You just said it all... confusing. They should have a standard but who is going to take the time to clean up the fertilizer industry.I'm sorry if this confuses you. It confuses me too, but this system was developed long before either of us was born and is how I learned here on RIU about a year ago on another thread from @im4satori @nxsov180db and a few other contributors that I fail to recall. In all fairness to simplicity, IMO, they should no longer refer to the oxides as all other elements are referred to in plain form, and P, K and Si should follow this model.
I think Renfro would make a better teacher than I for learning xls but it's really fairly simple. If you want the cell to equal the sum of cells A1 and B1 you would just enter =A1+B1 ... it will even let you click on the cell to enter it's grid location into the equation... any other equations follow suit and you can use ()... if you can do the equation on paper then you can use excel to automate the calculations. If you can't figure it on paper then quit while you are ahead and stay with hydro buddy. Simple as that. Excel spreadsheets also run the risk of programmer error so never hurts to double check by doing the calculation on paper to verify when you just set up a new sheet.I saw a few other spread sheets for calculating nutes but never could figure them out. I'm just not versed enough in xls. I learned to use Hydro Buddy, but it is very restrictive to the elements it will compute, and for a guy like me that mixes his own micro blend, there was no place to enter elements like nickel, alumina, cobalt etc etc etc. Maybe I'll go search out some tutorials for using XLS for that. Can you give me a lead of which terminology I should punch in to get to the tutorials to learn this part of xls? Like how to do behind the scenes math?
All too true, I do hope someone verifies my work. Surely there has to be an error.Excel spreadsheets also run the risk of programmer error so never hurts to double check by doing the calculation on paper to verify when you just set up a new sheet.
Yes.G/Gal is that grams per gallon?
I'm probably gonna use mostly sulfates for my micros... I'm a little bit afraid to smoke ethyl whatever acetate.I get ALL of my salts from CustomHydroNutrients. If you get into formulating your own chelated micro blend, make sure you add a preservative as the metals mixed with the organic chelators mixed with light will rot and be ruined.
Hey... forgot to ask... can you plug those values (post #113) into hydrobuddy and see what it returns.
I'm probably gonna use mostly sulfates for my micros... I'm a little bit afraid to smoke ethyl whatever acetate.