Nutrient Challenge


I'm currently involved in my first grow and I've already tried several of the big fertilizer company's competing products.

I thought if I could get a consensus from some of the experienced growers on their favorite nutrients, combinations, and mix rates, that this might help me and some of my fellow noobs out there, the next time we peruse the vast array of products at our local grow stores!

When rating your favorites, please comment on price vs. value as well as quality!

Thanks in advance for all of the helpful suggestions! :clap:


Active Member
Supernatural brand man. Works like a charm. Not too expensive, comes with a kit of grow products. Grow terra for veg, bloom terra for flowering, and super boost for max bud production. Your gonna have to get the stuff online but totally worth it brotha. Between 20 and 40 bucks for the whole thing. These nutes even say the never cause nute burn! Somehow idk if I believe that. Worth a shot though. Good luck buddy! happy growing!


Thanks for the info, brah. Supernatural huh? Damn; 20 to 40 bucks for the whole getup? Wish I'd known about that before I got an arm and a leg into my Advanced Nutrients adventure!

Anybody else out there?


New Member
I know this will turn out a debate as people always stick with what gives them the best results, and what they use is always going to be the best, for aslong as ive been growing ive only used 3 brands, Advanced Nutrients, Ionic, and Canna,
Advanced can be a little costly but they sure know their stuff i cant fault their stuff and any time ive called them or emaild them they have been spot on and very friendly, their product is IMO way ahead of everyones, Ionic and Canna are also very good products, but lets face it, many people will say its not what you have its how you use it, far to many people think if you feed more or up the strength they grow faster, they dont, thats the fast track to death, you just cant get it through to people just starting out to start with ''VERY SMALL'' amounts of nuits and build up as they get bigger, ive got friends who get mega results with using tomato feed, they get those results because they can read a plant, and they know just when to feed it and by how much.
Its better to underfeed a plant than to overfeed it, with one you just top up, with the other you have problems will slow it right down maybe even kill it.
My number one tip to any new grower, dont start something when you dont know what your doing.

And one product thats a must is Hammerhead PK 9-18

Flowering booster with a bite

Hammerhead is a very powerful booster that delivers a specific 9/18 ratio of phosphorous and potassium to stimulate and sustain an impressively potent flowering response. Designed with heavy flowering and fruiting plants in mind, Hammerhead claims to provide the perfect NPK ratios to support optimum yields. Using only the highest quality ingredients to aid in fast uptake and fast plant response, Hammerhead is used throughout the flowering cycle to consistently stimulate the aggressive production of flowers and fruits.


Well-Known Member
I know this will turn out a debate as people always stick with what gives them the best results, and what they use is always going to be the best, for aslong as ive been growing ive only used 3 brands, Advanced Nutrients, Ionic, and Canna,
Advanced can be a little costly but they sure know their stuff i cant fault their stuff and any time ive called them or emaild them they have been spot on and very friendly, their product is IMO way ahead of everyones, Ionic and Canna are also very good products, but lets face it, many people will say its not what you have its how you use it, far to many people think if you feed more or up the strengh they grow faster, they dont, thats the fast track to death, you just cant get it through to people just starting out to start with ''VERY SMALL'' amounts of nuits and build up as they get bigger, ive got friends who get mega results with using tomato feed, they get those results because they can read a plant, and they know just when to feed it and by how much.
Its better to underfeed a plant than to overfeed it, with one you just top up, with the other you have problems will slow it right down maybe even kill it.
My number one tip to any new grower, dont start something when you dont know what your doing.
Man that was Poetry. :clap: +reps


Thanks for the info RobbinBanks. I'm using AN right now in my 6th week of flowering. Everything had been going beautifully until the last week or so when I started getting a lot of drooping (and eventually falling) fan leaves. I flushed my plants today and found the water runoff excessively acidic (5.5 to 5.8) and the PPM pretty high (about 1200) as well. I had been pH'ing my nutes to 6.3 so I was surprised to see the runoff so much lower than that. I'm using Sensi-Bloom (A & B), Mother Earth Tea Bloom, Big Bud, and Bud Candy. Do you think the low pH and high PPM are due to overfertilizing?

