Do you think it’s a bad idea if you are planning to harvest mid October? Have an auto that might go until that late in the season. My plants are in pots so I can always bring in during storms and if temps drop way down. Just want to hear thoughts from others with experience. Thank you.
I'm in the northeast very close to you. I harvest in October every year. I even pulled down flower first few days of November once.
Two tips for late harvest success; as the daytime temps drop mold and mildew can become an issue. If possible plants with flower need to be kept dry. I have a massive yard tent so I'm able to shield them from rainy days. Also use fabric smarts pots rather than plastic.
I also treat my plants twice a week with BT. Caterpillar and moths lay eggs into the fall. Works like a charm.
The plants can withstand cold very well. Aside from hard frost you should be good.