Nutrient Challenge


New Member
And how much do you water your plants and how often? (What size pots too?)
I have my soil plants in mostly 10/15 ltr pots, some are in smaller pots but with those i bend over in week 4/5 of flower, when they come back up they really fill out with bud.
I feed the bigger ones mostly every 3rd day, i always keep an eye on the leaves, just when they start to droop and the pots are very light i feed, i sit the plant in a tray thats got the mix in the tray and let it feed from the bottom, it will draw up what it needs, i then soke the top of the soil to save it all drying up and going crusty, i leave the plant sitting in the tray until i know its had all it wants to drink, works for me.


I have my soil plants in mostly 10/15 ltr pots, some are in smaller pots but with those i bend over in week 4/5 of flower, when they come back up they really fill out with bud.
I feed the bigger ones mostly every 3rd day, i always keep an eye on the leaves, just when they start to droop and the pots are very light i feed, i sit the plant in a tray thats got the mix in the tray and let it feed from the bottom, it will draw up what it needs, i then soke the top of the soil to save it all drying up and going crusty, i leave the plant sitting in the tray until i know its had all it wants to drink, works for me.
Interesting technique. I'll keep that in mind.

Thanks again for all the help. Gonna sign off now for tonight.:-P


New Member
Its not mine dude, its just a pic from the net, ill show you mine soon, harvest day the 19th, i run a tight ship, mine are better than that, trust me.


New Member
Man ive been sitting on this pc all night, its 7-20 am i came on at around 11.00pm last night, i try my best just aswell ive no job, well full time garden work aint easy lol, am away for cigs as ive run out and its time for a large one. night shift over.


Well-Known Member
I know this will turn out a debate as people always stick with what gives them the best results, and what they use is always going to be the best, for aslong as ive been growing ive only used 3 brands, Advanced Nutrients, Ionic, and Canna,
Advanced can be a little costly but they sure know their stuff i cant fault their stuff and any time ive called them or emaild them they have been spot on and very friendly, their product is IMO way ahead of everyones, Ionic and Canna are also very good products, but lets face it, many people will say its not what you have its how you use it, far to many people think if you feed more or up the strength they grow faster, they dont, thats the fast track to death, you just cant get it through to people just starting out to start with ''VERY SMALL'' amounts of nuits and build up as they get bigger, ive got friends who get mega results with using tomato feed, they get those results because they can read a plant, and they know just when to feed it and by how much.
Its better to underfeed a plant than to overfeed it, with one you just top up, with the other you have problems will slow it right down maybe even kill it.
My number one tip to any new grower, dont start something when you dont know what your doing.

And one product thats a must is Hammerhead PK 9-18

Flowering booster with a bite

Hammerhead is a very powerful booster that delivers a specific 9/18 ratio of phosphorous and potassium to stimulate and sustain an impressively potent flowering response. Designed with heavy flowering and fruiting plants in mind, Hammerhead claims to provide the perfect NPK ratios to support optimum yields. Using only the highest quality ingredients to aid in fast uptake and fast plant response, Hammerhead is used throughout the flowering cycle to consistently stimulate the aggressive production of flowers and fruits.
i just talked to the rep from advanced nutes and he pretty much bad mouthed hammerhead and said p/k boosters "dont work" and the only reason they make one is to compete with canna, ect...

I agree with you and think they work very well, but the AN rep says the increase in bud size is a illusion ! whatever! i think they work...

I use the canna coco line currently except i switched out canna's pk 13/14 for hammerhead pk 9/18... cant really tell the difference. I think I will switch back to canna's pk because it is pharmaceutical grade and hammerhead is not. Pharmaceutical grade is always best and more absorbable. All the pros ive talked to, dont think the difference between 13/14 and 9/18 are gunna make any difference.
I suggest using the canna pk but use it the whole time (at a slightly weaker dose) like AN suggests, not only one week like canna suggests.

ive used canna, house & garden, foxfarm, biobizz, AN, ect. I think canna is the best but recently been leaning toward house & garden (they are similar, as far as i understand, the guy who made canna's recipies left and started his own company called house and garden) never have heard anything bad about H&G !... its cheaper than AN or Canna, both of which people like to talk shit about. people say both are too expencive and AN has way too many products and arent the best quality as they claim... I would have to agree about AN.

robinbanks is right less is more a lot of the time... keep your ec at the low end not the high... cant believe you dont ph though !!!!!!!!! Crazy!!


New Member
um yeah I'm not that impressed by the supernatural. advanced nutrients is crazy expensive. get the technaflora starter kit for an intro into a more complete and customizable style of nutrients in hydroponics.


Well-Known Member
I'm currently involved in my first grow and I've already tried several of the big fertilizer company's competing products.

I thought if I could get a consensus from some of the experienced growers on their favorite nutrients, combinations, and mix rates, that this might help me and some of my fellow noobs out there, the next time we peruse the vast array of products at our local grow stores!

When rating your favorites, please comment on price vs. value as well as quality!

Thanks in advance for all of the helpful suggestions! :clap:
This is just my opinion but to answer your question...

Best Value = the Fox Farm or Earth Juice or General Hydroponic lines.

Best Quality (and most scientifically advanced) = Canna Nutrients.

Best Quality and Value combined = House and Garden Van De Zwaan.

Best Organics = the BioCanna line... (it's soo organic that its vegan)

Most Expensive = Advanced Nutrients (unnecessarily complicated to use as well)

Worst Nutrients and Mediums = Everything at WalMart or Home Depot, ect... dont do it.

hope that helps as a rough idea?
...again just my opinion, im sure the AN lovers will hate on me and the canna haters will hate too :)


New Member
This is just my opinion but to answer your question...

Best Value = the Fox Farm or Earth Juice or General Hydroponic lines.

Best Quality (and most scientifically advanced) = Canna Nutrients.

Best Quality and Value combined = House and Garden Van De Zwaan.

Best Organics = the BioCanna line... (it's soo organic that its vegan)

Most Expensive = Advanced Nutrients (unnecessarily complicated to use as well)

Worst Nutrients and Mediums = Everything at WalMart or Home Depot, ect... dont do it.

hope that helps as a rough idea?
...again just my opinion, im sure the AN lovers will hate on me and the canna haters will hate too :)
Interesting. I'm glad to hear you like Canna so much thats what my local shop sells. There are other additives though that are supposed to be really good by Humboldt or Dutch Masters or other specifically weed-focused additives which should really kick some ass. But Canna's website has a "this product does not condone you using it for marijuana" page on the website which obviously means "GROW WEED WITH THIS STUFF!!!!"


Well-Known Member
Interesting. I'm glad to hear you like Canna so much thats what my local shop sells. There are other additives though that are supposed to be really good by Humboldt or Dutch Masters or other specifically weed-focused additives which should really kick some ass. But Canna's website has a "this product does not condone you using it for marijuana" page on the website which obviously means "GROW WEED WITH THIS STUFF!!!!"
if you use the whole canna line than you wont need any extra additives...they have all their own additives. Everytime i think i should be adding something more, I ask canna first, and everytime canna tells me that the product i want to add is already in some part of the canna line up.
if your growing in coco and using RO water than you could add some cal/mag but thats about all you'll need.