lighting is bad about 530lm per sq foot

don't get a lot of attention a bit of worm juice or seasol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats the same stuff Ive got, We tied all of the smaller plants on Saturday too stay away from the CHURCH's massive shadow looks really cool now!!


Active Member
That greenhouse looks sick bro my friends 1 looks very similar with big tall sativas in a garden bed wif mainly compost in it. The only problem is they stretch so much and the lower branches really dont produce much bud at all with the lack of light down there, its probably better to cut them off and use a screen up top (SCROG) to widen their canopy and create some kholas up top. thats why i chose an indica strain and topped to get them more girthy, lollipopped to get rid of the low down branches that would only produce popcorn buds because of low light and tied the top branches down (LST) to create a wide even canopy so now all my branches are getting loads of light and it should fill in with dense buds when the time comes :)

Looking forward to seeing how your LST goes kiwi! And espcially the guerilla they must be massive! :joint:


Active Member
yea bit late now but Ive started to bend her(LST) mainly the other halfs project this 1. be nice to get a few Os