Another question: Do you use the entire Advanced Nutrients regimen (like the stuff mentioned above and B-52, Humic acid, Fulvic acid, Barricade, Voodoo, Piranah, etc.) or do you just use selected products?

I was just wondering how many AN users actually followed the entire feeding program the way they (AN) recommend it. God, that could get expensive! On that note, in your opinion, is it a bad idea to combine products from different manufacturers?

Thanks again for all the help!:leaf:


New Member
Ive used the Voodoo, Piranah, good products both, when you said they went droopy were you not just abit keen on the feeding ? Have they now dried out ? your pics look good man, nothing wrong with them at all.
Ive never done a ph test in my life, to much is made of it, Cannabis is PH tolerant, you have a massive window of which is ok for them high or low, ive had droopy leaves a few times its never worried me, ive just backed off with the juice for 3 days, when they perk up ive just gave them water for a few rounds then back to business.


Ive used the Voodoo, Piranah, good products both, when you said they went droopy were you not just abit keen on the feeding ? Have they now dried out ? your pics look good man, nothing wrong with them at all.
Ive never done a ph test in my life, to much is made of it, Cannabis is PH tolerant, you have a massive window of which is ok for them high or low, ive had droopy leaves a few times its never worried me, ive just backed off with the juice for 3 days, when they perk up ive just gave them water for a few rounds then back to business.
I used the AN nutrient calculator on the website and went with the moderately heavy feeding option. I used just the products that I mentioned earlier and I pH'd the water to 6.3. I had been giving each plant 500 ml of nutrient mix once a day everyday. I never gave the plants straight water. Once again, things had been going pretty well till the last week or so when especially the fan leaves started getting dry and brittle and began yellowing, drooping, and breaking off. I figured it was toxic salt buildup from all of my reading, but since I'm a noob, I don't know for sure.

Do you think 500 ml everyday is too much? (plants are in 2 or 3 gallon pots)


New Member
To combine products from different manufacturers is not ideal, if you ''HAVE'' to do it and i have in the past id do a light flush first before going from one to the other, but when you look at diffrent products most have the same stuff but all claim diffrent bigger better results, we all must remember they are weeds, sometimes its a problem getting them to stop growing lol, they can do fine on their own in the wild all we do is speed it up a little, a big problem that people will always make is using to much nuits, am using IONIC the now it says to use 7ml per ltr, ive never used 7ml in my life, ill use 5ml tops, i try and get a very slight tip burn on my leaves ''SLIGHT'' its a sign you have the plant to the limit.


To combine products from different manufacturers is not ideal, if you ''HAVE'' to do it and i have in the past id do a light flush first before going from one to the other, but when you look at diffrent products most have the same stuff but all claim diffrent bigger better results, we all must remember they are weeds, sometimes its a problem getting them to stop growing lol, they can do fine on their own in the wild all we do is speed it up a little, a big problem that people will always make is using to much nuits, am using IONIC the now it says to use 7ml per ltr, ive never used 7ml in my life, ill use 5ml tops, i try and get a very slight tip burn on my leaves ''SLIGHT'' its a sign you have the plant to the limit.
And how much do you water your plants and how often? (What size pots too?)


New Member
If they are at the bottom and your well into flower thats normal, have you had a look around the site to see peoples finished plants ? yellow leaves at the bottom well in flower is normal, what does the top look like ?


If they are at the bottom and your well into flower thats normal, have you had a look around the site to see peoples finished plants ? yellow leaves at the bottom well in flower is normal, what does the top look like ?
A lot of the bad leaves were at the bottom, but there were quite a few crappy looking ones near the tops too. The main colas look very nice (see pics) with pretty dense and resinous buds, it's just that the fan leaves aren't looking near as good as they had in the past. :wall: